Published by oldwolf in the blog oldwolf's Blog. Views: 387

Intending to offer no offence - I pray this be received with open heart and mind, and our friendship remain unbroken.

Trying to co-erce others toward a desired behavior often has deleterious effects.
Using the co-dependent paradigm through guilt, has one partaking in that paradigm.
The best method to focus attention and gain the desired result is quiet Action (action being defined as continued persistent behavior in an effort to manifest on the material plane).

Herein I must acknowledge a limitation to my assinine nature - when pushed in 1 direction - I tend to take another.

To thine own Self be true.
No One can ever Do for another.
And we All draw to ourSelfs the Lessons we need to further our Growth.

Blessings Be along your Way my brother

Namaste (my spirit bows to your spirit)
What is the best path to take in regards to the events in this world ?
Livng with Impeccable Intent, Being True to Self.

The world at large also draws to itself the lessons it needs - we must learn to allow them their lessons !

We are all but shadows of the reality that is Existence - and must learn to live impeccably while not getting caught up in the drama unfolding - we each create our own individual reality/life and co-create together......
This time of transition, one must stay focused on the reality they create; and fighting an unpleseant (only 1 of many) does not lend itself to focusing on positive creation - you are what you vibrate - including taking a part in a drama of baser energies.
Do you wish to be part of this world - or do you wish to create another - then you must not get lost in the dramas of this world. We draw others of likemind to cocreate together - ... it is slow in coming about because so many are lost in the drama of this world... and so "satan reigns" ....only till we take off our self-imposed chains of restricted thought and take back our Power.

The action of Living impeccably draws the highest vibrations into manifestation.

Fighting the baser energies but makes them stronger and you lend them your energies - Be(A)ware

When living impeccably, we are no longer the victim and we Become the Power through constant empowerment of each their own true Being.
To thine own (Higher/God)Self Be True

Love you

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