Good, Giving And Game (Within Reason)

Discussion in 'True Love' started by drumminmama, Aug 5, 2017.

  1. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I've adored this concept since I first read about it.
    However, I haven't always been that great at taking concept to practice, and I want to change this.

    My take on this is
    Good= knowledge and awareness. And practice. I strive to have levels above "proficient" in many sexual activities. It also means I can fine-tune for a partner.

    Giving= the impulse and actions to make my partner feel good.

    Game=willingness to be giving when I'm not 100 percent in the mood; willing to try things.

    (Within reason)= here's my struggle. Too many times I've tried something, and it becomes expected.

    I currently view within reason to include "occasionally." And I strictly hold that hard limits are real and should be respected. Each person's actual ability comes into play, as well.

    My current situation is a new partner, so I'm all hopped up on distorted brain chemistry.
    My partner wants to explore a couple items. One is sort of on my radar. It's been done to me by force and a few consensual times that just were bad memories.
    The other, well, I'd rather have a root canal without anesthetic, at first blush. But reading about it, in gay and straight contexts, I see some appeal, even as I'm doubtful about my physical ability to participate.

    I think I'm game enough to try the first, and I am giving enough to try to be game on the second.
    I have a couple activities that he's less than enthusiastic about, but has started the conversation.
    (We are organically picking up on things one likes and playing to that strength)

    So my question is conceptual.
    I'll name the activities later, but I want theory and philosophy, first.

    When you and your partner have an activity that one wants far more than the other that is not a "hell, no", how do you handle it?
    Outsourcing not an option for me.
  2. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    The first and most important thing that I've learned is to respect boundaries. If there are absolute no/go territories for both of you, each should respect the other for that matter. However, if your partner has a slight curiousity about what you like and vice versa, but is somewhat shy about it, give it some time, and eventually those walls will come down the more you get to become more comfortable with each other and most important, trust each other. If you are willing to try what he wants in due time, then communicate it to him. Get educated on it, learn about it together even. Find out how others make it work and enjoyable. That may sound corny, and I would agree, but it has worked for me.
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  3. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I have communicated on the one I'm willing to try. I'd like to move beyond the trauma I had with it before.
    (And, see the giving section above)

    On the one I'm still researching, I simply asked if he had experience.
    It was 25 years ago.
    I'm pretty sure that I'm too small for what he wants to try, bones would be in the way.

    What I've noticed is we have a lot of why questions: why does that appeal?
    Those are amazingly intimate discussions, even as they flip from desire to mechanics.

    Give me a good reason, and you are halfway there.
  4. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I'll have to admit that I'm not a theoriec nor philsophical intellectual, but I will tell you the "why" from my standpoint on what I think I'm sure you're talking about. But remember, this is MY point of view. When it comes to erotica, everyone has something that they have a burning desire for and once you finally get a taste of it and you really like it, you gotta have it again and again. First, I'm visually stimulated by the sight of a sexy woman's beautiful behind. Just the thought of it gets me excited!

    When I finally tried it the first time, it was with an older woman who didn't care much for it, but she did it only to please me. It was then that I learned to be extremely gentle and take my time. I finally dated a woman who was really into it, and with her, I was allowed to let the wild animal out and go as hard as I wanted.

    I love every single thing about it, from prep to finish. I'm not sure if I'm providing you with the explanation you are looking for because each man is different. And because you are small doesn't mean that it's impossible. I've been with tiny women that absolutely love it. The more you try it, you should become used to it and maybe even enjoy it.
  5. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    The size and bones comment wasn't in regard to the thing I'm already willing to try, with him. (We are new as lovers, but not as friends)

    It's the "rather have a root canal" one.
    Something that has only three threads on HF!

    The why comment was how it led to some amazing conversations, both erotic and practical.

    And it's interesting going through my own reactions.
    It was something I'd heard of, but never even asked to participate.
    I compare the proportions of his anatomy and mine, and it looks so doubtful.
  6. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    What is this other thing you are talking about?
  7. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I'd rather not say in open forum.
  8. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    I think if you're willing to try then your partner needs to understand it's just that: a trial. Trying doesn't mean you're into it, it means you're willing to see if you are into it.

    So I think as long as he understands and accepts that, you could easily proceed forward. The problem comes from people who interpret "I'm willing to try" as "I'll be into it, and if not, I'll pretend I am for your sake." And that's where the problem lies.
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  9. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I think he does understand that it might be less than what he's imagining.

    Research I've done suggests that it's common to only "go partway."
  10. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Long talk tonight.
    Going forward, and he said that it doesn't always work, and if so, we will do something else.
    Good to know he gets this.

    He used the word "trust" a lot tonight. (Two phone calls spanning close to two hours)

    I admitted I'd taken proportion reference photos of his hands and wrists, compared to mine, and other points. For science.

    Feeling more confident, for sure.
    This is a good partner to experiment with.
  11. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    ^^^ If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, it's amazing when done right.

    Fucking amazing.
  12. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I think you are right.
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  13. ahsorandy

    ahsorandy Members

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    Do every activity you want/like with an abundance of vigor and enthusiasm. Hold back nothing and enjoy yourself.

    Try to be open minded about trying a new activity. If after trying the new activity at least once, be honest with yourself, and, share your thoughts about why you like, or dislike, said activity with your partner.

    You have the right to your feelings and are more than able to establish your own boundaries. Your partner needs to honor your boundaries as you should honor his.

    Plan to play. Play for fun. Play for mutual benefit. And most importantly, play when the mood strikes for either of you!

    Have fun, as you never know when it will be too late.
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  14. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Good words, ashorandy.

    I'm open to flexible boundaries. I have limits and I have HARD limits.

    But when something is out of left field, well, I might not have fences in that county.
    So I'm trying to decide, or rather was trying, since we have decided to go forward, what to weigh when it's not a hell no, or only a meh.
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