Is It Happening? Reality Vs Thefuckwhat

Discussion in 'Games and Contests' started by The Walking Dickhead, May 6, 2017.

  1. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    or Is what the above poster said just now really happening?

    Rules of game-
    - it must actually be happning now
    - what is happning is defined as what you think is happenng in your head at this precise moment in time

    This game is for real
  2. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    Imagine if Poppy just said this?

    Poppy's favourite thing is her silver phallus that she made from an old pokemon character

    Poppy's favourite thing is big black cock

    Poppy exists in another dimension

    Poppy's telephone alarm just made me frightened

    YouTube is to blame for all the wrong in the world
  3. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    It is the year 1983

    Other people are allowed to play this game
  4. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    The hidden message within modern knowledge is just not being recognised by the majority of people?

    Is that True or False
  5. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    its all false unless you accept that you wrote it when you did so it was happening at the time you wrote it.
  6. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    Something was happening in my brain, a game of no sense inspired by the frayed ends of sanity
  7. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    A Watched Clock Will Never Boil

    Unless its really a boiling clock,
    Where the time vanishes into thin air,
    Producing maximum entropy production!​
    In a humble and ubiquitous phase transition,
    While, curiously, the smaller anything becomes,
    The more often it will violate the arrow of time.
    Boiling clocks running backwards more often,
    Convince invisible pixies time is but a joke,
    Anyone has all the spacey-time they want!
    All any requires, is invisible pixies with attitude!
    All that anyone has ever needed to go home again,
    All anyone has ever needed, to find themselves again,
    Time speeding up yet slows down just in the nick of time!
    Where does all the time go approaching the speed of light?
    Yet, the shadow remains, but the memory of the eternal light!​
    The invisible light in the dark pointing out the end of the tunnel!​
    Where the smallest pond can shed light upon the truly Big Picture,
    Where the smallest molehill grows into a mountain of bullshit overnight.
    Where both a Goldilocks Principle and Murphy's Law rule the universe itself!​
    Time is simply never what you think it is, until that time rolls round once again,​
    Time is the fire within which we burn, and the ice within which our minds go numb!​
    "Fascinating" said Mr Spock on Star Trek, "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations,"
    But I fail to see what could possibly be so funny about humor being intrinsic to spacey-time.​
  8. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Depends on what you think the hidden message exactly entails!
  9. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    You failed to specify a thing, therefore by default I must apply the rules of the game to the previous post by Wu Li. I'd say not only is his thesis too long and I didn't read it but also "Schrödinger's cat"!

    I have no idea if anything Wu Li says is actually happening in this dimension.
  10. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    A dimension here, a dimension there, and pretty soon you're talking real quantum mechanics! Schrodinger was a physicists who was quite surprised to discover his Chesire cat had nine lives and could vanish into thin air leaving only his grin behind. Something Poppy does quite frequently leaving everyone to debate whether she was actually ever there and if her mind is one or two dimensional. Feel the force Luke! A Jedi feels the force flow him knowing if you are not full of shit, you are starving to death and, if you can't work your shit out, you are in big trouble.
  11. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    I forgot dimension that ^ ^
  12. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    reality is the ultimate authority that no one knows, but we can usually figure out what isn't.
    though it may take some time for most to do so.
    an instant goes by too fast to ever truthfully claim to be in it.
    by the time you speak one word of it, it has already past,
    and thus no one can truly speak from within it.
  13. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Reality! Is these people!
  14. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Can someone not on drugs explain this thread to me?
  15. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Nope, that's why I added the video :)
  16. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    The thing to remember is that drugs can't do anything the human mind isn't capable of on its own. Monsanto produced a t-shirt that said, "Without chemicals, life itself would be impossible" until they realized their new ad campaign had created an underground fashion.
  17. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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  18. fundoo

    fundoo Members

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    omg! ran out of likes again. this is a great mood booster! :p

    haha the Kiss tongue! love it! :D
  19. fundoo

    fundoo Members

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    oh I'm with ya! I'll just observe for now. I'm more of the perceived reality part (no, not on drugs tho) than on the reality. I'll often "imagine" what is real, never fully knowing if what I imagine could actually be real or if it's just in my head. Oh it's totally mental and that's why I wish I had more likes for this thread! haha :D
  20. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    there are a lot of things that i don't know are happening that i'm really happy not to.
    i just hope none of them kill me any time too soon.
    1 person likes this.

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