Drew a Picture

Discussion in 'Art' started by neonspectraltoast, Oct 18, 2017.

  1. [​IMG]

    Pixlr has an awesome brush. I drew this online. It was cool.
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  2. Kinky Ramona

    Kinky Ramona Back by popular demand!

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    I love it!
  3. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    polar bear in a snow storm.

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  4. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    Meh. Looks more like a snowshoe hare in the fog
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  5. I love Polar Bear in a Snow Storm. He's like, "I'm total alpha. I'm not going anywhere. You can make it snow all day and I'm staying right here. So go on, you think I won't be here? Do you feel lucky, punk? Well do ya? If you melt the icecaps then I will become a kind of bear that lives in the tropics and hunts humans."


    Drew another. I think I'm a pretty good artist. I'm at least good enough to do something I think. Somehow I might try to make money off of art. *reflective smile*
    3 people like this.
  6. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    That bear is pretty damn cool...I like your use of colors there.....not sure about the story, though....:D
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  7. Thanks Moonglow. I try, but no matter what I do...I just cannot get anyone to give a damn about me or my art. I guess I must have offended the wrong person somewhere along the line. I'm self-taught, homeless at the moment, been publishing art and music for years.

    I guess there was a short period of time where a couple of people asked to buy things I'd drawn, but I was too dumb to be opportunistic at the time. I wake up every morning and it's the same thing, everyone ignoring me. You'd think someone would need an illustrator...something. Why does everyone hate me.
  8. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    So get your things out there again and people will buy them. I was going to tell you, that bear is so good.....that would sell....Can you sell on ebay? or here? Just get your art out there...and I care about you and your art...and I am pretty positive others, at least here, do, too. :(

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