New York JFK to Reykjavik(Iceland)

Published by old tiger in the blog old tiger's Blog. Views: 326

so..our visit to the mighty U.S.A..was almost over..
our last day in Greenwich village was just relaxing..
JFK was quite a confusing airport..we flew with Icelandair..
funny accent these Iceland airhostesses got..uhuh..
we landed safe on an august day in Reykjavik(Iceland)
we made a stopover of a few nights..all arranged in the ticket..
we stayed at hotel Loftleidir..great value...good hotel..first class..
we met a couple from Buffalo on their way back to New York..
nice folks..we had our meals together...and had good talks..
I'm gonna put a few postings on's a worthwile country
to became my wife's favorite place..she liked the rough and
natural beauty of it..Iceland's capital me tell you..
this place is really out of something..Iceland got geysirs,waterfalls,
sulphur mudholes,rough mountain scenery...fjords..lonely places..
its nature is still wild virgin land at certain places..the people are nice..
and peaceloving..exept when they are drunk..ahah..they read a lot..
their sagas are worthwhile..their language..reminded me to Norsk..
I knew some fact..I used to be good at Norsk..
they heat their homes with geothermal energy..very clever..
fishing is important for Iceland..specially codfish..
they really celebrate their short summers..getting stoned on booze..
rural like living as Robinson enough..
transport..well..there's a road from Reykjavik to Akureyi-Myvatn..
in fact a ring road around Iceland..Iceland horse poneys are also
a way of transport..and to drive inland..4 wheel track cars are surely
necessary..I bet..with a dirt road would be great..
I'll try to find you peeps a good link on Iceland..
we made some touristical excursions..will report about it...
me and my wife...went into the city...and had a fish dinner...
not cheap..but damn good codfish it was..well prepared...

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