I Shop Therefore I Am

Published by Duncan in the blog Duncan's Blog. Views: 436

More folks than not in my so-called circles shop on line. They've joined the point-and-click circuit of people who don't go into shops, stores, warehouses, marts, or tents. They sit at their screens (some with a mouse smack dab in the keyboard between the G-B-H keys) and shop away to the hearts content. No money in the wallet? No problemo! Pull out the VISA charge plate with its magical three digit number on the back.
For the past week or so I have been on the look out for the perfect check. I'm looking for a wallet check that has a side register on each check. I had them in the 70s. Now they have vanished. Not only are they not around, but anyone I speak to has this bewildered look on his/her face or speaks with that voice of uncertainty. You know the sound. It's the sound of a salesperson who is DESPERATE for that commission, but hasn't got a clue as to what the buyer is saying.
Well I've decided to not order my next set of checks until I have found exactly what I am looking for.
These days I have no money in the wallet. I brown bag my meal to work. I buy groceries with the credit card. I pay most of the bills on line and write about a half dozen checks a month. Money transfers within the bank are done on the computer or via the branch's ATM. I've taken to only saving copper pennies and state commemorative quarters.
The only thing I've ordered lately on the computer is two dozen chicks. I'm getting a small flock from Ohio. My local vendor doesn't stock some of the more exotic varieties I want (as if a buckeye hen from Ohio would ever be considered "exotic" in Cleveland!).
I'd love to type away some more, but I've got studying to get to.
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