Ageing Brings A New Friend

Published by Alternative_Thinker in the blog The #80 Blog. Views: 865

I just gained a new friend today. Nope, not a person. In fact, there is a pair. Boobs? You wish, lol.

Ha, the truth is that I just bought my first reading glasses today. I'm getting to be the age where my eyesight is starting to bother me just a tad. I'd initially avoided them for fear of further damaging my eyesight, but I'd since found out that wearing glasses in itself doesn't diminish the eyesight. So, I went ahead and bought a pair.

It's amazing. I can actually read small texts. Furthermore, the frame looks pretty stylish. By owning these glasses, I feel like I've become that much more "distinguished as a gentleman", if you will.................fine, at least let me pretend, lol.

I actually own a few pairs of glasses already. Because of my work, I am usually wearing a pair of glasses that prevents optically harmful rays that are projected from the computer screen. But this is the first time I've ever bought a pair that can help me actually see better. I'm not wearing them right now as the screen is far enough away from my eyes, however, I AM wearing my PC glasses as I typically am. These glasses are like my friends, but the new glasses I just purchased today will always have a special meaning to them.

Ageing isn't fun, but there are some ways that you can incorporate into your life where things might start to appear more entertaining. It could be how you colour your (grey) hair, or it could be items such as clothes, hats, or glasses. What I think really makes a difference, however, is how you approach it all. I believe it's important to want to appear attractive for the sake of retaining your inner grace. Of course, if you focus too much on the outer beauty, you are bound to walk the path of shallowness. But beauty pursued in a shallow manner is not graceful in the first place. It must come from deep within you.

And sometimes, even a simple act of purchasing a pair of cheap reading glasses can be an opportunity to speak to your inner self, because, if you're like me, you give it a lot of thought to it. You research the safety aspect of wearing reading glasses. You spend a lot of time choosing the right type of frame and colour. You basically ask your inner self, "are these really the ones?" And if the answer is "yes", then you get home that day with a new friend.
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