Gas station
Published by Barefoot Rick in the blog Barefoot Rick's blog. Views: 57
Hi everybody,
Today I had to go and put gas in my truck and yes I went barefoot like always. Today the temperature was in the high 40’s and as I was waiting to put gas in at Sam’s club I was thinking about how good the weather is to be barefoot. And then I got to the pump and I started filling my tank up and I hear I love the color of your toes. I looked around and on the other side of the gas pump a guy was looking at me and smiling and he said again I love the color of your toes! I said thanks and he asked me who did my toes I told him who and he said wow your toes look gorgeous and I said thanks and he said he needed to get his toes done so I looked at his toes and he was barefoot and his toes were painted in a hot pink and he really needed to get them redone. So we were talking and he asked me if I get pedicures it just my toes painted?? I told him I get pedicures once a month and I usually get clear nail polish put on but this time I wanted something different and so I chose dark blue and the guy said awesome color. So after I filled up and he filled up he ask me if we could talk more ? I said yeah sure so we went to the parking lot of Sam’s club and we were talking about going barefoot and pedicures and get our toes painted. And he told me that he been going barefoot for a year and he asked me if I go barefoot in the snow I said he’ll yeah I do !!! He asked me if I bring flip flops to wear I told him that I haven’t worn shoes or socks in 33 years and he was amazed!! And he ask me why I got into going barefoot and I told him that I never like wearing socks or shoes even when I was younger I went barefoot every chance I got. And when I got to high school I went to class barefoot and I had teachers that let me go barefoot in class.. And I asked him what got him into going barefoot he said that he was always wanted to go barefoot but he was told that real men don’t go barefoot that’s for women.. I was like no everybody goes barefoot like at the beach, in the summer time, and people that do martial arts and MMA fighting , and yoga and gymnastics they all go barefoot!! But he told me his dad and his older brother said no man goes barefoot just because. I was like wow I told him I love my barefoot lifestyle and I would never change that and that their’s health benefits from going barefoot and that shoes hurt our feet and shoes causes damage to our toes and feet!!! He told he that he is starting to see that shoes and bad for our feet and that he is going to go barefoot more and he hopes to leave shoes forever. And then I told him that it’s really nice to see another barefoot person because I really don’t see people go barefoot in public anymore and I said it’s because our culture tells us that we need to wear shoes and bare feet is bad !! He said that he wishes people would let other people live the way they want to and I said I wish they same thing!!! Then I told him I have to go and he ask me for my number and I gave it to him and he said that he will call me soon . I said ok it would be nice to have someone that love to go barefoot and it would be nice to have someone that would go barefoot with me . And I told him that he had really nice bare feet and toes and he said the same thing back to me.. I hope I made a new barefoot friend that would be so nice and it would be awesome to have a barefoot friend to go places with and do barefoot things together. Will everybody keep barefooting.
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