Not Quite Kind, Yet Illustrated

Published by Friar Turk in the blog Friar Turk's Ramblings and Poetry. Views: 469

Magenta for your morning
when you wake with slumber in your limbs and
And With Cogs in your Mind
oOr with gentle confusion
rub away the consternation of Infinite Dream
Coxcombed with riddle
and Stacked like a griddle
Smoothing Cream in your cup
to relish the Sup
of Each Inclination of How
To Assault the Daylight
Asit Grows in your Eyes
Open with Delight
the Truth of Each Waking How
I will turn to your page
and Read from Your Book
or Draw something new from the page of speculation
These Incessant Cartoons
Playing your Judgement
Or for your Judgement, rather
My cartouche, a Mere Jest
Not quite kind, yet Illustatred
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