Drug testing at my job

Discussion in 'Cannabis and Marijuana' started by newo, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. misplacedJim

    misplacedJim Member

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    I'm glad I seem this post. I use just about as often as the original poster and I myself has to deal with the random, unannounced piss test. I've worked here for five years and besides the one I took to get hired I've only been tested once. From what all I have read through google all this is a little confusing. From what I understand they have " cut off " levels in urine test. So if a person only is smoking a hit here & there a couple times a month how is that amount even detectable ? I've also read that for a person of single use its 2-3 days and its out of your system. But still to me it makes sense that if you only smoke a hit here and there a couple times a month it shouldn't even be detectable because its below the cut off levels.

    None of this I'm really sure of so don't take what I have mentioned and feel safe. If anyone has any insight to what I mentioned above please feel free to explain it to me.
  2. eatlysergicacid

    eatlysergicacid Creep in a T-Shirt

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    You're right there are cut off levels, but they relate to the amount of THC metabolite in your urine. There has to be a certain amount, and an extremely low amount of use will easily fall below the cut off, but the problem is that THC metabolite is stored in fat cells and released over time at a slow rate, so if you smoke every once in a while, depending on just how much you smoke, you could still be releasing a significant enough amount of metabolite from your fat each day to fail a drug test. It would rely mostly on the amount of time since the last time you smoked, but really there are so many variables to account for it's very hard to say whether or not you would be able to pass most of your drug tests whenever they might be.

    It also depends largely on body fat content. Someone with high body fat who smokes even twice or three times monthly could potentially fail a drug test at any time.
  3. ariekanibalie

    ariekanibalie Member

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    I'm astounded every time I hear about these mandatory drug tests US employers are allowed to spring on their employees. Off topic, maybe, but this would never fly in Europe, despite that traditional mores re privacy are falling by the wayside every day. There's still a consensus your body is your body and if it isn't negatively affecting your performance at work, your employer has shit to say about whether you toke in your own, repeat, YOUR OWN time. It's shit like this that just shows how miserable and authoritarian American business really is. Fuck, it makes me angry just reading about it. Smokin' this one for all you American workers with dickless bosses. Peace.
    LyzGa likes this.
  4. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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  5. newo

    newo Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I'd forgotten all about this thread until I ran into it just now. Here I am 5 years later working at the same place, haven't been tested again in all that time. Apparently now that pot's legal here in Oregon they decided it's best not to test people, they stand to lose too many workers and they're understaffed as it is. Two more years and I retire, I don't anticipate any problems.
  6. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I think it's interesting that any agency would continue testing after marijuana legalization in their particular state. I suppose they could simply side with the federal law, but there might actually be legal ground to stand on for anyone being prosecuted for having it in their system. Of course being high at work is a totally different story. But simply having used it off the job would pop positive on a drug test. Interesting...
  7. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    There was a case in Colorado of a wheel chair bound person loosing his job over legal weed. He also had a medical card and there was no evidence he had used during work hours. It's just that weed sticks around in the urine for a long time. Courts side with federal law. Our biggest grocery store chain has given up testing but most manual labor type jobs still clearly state in their job listings "we test for all drugs including marijuana". So what you are saying is you wish to operate a business in the state of Colorado but are unwilling to follow the laws of Colorado. I don't think so.
    soulcompromise likes this.
  8. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i think the job is allowed to have that kind of restriction if they want. it might be bad for employee morale, but it's not outlawed. i interviewed for a job about 10 years ago that wouldn't hire anyone who smoked cigarettes, with the rationale that they couldn't have people disappearing for 10 minute smoke breaks every hour.
  9. newo

    newo Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    While pot may be legal, a company can still have an anti-drug policy that includes marijuana and failing a drug test can still be grounds for termination. Just like alcohol is legal but you could be fired for coming to work drunk. But blood alcohol level drops when you sober up so you won't get fired for getting drunk the day before. But with weed you could go for weeks without getting high and still fail the urine test.
  10. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    If the testing is totally random though, it might be too risky to smoke at all. What happens if you fail the drug test? Would they fire you? My employer tests all new hires (like part of the hiring process), but there are no random tests after you get hired, there.
  11. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    I passed the random drug test at work..

    my drug dealer has a lot of explaining to do. .
    GLENGLEN likes this.
  12. newo

    newo Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    It's random but since I started working there almost 9 years ago I've had one drug test and that was in 2011, so I don't expect another one. If they do give me one and I fail it (If I fail it? Who am I kidding!) they might fire me or they might give me a deadline to re-take the test and pass it. If I get fired I'll be okay, I'm 2 years from retirement, I'll just drive a taxi in the meantime. I've done it before and I can do it again.
  13. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Do you know exactly the reasons for your company testing.
    Clearly if you are an airline pilot, police officer, drive a public service vehicle or work in the control room of a nuclear power station, you will be expected to be drug free. But other companies are less interested in minor traces, particularly of cannabis that you could have smoked passively when visiting friends. Companies have been known to use drug testing purely as a simple and no questions asked method of getting rid of an employee who they do not like.
    Do you not have any way of finding out what levels would constitute a failure and your companies attitude to the results if small traces are detected and they have no other problems with your work..
  14. newo

    newo Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I work in a call center where they simply have a no-drug policy. I'm not concerned. I've been there 9 years so they must like me enough to keep me there, and as long as I can do my job unimpaired I don't imagine they'd test me.
  15. GabonianSnake

    GabonianSnake Members

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    Ha, had the same issue several weeks ago , had been searching a lot about detoxing, and that's the one more or less adequate page on this topic TCH Detox: How to detox from weed? Best ways, tips, cheats
    However, it didn't helped me to be clean,cause it was too late and I was fired :(
    So you must know when to consume
  16. TraverGother

    TraverGother Members

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