"what We've Got Here Is... Failure To Execution"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Pete's Draggin', Apr 28, 2017.

  1. Pete's Draggin'

    Pete's Draggin' Visitor

    I've recently read there have been alot of failed or botched attempts to execute a criminal.
    Using the firing squad eliminates failure rates.

    A hi-tech shooting machine can be properly designed and built to carry out the execution with precision. In 1913 Andriza Mircovich's execution was carried out by a crude shooting machine because the government couldn't find five people to shoot him.

    Executing criminals by way of a manned firing squad or shooting machine should be the primary method utilized.

    Method=Total Executions___ Botched Executions___ Botched Execution %

    Hanging=2,721____85 botched___ 3.12%

    Electrocution=4,374____ 84 botched___ 1.92%

    Lethal Gas=593____ 32 botched___ 5.4%

    Lethal Injection=1,054____ 75 botched___ 7.12%

    Firing Squad=34____ 0 botched___ 0%

    All Methods=8,776____ 276 botched___ 3.15%

    Here's a link to show many recorded botched attempts and describes how they happened. Some are pretty gruesome.

  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    3% really isn't too bad though, really.

    I remember hearing if you survived a hanging you could walk free? I'm not sure if that's true or not. Cause like if you were the worst person and fluked out and didn't hang, that wouldn't let you free, surely?
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  3. Pete's Draggin'

    Pete's Draggin' Visitor

    Joseph Samuels survived 3 attempts.

    It was a sign from God of Samuels’ innocence. Joseph Samuels was imprisoned instead of death.

    Joseph Samuels is the only known person to survive three consecutive attempts at hanging.
  4. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I don't think anybody survived the Brazen Bull.. :unsure:
  5. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Why does it matter if they suffer? They will be dead in minutes, and I don't think their victims were thought of in that way!

    Chuck them in a pit of crocks! Just saying :)

    Sorry, too many carbs me thinks:)
  6. Pete's Draggin'

    Pete's Draggin' Visitor

    Or the guillotine :unsure:
  7. Pete's Draggin'

    Pete's Draggin' Visitor

    I just don't think somebody should suffer especially if the person was possibly innocent of the crime. Shooting makes it quick and painless for everyone.
  8. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Apart from the person that pulls the trigger! I know, not everyone has the bullet that kills..

    I don't like to think of anyone suffer, but I'm sure if it was your family member you would feel different!

    But yeah, I get what your saying
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  9. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    is there a reason that the firing squad can't be botched, beyond the fact that it hasn't yet? because 34 is not really a good sample size. if the average botch rate is only 3%, i think you would need at least twice that many to have any confidence in its foolproofness.
  10. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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  11. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    Asked if he had any final requests, the last words of Domonic Willard, sentenced to death by firing squad, were "Why, yes, a bulletproof vest."
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  12. relaxxx

    relaxxx Senior Member

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    This is stupid. It is not so difficult to kill something. The method to me should be obvious, death by organ donation. Put the bastard to sleep like any surgery; remove heart, lungs, liver, and whatever else you need, brain drains of blood during surgery... 100 fucking percent death, I guarantee it.
  13. lode

    lode Banned

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    I wonder how the failure rates compare to the guillotine.

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