Age Difference In A Relationship

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by tumbling.dice, Mar 30, 2017.

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  1. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    Is anyone here involved in a relationship with someone of a significantly different age?

    Here's my situation: I recently started talking with a woman I met on a dating site and we seem to be off to a good start. I didn't ask her age, I just assumed she was about the same as me (I'm 48). When I did ask she told me she is 30 and my heart kind of sank. A relationship with a younger woman is something I have never even remotely considered but now I find myself thinking about it. The thing that got me interested is she has said she would like another kid, something most woman my age are through with, and I have sometimes thought I should have had at least one child, especially since my dad died.

    So what are the pitfalls I would have to negotiate? I feel like I'm getting in over my head. I have always heard that age is just a number, but I'm not sure I believe that. If we did have children I would be old enough to be their grandfather.

    Anyone here ever been through something similar?
    Witoutit and Eric! like this.
  2. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Yes - I had a similar situation with a woman I met when I was 50. She was only 31. but in an unhappy relationship with a guy a couple of years older than me, with whom she was in process of splitting up.
    Talking to her and getting to know her, I realized she is someone who really did want kids, a cycle I've been through, and don't want to repeat.

    I had to let go of the idea of an ongoing relationship. Although I did really like her, I think I made the right decision, and I don't regret it because I do feel I did the right thing. Haven't seen her for a few years now as she's gone back to Slovakia from where she came.
  3. NextEvolution

    NextEvolution Member

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    If a girl is looking for a significantly older man, they want someone who will guide the relationship and lay down boundaries. If you aren't ready to take that role, then you're not ready for a younger girl.
    lost in Earl Grey likes this.
  4. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Have you met her yet? How can you make any determination about anyone without meeting them first about anything?
  5. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    Hi Moonglow!

    We are meeting in public for the first time this Saturday. So far we've been talking on the phone, texting and sending pictures. I love the way she talks: open, straight to the point and funny!

    I haven't made a determination about anything yet; I'm thinking very deliberately about this and want to avoid any bad moves. Of course, we may not like each other upon meeting face to face but that's true in any potential new relationship.
  6. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    That is great then. I am happy you are meeting and you seem to be thinking everything correctly.....Take it one step at a time, and I really wish it works out for you. Your age diffence isn't that big....and she may be the one for you.....Stay positive, and I hope the best for you here...:)
  7. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    About age...I have met very young people who were more mature than some older people I have met,(shit I met an 8 year old....who was more mature than most was mind boggling)... but I have also met very young people who are very immature.....and not ready for anything.....Everything depends on each individual is what I am trying to say.
    Again...I will keep my fingers crossed for you... :)
    Thecars1979 and mich_funseeker like this.
  8. fundoo

    fundoo Members

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    how'd it go? I think it's sweet! :)
  9. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    We are officially boyfriend and girlfriend!
  10. fundoo

    fundoo Members

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    "like" hehe :)
  11. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Individuals Dice!

    Both my grandparents had quite an age difference..

    Paternal, my nan was about 15 years older than my grandfather.

    My maternal grandfather was ten years older than my grandmother..

    The younger grandfather was by far the least interacting with any family member, but the older grandfather was fantastic! Missed by everyone that had met him..Loved by his family..And the best fun!

    So dice, go for it, age is but a number, and nothing more, it's how you are..Be fun, and enjoy! What ever way it goes!
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  12. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Dice, I'm also 48.
    I'm seeing a man who is 65.
    Neither of us look our ages, but with 17 years as a gap, he still looks like a cradle robber. The fact that he went silver and my red is still very red enhances this.

    However, I'm pretty sure that people 30 and under cannot see us. We are invisible. Because those lawn-dwellers cannot conceive of the older folks having better sex than they do. :)

    One advantage is we both have clear ideas of what we want and need, and know the difference, in a relationship. We know where compatibility must line up, and where it isn't critical.
    So far, it seems we are both good, giving and game. Able to stretch outside the comfort zone, but not forcing the other too far.
    And something feels profoundly comfortable, given that we have known and trusted one another for so long. We have been friends for around a decade.
    lbushwalker and tumbling.dice like this.
  13. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I like this topic. I've been on both ends of the age spectrum when it comes to dating. For a long time I've dated women who were much older than me (14-20 years older), and these were wonderful relationships! There was understanding about what we specificly wanted and we went from there. And then I dated a woman 14 years younger, and that was the biggest mistake I ever made. We started out great but she became emotionally needy and full of drama at times. I couldn't stand all the fuss over peddly shit and decided that we shouldn't be anymore than friends after that. I agree that age is just a number, but when it comes to marriage, to me, a huge age gap is not a good thing. I wanted someone to grow old with, relatively close to my age and no more than 3-5 years difference. To watch a wife much older than me pass away would emotionally destroy me.
  14. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Mortality, and caregiving, are things I think of in the abstract. But my previous relationship was much closer in age and I still had concerns since he didn't take care of himself at all.

    What's funny is I have a seizure disorder that could stop my breathing or heart at any time.
    Every day is bonus time in my life. And I live it that way.
  15. IAmMaxieHearMeRoar

    IAmMaxieHearMeRoar Maxie Lee Courtland-Colton

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    Not me personally, but I know a guy who is 22 and dating a 43 year old woman. They seem to be getting along though, so good for him.
  16. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I actually wonder about the large gaps with one so young, beyond casual.

    I wonder about compatibility as the years go on, given she's just starting out and he's in feed the retirement account years.
    Will she feel she missed out on dating several people? Will he tire of clubbing?

    Not a judgement, just wondering what the story will be.
  17. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    Any relationship that works and makes its two participants happy is good.

    Though, I agree with what Drumminmama said above. Too big of an age gap could prove problematic down the road.
  18. Logan 5

    Logan 5 Confessed gynephile Lifetime Supporter

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    My last fiance was 64 to my 36. Age is an issue, but in the end it's just a number. They are still just as human, just as loving, and kiss just as good as the young'uns (if no better).
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  19. Scratched

    Scratched Members

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    If you love one another, it doesn't matter.

    If your family don't like it, they can stay home. It's your lives after all.
    AstroShark, Mallyboppa and Logan 5 like this.
  20. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    My grandfather that was younger than my grandmother actually died first.. which again proves age is but a number...
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