i'm just wondering...

Discussion in 'Coming Out and Confused!' started by diamondsontheinside, Apr 2, 2006.

  1. diamondsontheinside

    diamondsontheinside Member

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    i have a few gay friends, but we pretty much never talk about sex. gay sex is something i've never really been around. i'll know its happening but i've never seen it or really even had it discussed around me. so i was wondering though, how does a sexual relationship between 2 guys or girls work? do you talk about who is going to give or recieve? do some people always do just one? does sex involve both getting it? and do both partners get the same amount of pleasure from it?

    i've always been curious about that kinda thing, but i dont feel like i could ask my friends, since they're pretty closed about their sexuality.
  2. Arrows Next Life

    Arrows Next Life Member

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    Those are actually some really common questions. It depends on the relationship. Some people get into a relationship knowing full well who is giving and who is receiving. Some take turns. Some take a fair amount of experimenting. Etc.
  3. KewlDewd66

    KewlDewd66 Member

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    Yup. Arrows is right. It really depends on the people involved. Some are more flexible and some less.

    It is frequently a matter of culture, too. In some parts of the world roles are more fixed than in other. A matter of cultural conditioning.

    You are doing a good job by NOT asking your friends sex related questions that might be understood as prying into their privacy.

    Cheerzzz, KD
  4. SageDreamer

    SageDreamer Senior Member

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    Every relationship is a rule unto itself. There are some people who seem to really get into talking about sex, and other people are more private. Some of the gay chat rooms involve a great deal of sex talk, and they might be a place where you can discuss these things. However, you should realize that not all people in the chat rooms are honest.

    If you can't talk about sex with a person, he's probably not a good person to be your partner.
  5. SelfControl

    SelfControl Boned.

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    With guys, it's basically most of the same things straight people do that don't involve vaginas. With lesbians... well, no-one really knows.
  6. diamondsontheinside

    diamondsontheinside Member

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    i see. well thanks for answering my questions guys. i've just always wondered... now i know. awesome!
  7. SageDreamer

    SageDreamer Senior Member

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    I'm not a lesbian or even a woman, but it would seem logical that lesbians do most of the same things that straight people...and gay men...do that don't involve penises.
  8. Closet Kid

    Closet Kid Member

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    Pretty much the reason why they don't talk about it with you is that they figure you don't wanna hear about it. Straight guys don't wanna hear about the hot guy you did last night so I pretty much just keep to myself about that stuff around my friend who knows. I really don't think its fair, they're about to talk about tits and all that crap but we have to shut it? Blasphemy.
  9. evil lesbian

    evil lesbian Member

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    yeah, i know what you mean i said something about "unlocking your god-given gay potential" and there was some conflict.
  10. nealallen

    nealallen Member

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    Look at it from a gay guys point of view, as a gay guy myself one thing I don't want to hear is what a straight guys does with his girlfriend

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