some good link for rave freaks=Goa psy trance all over the world

Published by old tiger in the blog old tiger's Blog. Views: 788

As i am going very frequently to indoor or open air raves i put this link which certainly will be useful to freaks getting into that style of music..i mostly do Belgium/Netherlands but also have been to a bigger mega festival like Ozora 2016(Hungary)i love the vibes,the people,the deco,just the feeling of freedom

this is what i call a rave and dance feast..Ozora==i was there...wooohhhh

this was Space Safari NL in 2016..i went again this year(ah)
i am in that video somewhere...

and this was Atmos in Ozora 2016==i was in that crowd==I can tell you all it's GREAT feeling

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