Canning/preserving/cooking/baking (Recipes/ideas)

Discussion in 'Gardening' started by DizzleBean, May 7, 2017.

  1. DizzleBean

    DizzleBean Members

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    Was not sure where to post this but could go as a gardening or food topic really.

    Anyway...Canning and Preserving is something I love to do and feel I HAVE to do. The cost of food in the grocery store is just crazy. I happen to be fortunate and live in a farming community where during the growing season farmers and the Amish have tons of really cheap bulk fruits and veggies available. I also get lots of eggs, meats, and dairy products from them as well, along with honey and maple syrup. Last year I canned and froze about 40# + of Sweet Peppers, Corn, Green Beans, Meats, Cheeses, Butters, etc. Anyone else interested in canning/preserving foods? If so any good recipes or favorite items you enjoys saving? My personal favorite is Sweet Pepper Jam (Goes good on Swiss Cheese.) I will be canning lots of meat here in the next few months, have lots on the way with the exception of beef. Yuck...( but that's just me.) Canning chicken, pork, duck, turkey, Sheep/Goat (Can use older sheep and goat when canning, the long cooking and high pressure tenderizes the meat.) Venison (canning and jerky.), and many, many other things.

    As for non canning/preserving does anyone make there own cheeses, yogurts, and butters? Anyone like raw milk (cow or goat.)? Any good hunting (wild game) recipes? Good Baking Recipes?

    Let me know, I'm always willing to swap recipes with anyone interested.

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