Does anyone agree...

Discussion in 'Activism' started by get stoked, Oct 9, 2007.

  1. MikeE

    MikeE Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    That's a strange coincidence, the Republican party follows the same motto.
  2. MikeE

    MikeE Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    double post
  3. earthmother

    earthmother senior weirdo

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    The peace message needs to get out there MORE. Ya know, for example, there are some folks whose only source of culture is a Hustler magazine. So, give 'em naked babes for peace. The more people you can reach by whatever message works, the more folks have that "peace" thing rolling around in their heads. And seeing how peace starts at home......

    Big gap between violent protest and simply needing MORE protest. We need MORE. Lots more. Lots and lots more...

    People are not so dumb that they can't tell the diff between something worth protesting about and something not... You protest about what is in YOUR heart to protest. Some things we can mostly agree on, like blowing folks up along with their homes and families is probably not the best idea...

    Where are all the SERIOUS activists? There have to be more than just a couple... The 60's saw some serious, in-your-face activism. Who is doing what for peace and human rights?
  4. streetkid

    streetkid Banned

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    and the democrats dont?
  5. streetkid

    streetkid Banned

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    everyone should you say it like its a bad thing thats weird
  6. gardener

    gardener Realistic Humanist

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    "Fight for whatever you want?" Want and need aren't interchangeable. And neither necessitates violence. Protest should be in defense of a cause not an anti-movement. Positive action usually results in a more positive result. You should be defending against something and speaking up and out for something.

    Problem is no one seem to be defending or speaking out for our constitution, including our congress and president.
  7. Mellow Yellow

    Mellow Yellow Electrical Banana

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    In order to be effective, you need to be aware of what's going on, and be organized and constructive in your response. If you respond with violence, you're no better than the Bushites. Unfortunately, our main stream media is deficient when it comes to reporting the important issues, so you need to look elsewhere to find the under-reported issues. Watchdog groups like and the ACLU are useful resources in that they provide useful information, and they organize protests, petitions, and solicit people's phone calls to Congress.
  8. recklessrick

    recklessrick Member

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    If the Anti-war movement or any movement for that fact becomes popular these groups will only bring us more terrorist acts so the Neo-corps can further justify their agenda. If the movements get too loud, or serious they will be silenced by new attacks that will justify it.
  9. WWKCD729

    WWKCD729 Member

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    I understand the mentality people around my age group and younger seem to have...It seemed when I was in elementary school, us kids would always get these flyers stating, "you are a generation that is going to revolutionize the world" can take this many ways, and have many ideas, but the one common thought we as people on this forum, and others who have the same set mentality, is to do something about our rights,our privacy, our revolutionize this nation?hasn't anyone noticed that the more we seem to say. the more we just fail? do you wonder why that is? maybe it's because our generation seems to just give up...and our younger generations seem to follow in our footsteps..quite's embarassing...we fail because of lack of seems now, that if you stand up rather than sit down and shut up...we as an individual..think to, I look dumb...that seems to be the little block in our mentality...but the one thing we have to remember is that we aren't alone...just look at the people who are in this topic, the people on this forum....we are all together...yet, that little block seems to come back into the picture...we try to say, hey, let's form a protest, let's go out and clean up our neighborhoods, we just get shot down by countless ideas as to why not to do that...and theres always another person that says, "I will"'s another example of the "I will"...there was an article about two college kids on opposite sides of the country, met online, and decided...lets march throught the entire nation for peace, to stop this war, and maybe we will build and add more people that share our beliefs along the way. Do you know what happened? they marched by themselves, no one followed...what I am trying to say, is that if we can get enough "I will" rather than just being shot down, and giving up...maybe we will have a chance to become a revolutionary generation...are you willing?
  10. gardener

    gardener Realistic Humanist

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    All the more reason for our young people to be educated on their constitution and their rights. A reason for them to attend a protest should be that they agree with the cause, not that it's cool and maybe they can let off a little testosterone and look sexy for the chicks. The latter is what I am hearing more and more.

    And actions of violence will only do one thing negate the true purpose of the protest, especially in this atmosphere of "global terrorism".
  11. Mellow Yellow

    Mellow Yellow Electrical Banana

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    Protesting is not about being cool, it's about raising public awareness of issues you believe in, with the objective of affecting change.

    "naked babes for peace", now there's a good cause ;)
  12. recklessrick

    recklessrick Member

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    9/11 was a protest.
  13. WWKCD729

    WWKCD729 Member

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    9/11 wasn't a protest, it was more of a smack in the face i must say...that or it was a reason for us to go to war for oil if it really was a conspiracy...maybe you need to look up the definition of "protest" wasn't....and protesting isn't about being cool, it's about standing up for yourself and the any amount of people that are around you sharing the same belief. seeing naked girls would be another way to get it to become popular...but honestly, getting naked and standing somewhere while speaking your voice, is protesting, just going to a protest to get naked and stare at other naked people...isn't protesting, it's human nature, but not protesting..its something like that, that makes protests fail, because there are more people there to stare at boobs rather than actually speak their voice...yay for boobs, but not when something for yourself and others are at stake...
  14. gardener

    gardener Realistic Humanist

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    It depends a lot on what actually happenned on 9/11 and who engineered the catastrophe.

    The one thing 9/11 was, was a wakeup call. A reason to be more vigilant and questioning, but no... it sank into a situation where it became nothing more than a call for violence without the knowledge of what actually were the causitive agents. The west (the US and British citizens,etc.) allowed their freedoms to be compromised before asking for answers to the biggest questions.
  15. WWKCD729

    WWKCD729 Member

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    Couldn't have said it better..
  16. Mellow Yellow

    Mellow Yellow Electrical Banana

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    The world may never know, but it sure is suspicious, given how the Bush administration was able to exploit it to their ends. I won't go so far as to say they engineered it, but it wouldn't surprise me if they could've prevented it but didn't.
  17. recklessrick

    recklessrick Member

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    Whenever a Bush gets in office we have trouble with Arabs.Islamic people want the U.S and the stay as far away from Mecca as possible.Take your tanks and go home, and come back when your in a better mood, is what my Islamic friends said.
    We don't need oil we can use methane, hydrogen,there are other forms.Give it up.
    Yeah i know the corporations are taking us for chumps, so we are chumps as long as we let them.
    Another thing about protests not mentioned before and that is a thing called 'Infiltration' the FBI were all in the Weather Underground the Black Panthers the Veterans against the war, just about everyone and everything.And i wouldn't be surprised if Al Queda is half KGB,CIA,and the Mossad and British MI6. A good way to identify who the hot heads are, and keep an eye on them and manipulate them.
  18. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i would go a little bit further. not to deny the possibility that they MIGHT NOT have, but as already mentioned, motive and opportunity ARE in there!

  19. The Indy Hippy

    The Indy Hippy Member

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    I guess in the end man it all boils down to one major thing man. Protesting is not as effective as it used to be.... But that is not because it's the in thing. The reason that protesting isn't working today is due to the simple fact that our generation has been centered on violence an' hate more than peace an' love. True hippies are a dying breed in the U.S. Most of them have been shot down by the goverment both physically an' psycologically man.
  20. earthmother

    earthmother senior weirdo

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    Humans are a dying breed here in the US. Protesting is not so effective because folks are only being half hearted about it, because no body's listening and it's easier to watch it on tv. Us HUMANS are being squelched by the "other" guys, who are suspiciously like aliens from another planet in their insane actions. The split between "us and them" is pretty complete. Just like in the si-fi movies where some folks have received implants from the aliens and the implants are all turned on all at once when enough people have them. Then the implanted folks go about ruining our lives for their alien masters...

    The reason protesting seems not to be working is that this all happened before, not that long ago, in the 60's, and "they" learned a thing or two, so now "they" have more knowledge of how to sabbotage us. Their guns are ALWAYS bigger, and there are not so many "freedoms" allowed. They keep us guessing by randomly arresting folks for asking the wrong questions, reading the wrong books, wearing the wrong clothes, and trying to stand up for what we thought were our rights. Fear is a very strong mechanism for keeping someone "in line".

    Think about it. If you were in a violent or miserably unhappy relationship with a significant other, you would ultimately start walking on eggshells and trying to always do the "right" things rather than cause any more friction... But in a bad relationship, you CAN walk away. HAving a bad relationship with your GOVERNMENT, you CAN'T just walk away unless you leave the country.

    I think they simply still ALLOW a certain amount of protest at all because they have to keep the ILLUSION of a free society going as long as possible, even if only the less intelligent or educated still buy into their lies. There are PLENTY of those left and those are the folks who keep feeding the "controllers" agenda... The ACT of protesting actually does nothing except get your name put on a list. There is a GIANT disconnect between the "people" and the "authorities". They ain't listening, they don't care, and they will never allow anything to get better unless THEY want it too for some PR reason. And that is the way it REALLY is.

    I believe that eventually the greatest form of protest is simply to AVOID buying into the way the system is set up as much as humanly possible. Just try to live your life in the way YOU think is the right way. What if most of the country simply said to hell with all these wars and laws and regulations of the police state and began IGNORING them? Lots of us would end up in jail for sure...

    And there are already more folks in jail in the US than anywhere else... Can they put us ALL in jail? Well, yes they'd LIKE to, but no they can't. This country is already deep in the debt hole. WHERE will the money come from to jail the majority of the population? Already, they are frantically trying to figure out ways to keep folks on "house arrest" or "probation" rather than crowd anymore people into the already over crowded jails. They want about $50.00 a DAY to house ONE inmate! LOTS of inmates can't pay. The "legal" system is already in a shambles, they just still can't admit it yet. I do think that we could ALL simply put these IDIOTS who are in power in their places by not giving them the satisfaction of bending to their every whim out of fear or "loyalty" or whatever you would like to call it. I suppose you'd call it anarchy, but eventually they couldn't physically handle the strain. Imagine the image of trying to keep hold of an entire ant colony in a strainer. It can't be done and eventually the one holding the strainer would be forced to give up. THAT is the only way I see of effectively "protesting" anything. Be like the ant colony...

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