Deconstruction Of The Physical

Discussion in 'Philosophy and Religion' started by Mountain Valley Wolf, Sep 9, 2017.

  1. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    Yes , there seem to be dimensional boundaries , and peacefulness is the right of passage . Of what willfulness is that ? An action ?
    Surely not sentimental self-knowing .
  2. Mountain Valley Wolf

    Mountain Valley Wolf Senior Member

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    I can dig it. My own skepticism for much of my life implied that I couldn't really see anything to exist beyond the physical. In the 1980's I was becoming convinced of physicalism. In the 1990's, as I experienced things that convinced me otherwise (first in the Philippines, which later led me down a different path in the US) I had a much stronger physicalist argument to fuel my skepticism, and which therefore had to be overcome.

    But the goal of Archephenomenalism is to be multiplistic---to provide meaning for all beliefs, and physicalism is the most challenging. One of the things I set out to do was to reintroduce the concept of the nonphysical to Western thought. The naturalist and the atheist could both gain value and meaning by approaching it with a Buddhist outlook not much different from that of MeAgain I assume---where mind becomes a void.

    I do borrow from Hegel, and he tried to demonstrate that everything was physical, but this included the Absolute.

    One would have to define all dimensions as physical, and then deny all the essentialism and idealism of the philosophy I suppose.
  3. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    What is physics without Idealism ? science
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  4. Mountain Valley Wolf

    Mountain Valley Wolf Senior Member

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    I would like to talk a little more on relativistic mass. This was the last part I wrote about it in the post where I explored the subject:

    My philosophy explores reality on many different levels. There is an existential reality---here I use the term, existential, in its purest of meanings---human experience in the world of existence. This meaning is not as broad as when we use it in the sense of existentialism, but existentialism was all about the individual human experience in the world of existence. I define existential reality as reality in the way we perceive it to be. For example, Archephenomenalism states that only the present moment of Now exists, but this is not how we experience reality—existentially we experience a continuous flow of time; the future becoming the present, and the present disappearing into the past. Space and time are the key a priori concepts that make up the structure of our existential reality. (An a priori understanding is one that we naturally understand without having to learn it.)

    Kant said that we do not experience the world as it truly is. For example, we experience an object (or thing) as our mind constructs it to be from the phenomena we perceive of that that object. But we cannot see this object as it truly is---the ding-an-sich (thing-in-itself). He called the world as it truly is, the noumenal world. A couple of centuries later, and scientists discover, through quantum mechanics, that he was actually right. I define the world as it truly exists according to Quantum Mechanics as the Noumenal reality. This is the reality of wave-particle duality, and as you know I have defined the wave as nonphysical. Therefore the Noumenal Reality is broken down into the Noumenal Physicality, representing the physical present, and the particles that manifest to create that present moment, and the Superpositioned Reality which represents the non-physical wave-field, which is being as it is in the 4th dimension. (themnax---these different levels of reality are what I use as Frames of Reference as opposed to dimensions.)

    Einstein’s space-time continuum is how we understand the structure of the universe from our existential reality. At this level only the physical appears to be real. However, at the level of Noumenal Physicality, the structure of the universe becomes the space-present continuum. Physicality exists very briefly for each particle during its quantum wave collapse (during the Quantum Now). Physicality is therefore limited to these infinitely brief moments of Now. On the other side, from the Superpositioned Reality, space-present, space-time, and mass all become illusion (this is because the Quantum Now is so small, that physicality itself manifests exactly as light does—in terms of equal light-time and light-distance, and therefore, just like light, it represents zero-space and zero-time according to Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity). But the overall perspective from the Noumenal Reality is that both the physical and nonphysical are flipsides of the same coin.

    Archephenomenalism is built off of 3 Principles---the first one being, I think therefore I am, the second one states that all physicality only exists in the present, and the third one is that mind transcends the physical. The first two are a priori, while the third one is a synthetic a priori of the first two. From these principles I build the arguments for my phenomenalism, including that time does not exist (except for the present), that mind is the first cause, and Berkeley’s, “Esse est percipi” (Existence is perception).

    The Quantum Now is that point where physicality is created simultaneously throughout the universe wherever quantum collapses have defined the positions of particles. It lasts for the smallest possible time representing 1 Planck Time by 1 Planck Length. In that moment, nothing else physically exists because only the present exists (mind is always present but it is nonphysical). Wherever these particles exist, the Space-Present Continuum exists. This is the Noumenal Physicality, and since time does not exist, neither does movement or momentum. At the point that the position is defined, everything represents rest mass (m0), or rest energy (E0). We could therefore say that the following formula applies to the creation of the physical world:


    And then the collapse of the 3 dimensions back into the 4th:


    Because there is no movement, these formulas represent the mass-energy relationship. In the second formula I am not using rest mass because, as I explained in my last post on relativistic mass, that we could very well perceive an infinite increase in relativistic mass as the 3 dimensions revert back to the 4th higher dimension. If this actually was measurable it would be so localized and spontaneous that it would be much like the momentary blast of plasma heat inside a bursting bubble of gas within a liquid (A small bursting bubble of gas generates heat with in it that has been measured as high as 20,000 degrees Kelvin (4 times the temperature of the sun), however it is so fast and localized that it is completely unnoticeable except for a very fast burst of light known as sonoluminescence. This happens when these small bubbles are burst using sound). It isn’t that space-time expands around an object in this sense, but only around the individual particles as they return back to a wave. Not to mention that it happens within 1 Planck time at 1 Planck Length, which is as good as infinitely small.

    But relativistic mass is noticeable and measurable within existential reality, just as movement or momentum becomes a real thing. While Einstein’s famous formula for the energy-mass relationship can indicate relativistic mass, there is another formula, that of the energy-momentum relationship that is better. (Actually the energy momentum relationship formula would still be true in a single Quantum Now because it is true for both rest mass (E0=m0c2) and relativistic mass (Erel=mrelc2). For this formula we add in the variable, p, which represents measurement of the center of momentum (p0 is the center of momentum for rest mass):


    For a massless particle such as a photon, both relativistic mass and rest mass are zero, therefore the formula becomes:


    On the other hand, for light, E=mc2 will always be zero, because it has no mass equivalency to energy.

    One of the strange things about relativistic mass, as I mentioned before, is that it is observer dependent. The other thing is that it represents more of a change in space-time than in the object in motion. Both of these factors fit very well into Archephenomenalism. I think I covered the second aspect in the previous post---that it allows for a single Quantum Now clear across the universe, which is preserved through the bending of space-time. (You see, without the implications of relativistic mass, the fact that time does appear to slow down due to the effects of velocity and gravity, makes it difficult to argue that the same Now exists clear across the universe and the effects of relativity are due to its localized nature. But since gravity and relativistic mass bend space-time, I am able to argue that the same nows are experienced in the slower timer frame, but the bending of space time allows for a slowing of time as I will demonstrate further).

    But let’s talk about the issue of relativistic mass and being observer dependent. Obviously for Einstein this referred to the same kind of natural relativistic dynamic that caused him to originally come up with his theories—something as simple as an observer standing still and watching two people on a passing train throw a ball back and forth (and realizing that the relative speed of the ball is very different for the observer than it is for the two people).

    But how does relativistic mass fit into my Noumenal Reality, or the reality of the world as it is, or the world-in-itself? Remember, we are talking about a quantum reality here, so each particle represents a quantum wave, except for the brief moment that it has a defined position, and therefore represents mass in a specific space-present position. For the sake of argument, let’s accept my Archephenomenalist principles, beginning with that physically speaking, only the present exists and nothing else.

    If this is the case there can be no movement. In fact, in the past 4 or 5 years, scientists have demonstrated that the Zeno Effect is a real thing in Quantum Mechanics---in other words that observation of a particle stops its movement. This is named after the first philosopher to ever suggest that there was no movement—one of the early Ancient Greek Philosophers, Zeno, who said that an arrow, for example does not really move, because in any given moment, it only has one position. So this means that when a particle is observed, (i.e. it’s position is defined), there is no movement. Since Archephenomenalism places only the particle (the physical thing with a defined position) as physical, then within the physical present, when every particle for that moment has a defined position, there is no movement—in other words, nothing else physically exists within that moment, only those physical things that have a specific position for that brief moment.

    Mind, which is nonphysical by definition exists beyond that moment, both before and after. We understand this, because it constructs a past by the moments of now that have already happened. And it anticipates moments of now yet to come. Mind therefore takes the many physical positions along a series of present moments for what we perceive as a moving object, and constructs that very movement.

    But there are laws of nature—and the mass-energy relationship as well as the energy-momentum relationship are just such laws of nature. If relativistic mass is observer dependent, then there must be something universal that allows one observer of a moving object to experience the same result as another observer, even if one of the observers is completely oblivious to such laws of nature. In other words if an object is moving fast enough that there is a noticeable increase in mass, then it must be observed by any observer, whether they are oblivious to the physics of the energy-momentum relationship or not. Therefore this relationship must somehow be encoded into the Quantum Information. Because this quantum information transcends the individual Quantum Nows, and it demonstrates features of mind (such as intention, memory, and so forth), we can argue that it is an aspect of mind.

    But the problem goes deeper than that: Because the physical particle manifests only within the individual Quantum Now, it always represents rest mass; it is always a single defined position. From its own subjective center, which we can also refer to as its center of momentum, in its radically brief moment of existence, there is never any momentum, which is why it makes sense that relativistic mass is dependent upon the observer.

    An example of this is that Einstein’s theories on this matter have been experimentally demonstrated by the use of Jet airplanes. Time has been demonstrated to move slower on an airplane than on the ground, which is a matter of both velocity and distance from the gravitational pull of the earth. However we do not actually experience this time difference in any noticeable manner. I would argue that even if we were to travel at relatively close to the speed of light, that we would not notice any change in the flow of time, or in our own relativistic mass. Though a stationary observer back on earth would notice a change, in that we would age much slower than they would, so much so that they could even live their whole lives and die, before we even return hardly aged at all. For them our time has slowed down, and for us, as observer of them, their time has sped up. This is known as time dilation, and there are two kinds---velocity time dilation and gravity time dilation.

    The observer issue is a two way street. For example if you ventured too close to a black hole, and got sucked into it while your friend watched, then your friend would see time slow way down for you the closer you got to the black hole, until it seemed that you were moving so slow that it was as if you were stuck in place. On the other hand, you would watch time speed up for your friend until he quickly grew old and died, and then his children, and grandchildren all grew old and died, and soon the earth would meet its demise and our sun would supernova and so forth, time could possibly speed up until you watched the end of the universe. But as far as your own subjective time, or the time of your friend, there would be no change.

    Now this seems to work contrary to my assertion that there is only one moment of Now clear across the universe at any given moment. But if you think of space-time as a grid, as we commonly depict it, with dips occurring wherever mass (and therefore gravity) happens to be. The bigger the mass, the deeper the dip. Then we place a black hole on that grid, and its size is very small, but its mass is incredible, so it causes not just a dip, but a deep hole. We always draw the grid as stretching as it falls into the hole and then stretching more and more until it disappears at the tiny point of the black hole. But as it stretches, one dimension of the grid gets longer and longer, while the other dimension gets smaller and smaller—in other words, the top and the bottom, that is the sides in the direction of the black hole, get pulled apart while the other two sides get pulled together. In fact, the description of a person getting pulled into a blackhole head first fits this very scenario—they get stretched out from head to toe like silly putty.

    So now consider that the sides that are being pulled apart represent physicality---mass and the 3 physical dimensions, while the sides that are being pulled together represent time (in the actual calculations of Einstein’s space-time (one side represents real numbers as space, and the other side represents time through what mathematicians call imaginary numbers). In other words, the three dimensions of space are stretched out while that of time is shrunk down.

    Now let’s add in the Archephenomenalist side of this example. First let me remind you that the science behind this says that the perception of change is on the side of the observer. Therefore your Existential Reality as you fall into the black hole does not represent any change in your own time—time still passes as you understand it to. Your reality in reference to the Noumenal Physicality, in other words, the particles that manifest as your physical body in each quantum now still manifest in the present moment with a defined position in space-present. In other words, each particle manifests with a center of momentum of zero at rest mass (po, mo). It is your friend whose time has sped up from your perspective. But your friend, as he observes you, would argue that time for him is the same as it always has been (there is no change in his existential reality), and the particles that make up his physical mass also manifest only in the present at rest mass and a center of momentum at zero. Furthermore your friend would argue that it is you who underwent a change of time, and has had time slow way down.

    The fact is that since you are experiencing a stretched out space-present, your experience of the Now is shorter than that of your friend, you just do not understand it because you really have no way of perceiving a change within the immediate space-time structure—it is an aspect of the noumenal physicality beyond your perception. Every Now your friend experiences you also experience—it is still the same single Now across the universe. While your experience of that same Now is shorter, your existential reality tells you that nothing has changed, and therefore, relative to your friend, you experience more Nows without realizing it. Therefore as he experiences the same nows, he appears to have sped up in time to you, and he soon ages and dies, while you have aged very little.

    Because mind transcends the physical, and you have no perception that space-present has stretched such that space is now longer and time shorter relative to your friend, then you do not age in each Now as your friend does. Instead, you continue to age as you always did, and the same is true for all the objects around you, as they too are mind via their essence.

    It is the same thing when we are talking about moving at a high speed. Space-present stretches changing an observer’s perception of the relative time of that moving person or object. Therefore, as I see it, the source of relativistic mass (mrel) is the result of this stretched space/squished time from the perspective of the observer. Consider this, rest mass (mo), which represents what I define as physicality, represents the peak of existence outside of (or as the binary opposite of) the 4th Dimension. This is because rest mass is zero momentum, while the 4th dimension is of what science understands as the light-speed barrier. If we stretch space and squish time, we are perceiving an existent then that is somewhere between physicality and the 4th dimension. This represents an existential reality because time, which is required for movement, is a mental construct, and physicality only exists in the present. Therefore we have rest mass (mo) as physicality, Energy (E) as the 4th dimension, and relativistic mass (mrel) as a perceived existence somewhere in between. If we were ever able to witness the squishing of time to zero, at which point space would be stretched to what we could either describe as its breaking point, or infinity, then we would witness the three dimensions collapse into the 4th dimension. We do not experience this because time only truly represents the infinitesimal present Now (Quantum Now).

    Therefore we have now related Einstein’s mass energy relationship (E=mc2) to Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle (xp), in that our existential reality is always somewhere between the two extremes of physicality (the particle) and nonphysicality (the wave). This is because our existential reality largely involves stringing individual moments of Now together. The philosopher Husserl called this process, Retention. (The connection between the mass-energy relationship and the Uncertainty Principle lies in the position equating to mass and momentum equating to energy. In this case we are not talking about momentum or movement in physical reality such as the movement of an object or a person. Instead we are talking about the movement of the wave, which even Planck spoke of in terms of not existing within, “…ordinary three dimensional space, but in so-called configuration space.” Noumenal Reality represents the two extreme points of rest-mass/particle (Noumenal Physicality) and Energy/momentum (superpositioned reality), while Existential Reality represents all that is in-between existence and the non-physical 4th dimension---objects we perceive as in motion and all the values greater than or equal to the Planck Constant () representing a ratio between position and momentum.)*

    But here is the thing about your objective reality, you don’t experience the object, you experience the phenomena representing that object. What manifestation of physicality there ‘is’ happens merely to create the phenomena of the world we think we are experiencing; our Existential Reality. The implications of Archephenomenalism, if you stick strictly to the definitions, is that the hologram that is the universe never exists as the whole universe we perceive in any given Quantum Now. To do so would mean that every potential particle everywhere manifests simultaneously, and even then you have the void of deep space where particles are sparse, as quantum randomness does leave empty areas in the universal location of mass. Even your own physical body is never there in its entirety, but only there to the extent that particles are manifesting in any given moment—and in each moment different particles are manifesting.

    But these particles all manifest as rest mass with a defined position, so the problem becomes one of how can something solidly in place, produce such phenomena of motion. The movement itself is not a problem, that is simply the result of Husserlian Retention applied to each new position in each new Quantum Now. The problem is that of relativistic mass and time dilation. Even if it is a perception that is experienced only within existential reality, these things are objective enough (and presenting itself as a law of nature such) that, it must have a phenomenal source.

    As a phenomenal source, this raises several implications: 1.) movement of one existent (being an object, life form, or particle) is always relative to another existent, therefore such phenomena of momentum must be perceived by both existents from the opposing perspective based on their respective positions in space-time (space-time being an existential reality). 2.) It is an existential perception of both existents. 3.) space-present is part of the essence (quantum information) of a quantum, and therefore collectively of an object. 4.) This quantum information of space-present can be altered by the mutual observations of both existents determining that one or both existents are in motion relative to each other. 5.) Movement is a collective creation of mind, or a co-perceived dynamic between individuated minds or individuated minds and the universe; which is to say that it is perhaps a deeper level of quantum information. 6.) It is therefore yet another side to the Planck Formula. (E=hf which relates energy to frequency, and which makes sense when you consider that Planck described the Planck constant as equating a Dynamic Magnitude (energy) to a localized Kinematic Magnitude (frequency) (Dynamics: the motion of bodies and its causes, including both the forces of movement upon bodies and the properties of those bodies such as mass or inertia (and now the shape of space-time) Kinematics: the geometry or shape of the motion). He saw both energy and frequency as having different dimensions.)

    This is an area of the philosophy I am still working on. But it is fascinating. For example, the Planck Constant represents how a superpositioned quantum field could have a specific shape (or reflect a specific bit of information) in one small localized area of that field, or how a wave, superpositioned all across space-time, would collapse into a single position at a single point in space and time. But here we see that the Planck Constant is also relating noumenal reality to existential reality. The Planck Constant is the Quantum of Action—but action within the noumenal level does not allow for time, even though it involves the perception of time as in the speed of light, because time does not exist outside of the present. Instead, at the Noumenal level it represents manifestation or actuality. But action within existential reality involves the mental construct of time.

    *I have suggested that Archephenomenalism relates the Planck Constant (h) to m0=E0/c2 and to E=mc2 within the Quantum Now, representing how a Holographic universe correlates Quantum Mechanics to Einstein’s theories of relativity. The notation, , represents the Reduced Planck Constant which is used for angular momentum.

    (I have shared quite a bit of information here on what is still largely an unpublished philosophy. However posting it on this forum does represent a form of publishing or public disclosure. I still retain all rights of the copyrighted material shared here. In my generosity of sharing this, I am happy to allow anyone to use it, insofar as the proper credit due is given to me. Please contact me for specific details and information to reference or cite if you are so inclined to use it.)
  5. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    Most internet forums are undependable as archives . One time I had a newly home-printed , illustrated and hand-bound tiny book .
    It was accepted for archiving by three libraries . A university library purchased and placed 2 copies in their collection . This seems
    sensible . Because my mind does not transcend the physical .
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