All Religions Are False.

Discussion in 'Agnosticism and Atheism' started by RichardTheFrog, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Me? Sarcastic? Perish the thought!
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  2. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    Socrates, Hannibal, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Virgil, Jesus Christ, the emperor Hadrian, Gregory the Great, the Venerable Bede, St. Boniface (the English missionary to the Germans), Hildebrand aka Pope Gregory VII (who created the Roman Catholic Church as we know it), Abelard and Heloise, Joan of Arc, Savonarola, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Queen Catherine Howard, Lady Jane Grey, Mary I, Elizabeth I, Henry III of France, Queen Christina of Sweden, Newton, William III and Mary II, Charles II of Spain (famous only for what he did not do, including not having any heir), Alexander Pope, Frederick the Great of Prussia, Charlotte Corday, Alexander I of Russia, George Washington, Jane Austen, John Keats, Jane and Thomas Carlyle, Pio Nono, Florence Nightingale, Emily Bronte, George Elliot, Henry James, George Bernard Shaw, Vincent van Gogh, Lenin, Sydney and Beatrice Webb, Adolf Hitler, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Frieda Kahlo, Edward Heath, Nowell Coward, Anne Frank

    -famous people who never had children. They exist as neurotransmitters in our head.
  3. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Hmm....the specific proof isn't showing up on my computer screen. Is anyone else having this problem?
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  4. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    No, I think it is. Why don't we do this.... you tell me what you believe as an agnostic, because I'm pretty sure I just explained the whole thing to you....

    Be specific about what I didn't explain. I think I just said everything that a god was not needed to do. Didn't I?

    What are you having trouble with? What are your beliefs exactly?

    do you think that god created human beings? The Earth? The solar system? the physical universe? The fish? The stars? The mountains? The oceans?

    He did none of this and I did just give you specific proof, not to mention further sources if you wanted to do your own research.

    So be specific about what I didn't answer.
  5. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    so you are writing a book and that is an excerpt from it......

    it makes me want to cry....
    if you believe that is a thorough and scholarly handling of the topic matter, it makes me weep for the fucked up education systems in the world.
    I've written insults that were more intelligent and better worded.
    I've penned trip reports that were more scholarly.

    c'mon now, do you really expect anyone to take you seriously when that is what you have to offer?

    are you in grade 5?

    still waiting for this Earth shattering proof.
    remember, you threw down the gauntlet, therefore the responsibility is on you to prove your position, and not just by saying "read these books".
    2 people like this.
  6. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    dont spill me bro..
  7. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    you obviously have no concept of the scientific process or what constitutes "proof" or that all of science is based on probabilities anyway and there are no absolutes, just probabilities and improbabilities.

    it is your own fantasy/pop culture understanding of religion that is fucking your head up, not anything else.
  8. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    I've given you proof a million times!

    Right now, I'm almost considering the fact that you don't even know how to read!

    No science??? Did I not quote 10000s of pages of science textbooks? Or did you even bother to look at those books and see what they contain?

    I GUARANTEE I know more about the subject of science and religion than you.

    I explained everything! Do you not know how to read? Is that the problem?

    I think you just need to read those books.

    Do you even know what the Permian Period is? The Ordovician? The Silurian? Do you know what the first organisms were that had centralized nervous systems? Do you know what a diffuse nervous system is?

    Do you know what molecules make up a cell? That is EASY, they taught that in 9th grade.

    And someone said "books with 'big' words"... YES!!! EXACTLY!!!! That is what I have read. The science textbooks that are the culmination of all proven human knowledge and you're going to say that I don't know anything.

    I know about religions that you've probably never heard of!!!

    Tell me the history and beliefs of Shintoism without looking it up right now? Have you ever even heard of Amaterasu?

    Science is absolute!!!! That's the definition of it!!!! Are you using technology right now? Wouldn't have been possible without 1000s of years of knowledge. And please don't tell me you're going to discount all of scientific knowledge based on Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle!!! You might as well say that you are unsure whether you need water to live.

    For example, read the book Essential of Geology. A geology textbook. Are you telling me they're just guessing??? Scientists do not guess. It is fact.
  9. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Where does love come from?
  10. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    In answer to where does love come from..... you have to look in evolution for the answer just as in all things......

    Human beings can love. Can chimpanzees? Do other mammals? Reptiles? Insects?

    At what point in the evolutionary tree did love come to exist.

    I would suggest somewhere in the cerebral cortex.

    Insects eat their own relatives. So do some reptiles. Even some human beings have antisocial personalities.

    I think everyone loves their children. Probably even insects.

    Trees can't love. Neither can bacteria. Neither can fungi.

    So to answer your question.... I don't know.
  11. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    First of all need to define your terms, as I always ask in these debates.

    You seem to be equating the term God with the Judeo/Christian concept, is that right?
    While I have never seen it proven that this God exists, neither have I ever seen it conclusively disproven.

    I will agree that many acts, methods, and time spans attributed to "him" by many adherents of Biblical accounts are certainly far fetched. However, that doesn't prove that such a God doesn't exist.

    I could make an argument that this primordial "energy" that science can't God.
    I could claim that dinosaur fossils and related geographies, etc. were placed in situ 6,000 years ago by God so that it only appears that the Earth is older.

    And I could go really need to define and clarify exactly what you are claiming.

    As far as Hinduism, that is a blanket term used to cover the religions, philosophies, and cultures of India. It can not be dismissed so easily as it is a vast sea of many ideas, some relating to gods, others not.
    Confucianism is not a religion. It is a system of ethics and philosophy.
    Buddhism. There is no re-incarnation in Buddhism, you are thinking of re-birth, which is different. Also, although it may have some religious aspects in certain schools, in general it too is a philosophy and methodology, no God in Buddhism.
    Jains reject a creator God and believe in universal natural laws.

    Scientology needs no comment.
  12. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    I wasn't speaking just of the Judeo/Christian/Islamic "God" (all the same thing). I meant all gods, including Zeus, the sun god of Egypt, Shiva, Vishnu, and all the rest.

    Radiocarbon dating can date those fossils, though, and every dinosaur bone comes from between 251-65.5 million years ago (Mesozoic).

    It has been conclusively proven that "god" did not create the Earth, human beings, or any of the stars in our solar system.

    The only thing not proven is "who" put the energy (that was contained in the Big Bang) here in the first place, but to just attribute it to "God" is just guessing.

    Regardless, he did not create human beings. Homo erectus, H. heidelbergensis, H.habilis, H. neanderthalis, H. ergaster, Australopithecus, etc. All have been found and dated by scientists.
  13. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    And the "God" of (originally) Judaism, and then Christianity, then Islam is one and the same.

    They use the same creation stories and it follows the same line of descent from Abraham, through Jacob, to Ishmael, etc.

    Whoever says my knowledge of the facts is lacking is mistaken.

    Have you read all those books front to back?
  14. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    So "who" put that energy there to begin with could have been god?

    I don't think anyone in this thread has disputed many of your scientific points. But none of it proves that god doesn't exist. I can't prove that any more than I can prove that the invisible flying spaghetti monster isn't real. Even if every scientific point you've made in this thread is 100% accurate, I can make the statement that every single thing that we know to exist...every galaxy, sun, planet...everything....exists in a small glass globe sitting on a shelf next to many similar globes. Maybe that shelf is in a house much like mine on a plane of existence that we can't even comprehend but one that is normal to it's inhabitants. You can be 100% accurate and it still doesn't invalidate my point even a tiny bit.
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  15. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    True, which is why you should read about "multiverse" theories.

    And that is the ONLY thing that cannot be exxplained. But it DOES prove that the creation stories of the Bible are not true.
  16. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    I would suggest wikipedia and an episode of "Through the Wormhole" about multiverses.
  17. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Well, I definitely agree that those stories aren't true.
  18. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    And if there were a global flood just 6000 years ago or whatever, it would completely apparent in the stratigraphy and geologists would have noticed it a long time ago.

    That is an adaptation of the Babylonian Gilgamesh story.

    The modern science of geology not coming into being until the 1830's and then receiving a major make-over in the 1960s with the discovery of plate tectonics and other techniques such as radiocarbon dating.
  19. popup

    popup Members

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    Hey why are you saying like this ? Every religion is sweet and lovely
  20. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    You'd be less of a target here if you would drop the superiority trip, mang

    A lot of people here agree with most of what you are saying, you needn't be such a condescending ass about it.
    1 person likes this.

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