No One Says, "No," to a Finger Sandwich !

Published by Duncan in the blog Duncan's Blog. Views: 548

One of the greatest pleasures of any tea party is in consuming the vast amount of "tea sandwiches" that are served. When making such sandwiches keep in mind that the bread should be sliced thinly and served without crusts. The sandwich should be large enough for only two bites and, even though many people serve sandwiches cut in the shape of stars, crescents and other odd shapes, it is far more elegant for sandwiches to be cut in thin rectangular, triangular, round or square shapes. As to the choice of bread, white bread, challah, light rye bread, Danish pumpernickel and dark Russian bread make the best tea sandwiches. As to fillings for sandwiches, the choices are virtually infinite. Consider some of the following:

White meat of chicken or turkey with mayonnaise or butter.
White meat of chicken with chutney butter.
Chopped chicken with chopped almonds
Chopped chicken with sweet pickles.
Baked ham with chutney on pumpernickel.
Chopped ham with English mustard, fresh horseradish and sweet cream.
Chopped ham with chopped black olives and grated cheese.
Thinly sliced tongue with French mustard and chopped chives.
Thin slices of roast beef with English mustard or horse- radish and sweet cream.
Thin slices of roast lamb with garlic butter.
Thin slices of roast veal with anchovy butter.
Sliced salami with herbed mayonnaise.
Finely chopped shrimp with seasoned mayonnaise.
Finely shredded crab meat with herbed or garlic butter.
Finely shredded crab meat mixed with chopped chives and mayonnaise
Smoked salmon and butter.
Smoked salon with horseradish.
Thinly sliced onion and cucumber.
Chopped green olives and mayonnaise.
Chopped green olives and nuts mixed with cream cheese.
Chopped green olives and chopped eggs with mayonnaise.
Thinly sliced avocado with garlic butter.
Cream cheese and chives with cucumber.
Watercress with butter or butter and mayonnaise.
High quality Roquefort, Bleu Cheese or Gruyere with butter
Thinly sliced cheddar cheese and cucumber.
Smoked salmon with cream cheese
Thinly sliced cucumbers and mushrooms with butter
Thinly sliced hard boiled smoked turkey eggs with butter or mayonnaise
Thinly sliced avocado with mustard flavored mayonnaise.
Roquefort cheese that has been blended with butter and cream cheese.
Anchovy fillets that have been chopped very finely and blended with cream cheese and chopped pickled onion
Red caviar (salmon eggs) mixed together with lemon juice and cream cheese
Anchovy filets with chopped hard boiled egg.
Chopped green olives and nuts blended with cream cheese.
Thin slices of fresh salmon and cucumber.
Finely chopped green pepper bound with mayonnaise
Cream cheese* blended with fresh horse-radish
Cream cheese* and chives with cucumber
Cream cheese* that has been blended with chopped chives, French mustard and black pepper
Cream cheese* that has been blended with Indian chutney and butter
Cream cheese* blended with chopped chives, French mustard, salt and pistachio nuts.

* Note: Cream cheese used in tea sandwiches should have a minimum fat content of 16%.

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