FAQs about Gurus

Discussion in 'Gurus' started by Meagain, Apr 4, 2005.

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  1. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    What does the word Guru mean?
    Literally guru means heavy, venerable, one who dispels darkness. It came to the west as gooroo in the 1800’s and had the meaning of teacher or priest. In 1940 it was generalized to mean mentor and by 1966 had the added meaning of expert in a particular field.

    What is the religious meaning of the word?
    In Buddhism and Hinduism it means a personal spiritual teacher. In the Sikh religion each of the first ten founders was a Guru. A traditional Guru has attained union with god.

    What is a Sat Guru?
    A Sat Guru is a liberated Guru who takes personal responsibility for his students by bestowing grace on them to dispel spiritual ignorance.

    What is the guru-disciple relationship?
    A Chela is the Guru’s disciple. They are related over many incarnations. The Guru offers advice, trust, and love to dispel the Chela’s karma. The Chela must become free of attachments by taking this advice and using his or her intuition, mind, and common sense.

    Do I need a Guru?
    The tradition of physical Gurus is very strong in the East, especially in India. However, it is possible to grow spiritually without one. In such cases the disciple himself must realize the spiritual benefits of the Guru’s union with God.

    How do I find a Guru?
    A true Guru never accepts payment or fees for his help. Donations may be given if they are the only source of the Guru’s income, as they do not often engage in traditional work. There are however, some Gurus who hold traditional jobs and also teach spiritual practices. In any case a strong energy flow should be apparent between the Guru and the Chela.

    How will a Guru help me?
    A Guru is a conduit to god. A Guru serves God, one never prays to a Guru but to God. He should be an atmajnani or one who can see your soul and its past, present and future in order to give guidance towards mukti or spiritual liberation. The guru will advise and guide you in material, emotional and spiritual life on the most direct path for your particular Karma.

    These questions are offered as a simple introduction to Gurus.
    They are presented as an opportunity for further exploration and understanding. No claim is made as to their accuracy or validity.

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