Winner ! Winner ! Chicken Dinner !

Published by Duncan in the blog Duncan's Blog. Views: 168

I have a few decades of journals on the shelves at home. Most of them are simple marble covered composition notebooks with brown paper covering (i.e., a recycled market sack). Even though a period of 10-20 years had been expressed during the writing time, I could probably retell a few topics that would be repeated throughout that era:
Sex (in different venues), being poor, not knowing where the next meal would come from, friendships, betrayals, language, homosexuality, struggle with identity, religious affiliation, struggle with food choices, transportation
There are lots of things that I regret. That I was not a better student. Now I have trouble retaining anything. (I wasn't all that good at it in my youth with the exception of the things that I liked to learn... usually language). So math and science were struggles. And remembering anything about history never captured my mind. That's about half the day of school right there. And I went to a highly academic school where the sciences were sometimes doubled in a semester.
Now we have blogs. And my conversations with my brain are pretty much the same with the exception of 'Sex (in different venues) because, well, it doesn't happen very much. These days I want to know who it is I am encountering and I ask what he wants or what he likes or to which political party he is affiliated. Most of the time the ones that seem most likely to say yes are the ones who have very different wants than I. never in my youth would I imagine that there would be computer social scenes with guys who are looking for masters or dominant controllers. I'm more egalitarian.
While I have been focusing ever so much on a more plant-based life, I have suddenly been drawn to experimenting with chicken. And the study of different chicken dishes had brought me to read about mono (monotrophic) diets.
"What Is a Mono Diet?
"The mono diet, also known as a monotrophic diet is a diet for which you only consume one type of food. Proponents claim that it can lead to quick and easy weight loss. But the claims are not rooted in any science, and there are plenty of science-backed reasons to avoid trying a mono diet. Your body needs a variety of nutrient-rich foods to function correctly." (taken from The Mono Diet: Pros, Cons, and What You Can Eat). Don't worry, it isn't happening. Chicken might be an addition to a single meal per day. I still love me my rice and beans too much. Yet, I do recognize this type of poultry as being one of the more flexible sources of meat-based protein. And I do have happy memories of childhood chicken.
There are many times when I shake my head in wonder and disbelief about what others dedicate their lives to. For a long time I had known people (well, men), who were obsessed by the horror of their having been circumcised as infants. They referred to the practice as mutilation. Mutilation? Really? So many other bigger issues to concern oneself with that the uncircumcised penis seems to pale in comparison.
So these days I have to count my blessings and think about my treasures. They are many!
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