there were samurai in japan
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  1. you awake, in a forest 'setting.'
    trees,around you..
    the grass is in patches of yellow
    green white, a stump its a cut tree
    1foot up
    a man, turned to his back
    with shagedblack hair
    olive skin,very nice
    he spins around
    he is wearing a apron,with flowers
    and has a large wooden spoon
    in his hands.
    he points for you to sit,
    the stump is our table,tonight
    a assortment of plates,
    and his stew pot(large & black)
    he is always smiling,
    and his 'eyes' are always closed
    he pours some unto you plate
  2. so,
    you awake at indigoplate;
    waiting:for *ashes arrival...
    he is already-ready,with hat down
    you see your pajamas,barely
    & see your "real." arm.
    & throw ye pokeball, onward(!s)
    your opponent,releases charizard
    (a giant orange lizard)
    he shoots,that fire at a 45oangle.
  3. "babys got her blue jeans on."
    what a sad song, woman across the world love this.
  4. yeah,
    this is a concept i thought of year(s) ago..
    have you ever seen the anime or played those games in which contain, the strategy(concept) of "leveling up weapons?"
    it is true.
    along time ago,
    you see, it goes a little something like this,
    when a blade is crafted, from iron ore and such, you are left with a finished product.
    a mastercraft.
    it is thought, the cut of the blade "cuts-life."
    this concept,
    is how dimensions contain rooms, and inside any weapon would be a "room."(for a diety.)
    you cut somebody with a knife, and it absorbs(get) an energy.
  5. "my haku for haku"
    "woke up, in the morning,
    feeling like p diddy."
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