Écrivain satirique? Eh bien, je ne pense pas que tu sois drôle!

Published by Duncan in the blog Duncan's Blog. Views: 121

satire [ sat-ahyuhr ]
the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, to expose, denounce, or deride the folly or corruption of institutions, people, or social structures:
The success of the production stems from its balance of affectionate comedy and well-observed satire.

a work of art, literature, or entertainment in which the folly and corruption of human beings, institutions, or social structures are exposed, denounced, or ridiculed:
The skit offended only those who didn’t recognize it as a political satire.
Did you notice that all the novels on her bookshelf were satires?

a genre of literature, art, or entertainment comprising such works:
The eighteenth century is considered British literature’s golden age of satire.

For many years I had been amazed and surprised at the accolades and laudatory notice of Joan Rivers. Personally, I had always considered her as vulgar as Roseanne (just not as ugly to look at) and found her humor to reach levels of social unacceptability. She poked fun at people who had survived death camps. That is why I feel no restriction on my reaction when I express my dislike for someone and am told that so-and-so or thus-and-such is liked by many. I have said such things about television programs such as The Sopranos or movies like the G*dfather. I don't really care how many awards something receives; I would claim that there is an acceptance of the unacceptable and that to me is more frightening and disturbing.
Think this is an aberration from the norm or an enigma? Think about the supreme court rulings these days. Rowe vs Wade has been overturned and a school coach who kneels and prays on a football field has been approved to do so.
I don't know this country anymore.
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