FAQ about Islam

Discussion in 'Islam' started by Meagain, Mar 24, 2005.

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  1. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    What is Islam?
    Islam is a Semitic religion based on the ancestry of Abraham. Its teachings are comprised of both faith and duty. There is no priesthood and there are no sacraments. Instruction is given by those who consider themselves learned in theology or law, except among the Sufis.

    Who is Allah?
    Allah isthe Supreme Being. Allah is the name of God.

    Who founded Islam?
    Muhammad founded Islam in his hometown of Mecca. His new faith was not well received so he and his followers moved to Medina (City of the Prophet). This is called the Hijirat, or the flight, and marks the beginning date of Islam.

    How old is Islam?
    Muhammad lived from around 570 C.E. to 632 C.E.

    What does Islam mean?
    Islam means submission to the will of Allah.

    What does Muslim mean?
    A Moslem is a follower of Muhammad (one who submits).

    Who was Muhammad?
    Muhammad was raised by his extended family after the death of his parents as a polytheist. As he grew older he came to believe in one God. At about 40 years of age he began to have religious visions. During these visions, he would receive messages or revelations. These were memorized and taught to his followers.

    What are the holy books of Islam?
    The Qur'an (or Koran) contains the religious insights of Muhammad. The Angel Gabriel dictated the Qur’an. It is infallible and without error. It is comprised of 114 chapters.
    Followers of Islam also refer to other documents such as the Hadith (the additional sayings of Muhammad), the Torat (of Moses), the Suhuf (books of the prophets), the Zabur (psalms of David), and the Injil (gospel of Jesus).

    What are Islam’s main doctrines?
    There are five articles of faith in Islam. All Muslims are expected to believe:
    1. There is one true God and his name is Allah.
    2. Angels of light exist and interact with human lives. Each has a different purposes or messages and every man or woman has two angels, one to record good deeds, and the other bad deeds.
    3. There are four inspired books, the Torah of Moses, the Psalms of David, the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Qur'an. All but the Qur'an have been corrupted by Jews and Christians.
    4. God has spoken through numerous prophets. The six greatest are: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. Muhammad is the last and greatest.
    5. On the last day there will be a time of resurrection and judgment. Those who follow Allah and Muhammad will go to heaven. Those who do not will go to hell.

    What must faithful Muslims observe?
    The five pillars of faith are duties each Muslim must perform.
    1. One must state publicly, "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah."
    2. Each Muslim must pray five times a day (upon rising, at noon, in mid-afternoon, after sunset, and before going to sleep) towards the direction of Mecca.
    3. Muslims are legally required to give Alms to the needy, which are to be one-fortieth of their income.
    4. During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims fast from sunup to sundown each day.
    5. If they have the means, Each Muslim is expected to make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. The old or infirm may send someone in their place. This involves a set of rituals and ceremonies.
    A sixth religious duty is associated with the five pillars. This is Jihad, or Holy War. If the situation warrants, men are required to go to war to defend Islam. If they are killed, they are guaranteed eternal life in Paradise

    What are the different sects of Islam?
    After Muhammad’s death a power struggle ensued over the appointment of a successor.
    One group wanted an original convert who had taught with Muhammad, another a member of a powerful political family, and a third thought that ‘Ali, Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law, was divinely designated.
    This debate developed into an argument over whether the successor should be chosen by election or heredity. This led to the two major groups, the Sunni and the Shi’a.

    Who are the Sunni?
    The majority of Muslims belong to the Sunnis. The Sunnisare thefollowers of Abu, the first elected leader. They are called the Sunni because they accept the Sunnas, which are the oral traditions and interpretations of the Koran after Muhammad's death. They are usually more liberal. They belief the Caliph (successor of Muhammad) should always be elected. They claim they are the true followers of the faith, and they refused to recognize the Shiites until 1959. They believe in predestination. During the Ottoman Empire, the Caliphs were called Sultans. They comprise the majority today.

    Who are the Shi’a?
    The Shi'a, or Shiites, believe that the successor ship should remain within Muhammad's family, and that leaders are spiritually chosen. The office of the Imam (leader or guide) is part of the Shiite hierarchy. There is one infallible Imam for each generation. He is a direct descendent of Ali. There have been 12 Imams since Ali, the last one went into hiding in 940 and he will return later to rule the world as a Messiah. The present caretakers of the office of the Imam are called Ayatollahs(signs of God). The Ayatollah Khomeini claimed that he was a descendant of the 7th Imam.

    Who are the Sufis?
    This is a mystical group who once lived in the desert as wandering ascetics abstaining from all worldly pleasures and dressing in woolen robes or sufis. They seek to eradicate the ego in order to achieve salvation. They have 7 stages to salvation: repentance, abstinence from worldly pleasures, detachment from the world, solitude, poverty, patience, and self-surrender to God.
    They worship by meditating, praying with songs and dances, and by gyrating movements of the body. Illumination comes in the form of ecstatic dancing, as may be practiced by the whirling dervishes. The dancing represents the movements of the planets and when the dancer collapses in a trance, he enters into God.

    These questions are offered as a simple introduction to Islam.
    They are presented as an opportunity for further exploration and understanding. No claim is made as to their accuracy or validity.

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