FAQ about Buddhism

Discussion in 'Buddhism' started by Meagain, Mar 17, 2005.

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  1. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    What is Buddhism?
    Buddhism is a way of life based on the teachings of Siddhata Gotama, called the Buddha. The name Buddhism comes from the word `budhi' which means ‘to wake up’. The Buddha's teaching, called the Dharma, reveals the nature of life and the universe. Buddhism is a religion of wisdom where examining one's own mind is the principal practice.

    How old is Buddhism?
    Buddhism has been established for around 2,500 years.

    Where and when did Buddhism originate?
    Buddhism originated in India in the sixth century BC.

    Who was the Buddha?
    Sakyamuni Buddha was born in Northern India as a prince of the Sakya family. His name was Siddhartha Gautama. When he was 29, he encountered four sights. The first three sights were of people suffering from old age, disease and death. The fourth sight was of a serene hermit that showed him that the attainment of peace was possible. He left his family in search of truth and eternal peace. After six years of ascetic practices, he realized that one must avoid extremes of self-mortification and the other extremes of over-indulgence. At the age of 35 (in about 525 BCE), while sitting under a Bodhi tree he realized the ultimate truth of the universe. The Buddha then traveled all over India teaching for 45 years. He passed away at the age of eighty

    Is the Buddha a God?
    No, the Buddha is not a God. He was a human being who perfected himself through his own practice.

    Do people worship the Buddha?
    No, Sakyamuni Buddha is the "Original Teacher." Buddha statues or images in temples are not idols to be worshiped but are symbolic reminders of the qualities inherent in all beings. Kneeling before an image of the Buddha is intended to bring to mind the teaching of the enlightened one. All Buddhists do not kneel or bow. Many of these practices are cultural. In the Chinese and Japanese traditions, kneeling and bowing are forms of deep respect with the understanding that the more one respects a teacher, the more one will learn.

    Do Buddhists believe in a God?
    No. The Buddha believed that there does not seem to be any evidence to support the idea of a god, religious ideas have their origins in fear, and the belief in a god is not necessary.

    Do Buddhists pray?
    Buddhists don't pray to God, because there is no supreme God in Buddhism.

    What does the Buddha say about the origin of the universe?
    In the Aganna Sutta, Buddha describes the universe as being destroyed and then re-evolving into its present form over countless millions of years. Life first forms on the surface of the water and evolves from simple into complex organisms. All these processes are without beginning or end, and are set in motion by natural causes.

    Was the Buddha a mystic?
    The Buddha did not address problems that perplexed humanity. He was chiefly concerned with one problem, the ending of suffering. All peripheral issues were completely ignored.

    Is Buddhism a philosophy?
    Buddhism encourages people to question its teachings. They are profound and give us much insight into life and the universe, but philosophy deals mainly with knowledge and is not concerned with practice; Buddhism has a special emphasis on practice and realization.

    What is a Bodhisattva?
    A Bodhisattva aspires to attain Buddha-hood and devotes himself or herself to altruistic activities. This particularly applies to deeds that help others attain enlightenment.

    Is Buddhism scientific?
    The Buddha encouraged his disciples not to accept any teaching until they had critically investigated it and personally verified its plausibility. Modern scientific discoveries have often confirmed many of the Buddha’s insights, particularly his understanding of the nature of existence and the universe. The teachings of the Buddha were always open to scientific examination. The current Dalai Lama has stated that if science and Buddhism conflict, Buddhism will change.

    Is there a Buddhist holy book or scripture?
    The Buddhist Canon is the Tripitaka, which means three baskets. They are the Vinaya (monastic rules), Sutta (teachings of the Buddha and His disciples) and Abhidhamma (higher philosophy). The Tripitaka, contains the essence of the Buddha's teaching and is estimated to be about eleven times the size of the Bible.

    How many schools of Buddhism are there?
    There are two major Schools: Theravada (Sri Lanka, Thailand, Burma, Laos and Cambodia) which is the teaching of the elders and Mahayana (China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan and Tibet)or the later development. There are many divisions among these two groups.

    Are Buddhists taught to be tolerant of others?
    Buddhists are taught to be broadminded but not to believe in anything before investigation or proper consideration. They are also taught the Four Divine States of Mind: loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity towards all sentient beings who may be of different nationalities, religions and environments.

    Does belief in Buddhism exclude the practice of other religions?
    Buddhism accepts the truths inherent in all religions.

    Do Buddhists believe in miracles?
    Sometimes unexplained things do happen, but just because we cannot explain such things does not mean that there is no reason for them to happen or that a god must cause them. It only means that our knowledge is incomplete.

    Does Buddhism have a code of morality?
    Buddhists avoid killing or harming living beings, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, and alcohol and other intoxicating drugs.

    Are Buddhists vegetarians?
    Not necessarily. The Buddha was not a vegetarian. He did not teach his disciples to be vegetarians; there are many good Buddhists who are not vegetarians.

    How do I know when I am enlightened?
    If enlightenment is a selfless state then the self cannot experience it! So if I ask, "am I enlightened" then I certainly am not!

    What do Buddhists believe about life after death and rebirth?
    A major concept in Buddhism is "anatta" there is nothing that can be found that can be called an individual's Self or Soul. When we die something carries on BUT it is not a soul or self. Just as the physical elements of the body are recycled, then the energies we have created will be transferred into other life forms and will affect others in the future.

    What is Nirvana?
    Nirvana is not well defined. The Scriptures tell what it is not, rather than what it is. It is achieved by totally letting go the illusion of Self and all the selfishness that goes with it.

    How do I become a Buddhist?
    Buddhism is very nonjudgmental and allows individuals to decide for themselves how much they wish to commit to the practice. You do not have to join a group. You do not have to find a teacher. It does not tell you what to do or what to believe. You may try it yourself and if it works and helps you then you are welcome to continue; if it does not work for you try something different. You do not have to go through a ceremony to become a Buddhist, though special ceremonies exist in each school of Buddhism.

    Is there a Buddhist wedding ceremony?
    In Buddhism marriage is regarded as a civil contract, not as a spiritual or religious union. Thus there is no standard Buddhist liturgy for marriage.

    These questions are offered as a simple introduction to Buddhism.
    They are presented as an opportunity for further exploration and understanding. No claim is made as to their accuracy or validity.

    GrampaLove, Mokah, Marsquake and 2 others like this.
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