Beneficiaries Of Syrian Nerve Gas Incident:

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by undermined, Apr 8, 2017.

  1. undermined

    undermined Guest

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    Trump is basically a Russian lobbyist along with his cabinet and other associates.

    Assad can be seen as doing no good by almost everyone.

    Putin orders Assad to use Nerve gas on the rebels to obtain these specific goals:

    -To shift the news coverage of the Hacked election/Russian Influence Investigation to a stage where Trump can lead the media. He goes from a defensive stance to an offensive one.
    -To give Trump a new set of cards to play politically.
    -To create the illusion that Trump and Putin are at odds with each other which creates the illusion that Putin has not helped bring Trump to power and that Putin is not controlling Trump.
    -Assad pays back Putin for his aid in keeping power.

    How hard would this conspiracy have been to pull off? All said in done it's just as effective as the fireworks launched at the Syrian air base. Peoples perceptions have changed via the news but that is mostly it.
  2. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Yeah, that feels like how it really is....very sick.
  3. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    The world is a monopoly board game for them....and they seem to be holding all of the pieces....
  4. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    People tend to give politicians too much credit for brains. Assad and, just about, every leader in the Middle East have shown no reservation whatsoever against committing genocide on each other and using weapons of mass destruction whenever they think they can get away with it. Assad using chemical weapons on people he has already stomped half to death is exactly his style. Trump may have decided to attack merely as a way to bolster his rock bottom image with the American public, but there is no real reason to suspect any kind of conspiracy. He destroyed twenty planes sitting on the ground that, for all I know, were the ones the US gave Assad. That way, he actually supports Russia by making Assad all the more dependent upon them for his civil war.
  5. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Oh, do you mean that politicians do not think in complicated terms and only we can do that? :D
  6. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    Exactly, "Tricky Dick" was called tricky only because he would steal candy from a baby and not because he was particularly intelligent.
  7. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I would agree with you that Donald is probably not that complicated a thinker. He seems to be best just reacting and acting on emotion, and his talent seems to be making more money for himself only....but I think that Putin is that clever......and there are strategists around Trump here...that do complicated thinking....
    Donald Trump kept telling everyone how much Putin liked him during the election. Why would he want to alienate him this early on?
  8. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    The investigation of Russia hacking the election is not going well, already several of his cabinet choices have been forced to resign, and a republican led congress can't even repeal Obamacare. Trump is zero for zero and might as well be on a treadmill. The only thing the republicans seem capable of doing is changing the rules as they go along, first deny Obama a chance to choose a supreme court candidate and now changing the rules to make it easier to pick their own.

    Those who can, do, while those who can't declare war on everyone else with Trump and the republicans both ready to implode if they don't explode first. Putin was just another one of Trump's schemes that obviously went south and, by attacking Syria, he distances himself as best he can. If you can't dazzle em with brilliance, baffle em with bullshit and blowing up a few of Syria's planes on the ground actually promotes Russia as Syria's best friend.
  9. undermined

    undermined Guest

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    The media STATED to us that trump was effected by seeing dead children on TV although you could have seen dead Iraqi children on the TV a few weeks before which was acceptable to him. Trump is emotional with the deaths of children that can boost his image and get the media's dogs off of his Russian Ties scent. Dead people are useful it turns out.


    -Trump cares about someone elses life that he is not personally and emotionally dependent on like his family.

    Trump played the 'God Card' during his announcement of the air strike like the true sideshow showman that he is. I would think God would care if you didn't pay your bills,get rid of your wife when she can no longer make your business man buddies envious, or have a scam real-estate college. I would not be trying to get Gods attention if I were him.

    -Assad is so evil that he would go well beyond conventional decency in war ,and hence commit a war crime and bring more negative attention to himself. Assad can no longer get any worse. No one will defend Assad even if he is innocent.Proof is not needed in this case because of the prior hatred towards Assad. Assad deserves hatred for what he has done and not because he can't be hated more.

    -The U.S military is certain that it was a Syrian Jet that dropped Nerve Gas because of it's signature? Is a jet fighter like a gun barrel? Can they ID the exact jet? Does this explanation just fit two pieces of the puzzle together conveniently abstracting accountability? "It's too hard to understand,just take their word for it"

    -Putin is Mad supposedly. He may have to front Assad some replacement jets. I would like the media to deal Putin the hand that the Missile defense system that is on loan to Assad is not worth a damn. I wonder how Putin could dangle the carrot that it was better to save the missiles and sacrifice the jets?

    If JFK, 911 and the alleged BinLaden compound explanations don't sound fishy, you have to think twice before committing to the carrot.The media is not suppling the pieces of the puzzle yet they are leading us to behold a conclusion that is convenient with the pieces that we are given. Propaganda anyone?
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  10. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Who knows what is really going on behind the scenes, but I do understand the physics involved here.....Too bad they didn't implode instead.
  11. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    They didn't implode because almost nobody in the US knows the meaning of the word democracy anymore so, yeah, its too bad.
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