there were samurai in japan
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  1. you mad,
    blastoise take you to water,
  2. you mad at planet,
    venosuar keep you down,
    how get in door,
    while at school,
    venosuar throw seedlets,
    house covered in tree,
  3. charizard burn you house down,
    you on journey to find charizard,
    you find charmander,
    but he not charizard,
    he go,
    you find charizardnest,
    let charmander go,
    not love him,just want find
  4. you at a house,
    lady trapped on 2f,
    you release you pokeball,
    go venosuar,
    it vines go to top,
    lady crawl down,
  5. you wake up,
    with sunglasses on,
    and little shorts,
    your running,but why,
    the sky is clear & clouds move,
    a building is on fire,
    release you pokeball,
    go blastoise,
    his shoulders break
    and cannons come out,
    shooting water and,
    saving the building
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