teen girl uses sex to manipulate teen boy to murder rival

Discussion in 'The Media' started by ROLLINGALONG, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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  2. MaryJBlaze

    MaryJBlaze eleven

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    thats some fucked up shit....

    what a sad world we live in
  3. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    theres more stuff comin out each day...I have a 13 year old and some of the shit he tells me is scary...i keep a close eye on him without bein the dick father ..but still
  4. MaryJBlaze

    MaryJBlaze eleven

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    I try and avoid most of these types of stories because you are right, they are becoming all too common in our world...

    I fear raising my boys in a society where these things barely make our population blink any more, we've become so desensitized to the horrors that surround us and are eerily complacent to it all....

    im like you, i keep a close eye without being a bitch but....I can see myself tightening the reins as they get older, its a tough and scary world and it's getting worse by the day.
  5. blackcat666

    blackcat666 Senior Member

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    you all have been spoon fed a load of bullshit from the mainstream media and, you all ate it too.

    this same sort of shit has happen for thounsands of years... it is nothing new at all.
    IT IS NOT NEWS... it is just marketing.
  6. Indy Hippy

    Indy Hippy Zen & Bearded

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    Regardless of how many times its happened its still fucked up. I don't think you understand just how bad this is. I mean what kind of world are we raising our children in if they go out and do stuff like that, what was wrong with that boy that he would actually commit murder? The problem with this society is people who aren't willing to look at the facts, acknowldege there's something wrong with it all, and do something about it. What is it in our world that causes people to do things like this? There has to be something.
  7. Elijah

    Elijah Member

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    i'd say something serious is wrong with both of them. this puts me in mind of the shakespeare play mcbeth. when lady mcbeth talked him into killing someone. the problem is society values human life less than it used to and doesn't have the moral values it once had. it's stuff like this that makes people cynical

  8. bluedragonfly

    bluedragonfly Member

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    wow.. this is messed up. its so odd to read how nonchalantly the girl talks about the murder to her friend and all. she and the boy both have issues.
  9. blackcat666

    blackcat666 Senior Member

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    like i said this is not news.
    come on people wake up and quit being so god damn innocent!
    this stuff happens day in and day out everywhere. these kids were just too dumb and they got caught.
    from middle school through high school i had coaches who told me over and over again: "winning is not everything, IT'S THE ONLY THING!" and, "do whatever it takes to win, JUST DON'T GET CAUGHT!
    it is called politics folks and, that is how it is played.
    the vast majority of people who play these types of games never get caught... they get away with it.

    now having said all that, and sounding like a first class asshole, let me add that, i hate that winner take all type of philosophy and, i don't want anything at all to do with that type of low life at all!
    the low life mainstream media and, the low life editior and, low life reporter, are all just as every bit as vile as those kids!

    i agree 100% with all of the rest of you in, that it is fucked up. and, yet, people have always done these things through out history and, i see nothing that is going to change it any time soon. there are those out there in the world that, if they preceive weakness they will seek to exploit it.
    i did not make this fucked up world and i hate it for being fucked up too!
    but, none the less, that is just how it is.
  10. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    The coach analogy is way off..this is nothin like that...the trial judge purpously refused a request for a media ban so more people would find out about this shit...i believe that things that are fucked up can change..many examples through history..for example i know some coaches can be knobs so i educated my son on what i felt were better values reguarding sports and bein a good sport..i also discussed this case with him...It got you into the discussion didnt it
  11. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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  12. Freakymetalchik

    Freakymetalchik BITCH.

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    Wow. That's..wow.
    I'd better watch my back, haha. >.<
  13. Indy Hippy

    Indy Hippy Zen & Bearded

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    Its sad to see how far mankind will stoop, obviously her boyfriend couldn't get laid without her, musta been an unpopular guy or somethin'.
  14. Duck

    Duck quack. Lifetime Supporter

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    The worst part is that they were dumb enough to talk about it all over the internet. Focus on the shit media like this, and not on our families, or knowledge, or real issues is what causes this shit to happen.
    Be more civilized, fuck stories like this.

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