
Discussion in 'Musicians' started by Scratched, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. Scratched

    Scratched Members

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    Excited! Ordering a new swash pedal tomorrow...kind of wacko pedal for wild effects.
    I've been shopping them for weeks, they either don't get back to me, aren't temporarily available, yadda yada.
    so I found one that's fucking available. I'm excited! I've been at this for 2 or 3 months.
    Can't wait to hook that bad boy into my mix. [​IMG] [​IMG]
    fuk yeah!
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  2. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I used to buy pedals. At some point one of my friends got a pedal-board. He had a programming skills or something... I could never retain interest long enough to set up a pedal board like that. Pedals can be fun! Enjoy!
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  3. Scratched

    Scratched Members

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    Thanks! I will...

    I'm picky about my pedals. prob. adding more in the coming months.
    My amp has an effects loop already...I have a ZVEX Fuzz Factory and Black Tone Arts Pharoh, Two different flavors of Fuzz.
    And a Dimebag Wah, and Boss Feedbacker. I have maybe three more to add, plus an EQ, then find a board to fit them.
    Should be fun.
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  4. Reverand JC

    Reverand JC Willy Fuckin' Wonka

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    I'm a pedal guy out of keyboard envy. Personally the tc electronic Sub 'n Up octave pedal is one of the funnest pedals around. I'm actually a total fanboy of the whole toneprint line.

    Rev J
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