Let's Cure Cancer, Solve World Hunger, Help Africa & Discover Some New Species

Discussion in 'Activism' started by FinShaggy, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. FinShaggy

    FinShaggy Banned

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    1. Cancer- More Cannabis research, as well as testing out new things. Many Cancer patients are told that they are inoperable, and that treatment is helpless. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to find cancer patients to test new rainforest plants and research chemical effects on their cancer, as long as regular human tests were done first.

    2. World Hunger- GMOs are hated on like they are straight up poisons, all GMO means is "Genetically Modified Organism", which can range anywhere from a plants genetics being manipulated to produce more seed or fruit, to splicing the DNA of a jelly-fish into the genes of a pig. While it is true we shouldn't be putting corn on the market that has jelly fish DNA, or that produce their own pesticides. It is also true that if used properly, GMOs could solve the worlds food shortage, and actually give us a surplus.

    3. Help Africa- We need to write history books, philosophy books and more that AREN'T meant for 1st world English students. Then we can begin to educate the world about itself. I am friends with a Nigerian who works for the government, and he said he never took a history class his entire educative career.
    I was watching an idiot abroad, and it only costs around $700 to build a little house for a family in Africa... I don't see why it's not solved yet.

    4. Discovering New Species- This goes hand in hand with Africa, World Hunger AND Cancer research. The Rainforests of the world need to be searched for new species of plants for cancer research, as well as new species that may be able to be bred with or spliced into the plants we currently use to make them have higher yields or more/less seeds, which in turn helps world hunger.
  2. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    I'll get right on that... :rolleyes:
  3. FinShaggy

    FinShaggy Banned

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    I mean, duh it will take time, but NOT doing anything is the worst thing you can do about it.
  4. FinShaggy

    FinShaggy Banned

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    The only other 2 things in the entire world that really need to be done, is:

    1. The Abolition of the Private Vatican (not its traditions, just its secrecy), with a new democratic policy. Meaning every catholic bishops and cardinals, in EVERY country has their masses vote. Then a new pope is chosen. This will firstly open up the Vatican's ranks to the world, secondly it will make it where the people get to choose where the money they donate is going (not directly, but at least by representative).

    This would also lead to a revolution in the church around the rest of the world, which means we will be electing priests and cardinals in our own towns eventually.

    2. Abolition of the Royal family (not the traditions, just the bloodline). We need more marriages like Kate, where REGULAR people join the family. First off, I can't believe they just inbreed within their 300 families. 2nd, they have tons of money and make more every day, that doesn't need to be kept away from the people of the UK, let alone the people of the world.
  5. Driftwood Gypsy

    Driftwood Gypsy Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    legalize all love and open the borders and make us all one rainbow family.
  6. Indy Hippy

    Indy Hippy Zen & Bearded

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    For the world to get better we need a cosmic shift in conciousness
  7. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Uhm... all people at once? That does not sound like activism to me, more like wishful thinking :p
  8. Indy Hippy

    Indy Hippy Zen & Bearded

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    It can't happen at once, but if a few people reach their own shift and then help other people to do the same it can happen. Each person's shift must be inherently different, because each person is inherently different. To have a cosmic shift of conciousness all at once would harm our species
  9. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    What would be cosmic about this shift then?
  10. Indy Hippy

    Indy Hippy Zen & Bearded

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    Coming to understand things in a more universal light, instead of always thinking about just you, thinking about everything, and the effect you are having on it, until eventually you realize that you are not the cause of anything, that your species as a whole is only the effect. I could go on and on but in reality as I have often said I cannot tell you the truth of a cosmic conciousness because your truth is always going to be different from mine man.
  11. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    hey, I remember that song;

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjxSCAalsBE"]The 5th Dimension Age of Aquarius 1969 - YouTube
  12. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    LOL :smilielol5:

    Please do explain because I want too make sure my insurance will cover this harm if it happens.
  13. Indy Hippy

    Indy Hippy Zen & Bearded

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    I know that you are trying to poke fun as you often love to do but for the sake of understanding I will answer.
    A thought must grow on it's own, like a child. If you try to grow the child too quickly it is thrown into chaos, so the same is true of the thought. You may not see the chaos automatically, or even ever recognize it yourself, but it will come around to be known eventually
  14. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Without exception? By definition?

    How so? I do not see this inevitable connection or comparison as clear as you.
  15. Indy Hippy

    Indy Hippy Zen & Bearded

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    You know as well as I do that there is always an exception to every single fact in the universe. Thoughts need to be matured on their own time, now that time may be a second, a day, even an entire lifetime, but it must come naturally to the thinker.
  16. Driftwood Gypsy

    Driftwood Gypsy Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    i support change in consciousness!
  17. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    I agree 100%, that's why I take drugs. :D
  18. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    Don't knock it. There is something in a revolution which makes no pretensions on one's Knowing. And Being becomes known.:sunny:

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