Gaia Rebalancing
Published by oldwolf in the blog oldwolf's Blog. Views: 42
Rebalancing Gaia
With the ice and permafrost melting and the draining of the aquifers; the balance has been shifted. The perihelion of the earth’s wobble has increased dramatically; as can be noticed by the sun’s apparent movement hastening during the change of seasons. Have you noticed ? The movement of the tilt is moving faster and further according to my perception - what say you ?
Sure looks like we’re in for a polar shift. At least magnetically if not tectonically. Magnetic polar shifts are much more frequent than tectonic shifts.
Tectonic shifts are humongous great, dramatic occurrences; disturbing the whole ecosystem; the eggshell of planetary landmasses moves to rebalance the spinning planet. Survival individually, is doubtful. Elements go crazy, earthquakes and volcanoes; possible solar blockages for years. All previous patterns of movement reworked by trauma and unstable for years , if not decades as the earth reacts to the new patterns and finds a new balance. Predictability is near impossible.
Magnetic polar shift not so dramatic - but the electromagnetic fields being disturbed may temporarily disrupt our communication and distribution infrastructures (computers, satellites; everything electronic) until our technology learns to adapt to the new electromagnetic environment. Kind of like a worldwide EMP blast that needs electrical resets. And of course, the world population will be greatly impacted. And the “powers that be” - how will they respond to this crisis ? Probably by making it worse !
Disclaimer : from my personal, somewhat Fey perspective
So…. No, I ain’t gone away yet; too curious about what’s coming.
But, from my perspective, it’s going to be traumatic.
Individually, we must learn to adapt or perish.
Potential for individual growth more available in the ensuing chaos.
But the masses - …. - ? I think we’re in for a great reduction in numbers desiring to stay rather than pass on, at least temporarily. It will not be easy.
Fly High (above the fray) and Enjoy (Giving Thanks needed), True to (Higher) Self.
Life is an opportunity and becomes what we make of it.
May the Light of Love guide our Way.
Grow on … Give Thanks > Enjoy
Peace, Blessings, and Love
Namaste (my spirit bows to your spirit)
John loboduro (oldwolf)
nomadhermit Waysharer
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