
Discussion in 'Stoners Lounge' started by 420steve, Mar 20, 2018.

  1. 420steve

    420steve Members

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    I am surprised at how many people don't know to decarboxylate weed before making a edible.
    weed is a THC-A compound that wont get you high till you you heat it up converting it to THC the psychoactive
    compound; when we smoke weed the flame is heating the THC-A turning into THC thus we get high, for edibles we have to heat the grinded up weed in a toaster oven or, a kitchen stove at a temp of 250 for 27min.
    then make your canna cracker and place back into the oven at a temp of 325 for 27min. each cracker on a gram cracker should be no more than 1/2 gram anymore than that you need to put onto another cracker.
    be exact on temp cause to low a heat will cause will make it weak, and to high of heat will destroy the THC
  2. trashed

    trashed Members

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    Hmm never heard of cannacrackers but they sound good with some cheese dip.
    Better make sure to have regular ones handy for the munchies or we might over-do it. I hear that doesn't always go well..
  3. trashed

    trashed Members

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    BTW welcome to the forum 420 :)
  4. 420steve

    420steve Members

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    ty :) there is quite a few video's on youtube on how to make a canna cracker
  5. 420steve

    420steve Members

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    edibles also is not recommend for 1st timers, due to edibles being really strong, and last for hours 6+.... takes anywhere from 30min to 1hr or so to peak, at peak you will be past pluto
  6. 420steve

    420steve Members

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    sorry I meant 30min to 1hr to kick in, at peak you will be past pluto
  7. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Final destination: alpha centauri
    Orison and trashed like this.
  8. trashed

    trashed Members

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    Id like to try it sometime, done my share of toking but never edibles. Sounds like a real blast- off
  9. 420steve

    420steve Members

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    also some people may claim that you don't have to decarboxylate weed, well that is sorta true case without decarboxylating the weed 1st, the weed will decarboxylate some in the cracker, and that will not pack enough of a punch, or rather should I say wasting THC, decarboxylating the weed 1st before making the canna cracker will ensure that you are getting the max thc from your weed. also the higher the trans. fat content, in your peanut butter, ect. the better; I use nutella cause it has a higher trans. fat content than peanut butter with the oil that separates from the peanut butter, or at least that I have found so far.
    trashed likes this.
  10. 420steve

    420steve Members

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    yea it will def. be more potent than smoking
  11. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    Cashew butter has even more saturated fat than most other "butters"... I've been eating edibles only since 2012...

    I've read and read and read all about the decarboxylating, and how supposedly I even need to do this prior to cooking my firecrackers. Well I've done it both ways - and way more than once...

    And my gourmet strong-ass firecrackers are JUST as strong when I have not gone to the trouble of decarboxylating it.

    I've also read in my research (MUCH research!) that when you have dry weed it is already considered decarboxylated, especially when you cook it furthur and/or smoke it. Decarboxylating IN MY OPINION is most needed when people are picking their own stuff green and think they are going to use it green in cooking. Of course even dummyheads know you need to get it dry to smoke it...and they would be (not knowingly) decarboxylating it before smoking...but I'm also aware that the mere process of smoking does further decarboxylating, or that is what is said.
    trashed likes this.
  12. 420steve

    420steve Members

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    further decarboxylating when smoking is a myth, because at a temp higher than 250 will evaporate the THC, smoking you inhale before the THC can escape through evaporation, or boil off, and yes drier weed will be a little more potent than fresh dried, and cured weed, but yes decarboxylating def. helps ensure that you are getting max THC from the weed. like i said just preparing the canna cracker without decarboxylating, the weed will still decarboxylate some like i said, but not as well as if you decarboxylate your weed 1st, why take a chance of wasting any THC? I would rather take the extra step to ensure that I am not wasting any THC. and where did you come up with dried weed is already decarboxylated, when it is temp that decarboxylates. and to decarboxylate you must achieve a certain temp, and also have done a lot of research into cannabis. Also you be surprised that some people are not aware that you have to dry, and cure before enjoying. (but these are people that are new to everything on the subject)
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2018
  13. 420steve

    420steve Members

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    best thing for people to do is, for people to get educated on it all, so that way they can be proficient at what they are doing, also learning about it all is fun as hell in it's self
  14. 420steve

    420steve Members

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    sorry for improper use of punctuation, never was my strong suit.
  15. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Not really worth it to make my own edibles when it's $2 a dose for ones tastier than I could ever make. But in the old days I made crackers all the time.
    trashed likes this.
  16. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I've done my fair share of edibles. In my experience, you DO need to be mindful of the recommended dosage. Other people will tell you that you don't, but I did them every day for a year or so (and I mean every single day) and found it necessary.

    Anyway, it's an experience not to be missed; just be careful. I was revisiting this in my mind the other day when someone posted something about Amsterdam coffee shops. I don't use anything anymore, but I imagine I would like to do edibles from an Amsterdam coffee shop! :)
    trashed likes this.
  17. kid4twenty

    kid4twenty Members

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    Amsterdam coffee shops sell the best edibles! My friends always recommend it. They visit there twice a year to get off their chops so to speak
    soulcompromise likes this.

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