Does Everything Have A Logical Explanation?

Discussion in 'Philosophy and Religion' started by Deidre, Sep 17, 2017.

  1. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    How might you write so that its precise meaning can only be arrived at through randomness . The
    correct meaning will be known by the good action that follows from it , illustrating it .
  2. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    But, everyone's definition of logic may vary. That said, if we go with the actual way to define logic, then there are many things that have no logical such thing would be religion. Many people believe in a higher power without any testable, quantifiable ''evidence.'' That probably defies logic, if you ask me.
  3. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    I don't find that illogical. Our brain is far more complex than we ever realize and our nerves are a series of electrical impulses. People develop certain characteristics of others around them and we simply don't know how we develop our particular talents.The concept of information passing from person to person and data deep within our DNA could answer a lot of life's mysteries including what we see as reincarnation. I never see things that we don't fully understand as defying logic. The way that birds can annually migrate for thousands of miles and return to the same rock is beyond human understanding, but is it illogical.???????????
  4. Monkey Boy

    Monkey Boy Senior Member

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    To wilsjane: Good point. Beyond explanation is a better description.
  5. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    Comes back to logic subjective? If you claim to have seen Big Foot, and believe all the evidence that supports your claim, but no one else believes you...are you being illogical? (I think in that case, yes...because there is no such being as Big Foot) But, to someone who believes in the evidence, he/she thinks that they're being logical. There has to be a cutting off point somewhere, no? Or is logic subjective?
  6. It all depends on your ends. If your ends are to create strong family bonds and friendships, being religious can often come in handy. Heck, faith altogether can be a way to come closer to God should you hypothesize the existence of such a thing. Contrariwise, a lack of faith may also aid one in their understanding of themselves. We all have different minds we have to hack.

    But reaching an ultimate conclusion on how everyone must experience and live their lives from birth?! That seems quite a challenge.

    I believe Jesus Christ said "Seek and ye shall find," and to some degree I find this an acceptable scientific premise. People such as yourself will claim there is no evidence, but many people recount anecdotes of a higher power having an influence on their lives. Are these billions of people's voices to be dismissed outright because "science is smart"?

    If you want something that defies logic, how about the Scientific Method itself? All hypotheses must be falsifiable, yet the Scientific Method itself is not said to be falsifiable. How does that measure out, logically?

    So, I don't want to get in a battle of wits of science vs. religion. It's a matter of pinpoint scientific accuracy vs. cute cuddly lion. Needles do have points. Lions do have fluffy fur. Which is a better description of how things are?

    Gaps in logic can be found anywhere. It's easy to point the finger at believers, but science itself has not proven itself to be trustworthy in the end. That is an article of faith. The atomic bomb, for instance, is an indicator of a place where so-called "reason" may take us. Another leap of logic, is science often reasonable at all? Please, for Heaven's sake, let us not pretend that so-called enlightened individuals aren't subject to the same petty desires that all people, religious and otherwise, are susceptible to.
  7. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    Logic does not require articulation to be useful . Bigfoot leaves big footprints ... shhh .
  8. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    Is every pattern logical ? And then , is it illogical that every pattern you see is a pattern ?
  9. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Desmond Morris, famed zoologist and so many other things has written many books...The Human Zoo...The Naked Ape...Manwatching.....etc....

    Anyway, if you read his books, he explains the invention of religion very logically.....

    Quite condensed from my words now...he says that other animals when faced with death....fright, fight, flight.........and they don't obsess about it like humans, and only when they are really faced with when humans think of death....they have invented religion to cope with it...or to fight , flight it..out of fright.
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  10. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    I do not believe I can ride a horse in the sky . There is Horse Cloud though , on the move .
  11. ThriceHistMorphs

    ThriceHistMorphs Members

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    Someone from China would have once agreed :)

    The Post-2012 Transmutation continues. We are currently in the Nigredo stage.
  12. What is Nigredo?
  13. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    uhhhmmm, no.
    I guess that to those who ascribe to the idea that religion is such a fabrication and "invented" have never had any personal experiences that defy human logic" and are often considered supernatural.
    I chuckle at concepts and attitudes that are more often than not based on a lack of information or direct experience rather than an abundance of it.
    Reminds me of the Timothy Leary quote
    “LSD is a psychedelic drug which occasionally causes psychotic behavior in people who have NOT taken it.”
    Religion is the same, causes a lot of debate and rhetoric in those who have never actually had a REAL spiritual/religious experience, and sadly that includes 99% of those teaching and espousing religion.

    the whole Morris concept is rooted in our being able to project into the future and contemplate our eventual demise, a function of the evolution of the frontal cortex, same as self awareness, knowledge of "right/wrong", and more. Basically all the "curses" mentioned with the "fall of man" and expulsion from the garden of Eden are rooted in the evolutionary development of our frontal cortex, even greater pain in childbirth, makes our head huge by comparison to other critters.
    Laid this concept out in detail a year or so ago in some thread here.

    so contemplate them apples for a moment or three. ;)
  14. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    That is great. You found something that works for you to believe in. I don't begurdge you or anyone that.....

    but to me, it is all about freedom...freedom of thought....freedom for people to find their own path....if that means if I am in a minority about how I feel about things, so be it.....It should be my freedom also to believe what i want to , like who I want to, etc. i am not enforcing anything on you.
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  15. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    what people don't seem to understand, is that the unexpected and unknown do not actually defy the logic of probability.
    what logic tells us, isn't that anything can't exist, what it tells us, is that nothing owes a damd thing to what we want to think we know about it.
    we can arrive at reasonable interpretations from what we can measure, that's what happens in science, that's knowledge,
    but logic also tells us, that we don't have to know about anything for it to exist,
    it is ego, and not logic, that tries to tell us that we do.

    (And of course, that also means we don't have to know a logical explanation, for one to exist either)

    as for irritation; i'm irritated by the lie that you can avoid causing harm by hating logic.
    that's not the same as saying logic alone can prevent all harm. i'm not claiming that,
    rather that no way can be counted upon to avoid causing harm, without the exercise of it.

    of course beliefs exist for the perfectly logical reason, of wanting to encourage people to want to avoid causing harm.
    why? because people wanting to cause harm make life unpleasant for everyone else.

    has nothing to do really, with whatever gods or god like beings which might ALSO happen to exist,
    but again unknown = unknown. unknown <> illogical.
  16. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    I have been convinced the unknown has a strong relation to illogical . And so investigating the unknowable is wild comedy ? ... aaaaaa !!
  17. ThriceHistMorphs

    ThriceHistMorphs Members

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    The Blackening stage. The first stage of the Work.
  18. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    yes, as in the tiniest particles of metaphysics...follow no logical patterns that we can their own la and carefree....:D
  19. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    Are you free enough to create , name and remember a new constellation of stars ? I'd be interested to know its name .
  20. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    There's a company who lets you name your own star and they send you a certificate. Nothing is really free I guess. ;)

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