Task Manager

Discussion in 'Computers and The Internet' started by The Walking Dickhead, Sep 23, 2017.

  1. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    Couldnae run a widden abacus that thing.

    Ctrl+Alt+del. Welcome to Task Manager!

    Please close down this program that is locking up my computer.

    "The program is not responding"


    FFS it's like having a heart attack, calling an ambulance and then the paramedics turn up and stand there doing nothing apart from informing you that you're having a heart attack.

    Useless cunting machines.[​IMG]
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  2. Mister Liam

    Mister Liam An Old Mister

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    Did you turn the computer off and back on again, sir?
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  3. deleted

    deleted Visitor

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  4. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    Yes. Many fucking times.

    Buy a new computer. Oh my god this thing actually works without causing me any problems! Enjoy that for two years, after then the software companies all conspire to sneak in useful obsolescence features and app conflicts.

    Trying to do some HDR photo work here. Fucking Apples and Windows...
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  5. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    It's just the same thing every time a program locks up my OS, whether it's Mac or Windows, without fail.

    Can't get Task Manager or the equivalent Mac program to remove the bastard from my processor so the rest of my programs can operate normally because it wont work, because the whole computer has locked up!

    So what fucking use is it/are they?
  6. Mister Liam

    Mister Liam An Old Mister

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    You could fork over the extra cash for a Mac.

    Edit: LOL, just read your new response. You psychic or something, sir?
  7. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    Wow! :dizzy2:

    I was just thinking the exact same thing!

    But unfortunately I have no money because everyone is nicking my photos for free on the internet, so I do it for the love only.
    1 person likes this.
  8. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    true story: i had a hole in a pipe at work earlier this year so i called a plumber and told him that there was a hole in a pipe and i needed him to come fix it. he came in (when i wasn't there of course) and told the guy that met him that there was a hole in our pipe, and then he left and never came back.
    1 person likes this.

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