0420 and 1620

Published by Duncan in the blog Duncan's Blog. Views: 403

I lead a life that's somewhat different than the mainstream. I work as a nurse. To a select few I speak in military time. It throws some folks off when they see the 24-hour time on my cell phone. Without conscious effort, I manage to rouse myself at 4:20 in the morning. It wasn't for several months of doing this that I realized that 4:20 is the magical term for... well... we know <wink, wink, nudge, nudge>
Oddly enough, toking weed has never been a strong factor in my life. I've grown marijuana from time to time, but I have never felt the need or urge to ingest it. It's nothing snooty... just never had any interest in it.
The morning hour on a work day is a busy one for me. I feed and water my chickens, make breakfast, brown bag lunch, shower, shave, dress and then drive off for an hour to work. I'm pretty happy with this arrangement for now. Now I've gotta find a maid :)
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