I Nearly Died Saving A Wolf Puppy

Discussion in 'Pets and Animals' started by barefootconservative, Feb 11, 2017.

  1. barefootconservative

    barefootconservative Barefoot for God

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    So a few years ago, I damn near lost my life to rescue a wolf puppy. Here's how it all went down (literally, down).

    It was Christmas break of my freshman year in 2013. My family had the bright idea to take us all on a ski vacation. Well, Bart, Giovanni, and I weren't about to attempt skiing. So one day, the three of us were just wandering and chatting, and we all saw a wolf puppy who looked very lost and scared. That's when I caught sight of an enormous boulder about to squish the poor puppy. Being the animal lover I am, I jumped and grabbed the puppy and got him out of the way. Only, I should have been smarter about it, because after jumping, I slid down the ski hill, as Bart and Giovanni were in a panic about me sliding down the hill. Well, I slid for a while, getting lacerated by sharp rocks, all the while keeping the puppy above ground so he didn't get scraped. Then, there was a cliff. We (the puppy and I) flew right off, fell about 30 feet, and I landed on my butt on a rock, but surprisingly didn't break anything. So I was bleeding and couldn't sit up. The puppy ran away, but then stopped, I imagine as if thinking, "Wait. Something's not right. Why aren't you chasing me?" Because he turned around and came back to me. This is what most people don't know about wolves is they're not dumb. He figured out he was the reason I was injured, so he stayed by me. We were out there for a while before I heard Bart's voice calling my name, and he came racing up to me, followed by Giovanni and my family and the rescue team. When he saw the red snow around me, he was worried sick. I heard him say, "Oh God, I hope he's alive." I was. He came up, and I said, "Took ya long enough." So my mom and Giovanni came up next, and my mom said, "Don't worry, we'll get you into the hospital as soon as possible." When I heard hospital, I thought, "Oh God." They tried to make me leave the puppy, but I said if he doesn't go, neither do I. After a long argument, they caved and let the puppy come with me. Mostly because Bart and Giovanni backed me up on that, not letting them get close to me until they agreed to let me bring the puppy.

    My injuries were as follows: Ruptured spine; Couldn't walk for a while; Frostbite; Hypothermia. So as soon as I got to the hospital, I had to be thawed. They stripped me naked and started the thawing process. Which, by the way, feels like being burned alive. After that, they told me the doctor would be in shortly. But they hadn't yet gotten me a bed sheet. I was not only naked, simply meaning unclothed, but exposed, meaning I was completely visible. They said they'd get right on getting me a bed sheet. Took them a while, though. Within that time, my family thought it'd be a good time to pay me a visit. So it was my mom, stepdad, (biological) brother, sister, grandparents, aunt, uncle, maniacal little cousin, Bart, Giovanni, and their mothers. They all came in, and encircled the bed. Except Bart and Giovanni, who were kind enough to stop and turn to look the other way. My mom asked how I was feeling. Mortified, of course, you're all staring at me naked. Anyway, the doctor finally came in and said, "Okay, everyone, it seems you are making him uncomfortable, so let's give the boy his privacy." They all seemed confused, so he said, "Is mean, leave. Now. Go." He was Italian, that's why he said it like that. I said to him, "Except Bart and Giovanni, they can stay." So he says, "Okay, he says Bart and Giovanni can stay." I said they could because they understand, and they wouldn't make me feel uncomfortable. They came to the bedside and looked a different way. So we got through introductions, then the doctor said, "I couldn't help but notice you brought a little friend. What's the story behind this?" So I told him what happened. He says, "Wow, you are a hero. Well, we'll be sure to take just as good care of the puppy." That's when they finally brought me a bed sheet. So Bart and Giovanni stayed with me the whole time, night and day. Before the doctor left for the night, I remember saying, "Wait, don't I get something to wear? I really hate being naked." He says, "Oh, I understand that. However, with the frostbite, those areas need to air out and grow new skin, basically. Clothing would only hinder that."

    So a few days pass with more mortifying moments, and then day four comes along. I had been declining every day leading up to that, and so I was basically dying. I remember the doctor coming in for my checkup that morning, and he was extremely tired, he went to grab the stethoscope, turned around, bumped into the nurse and spilled his scorching hot coffee on her. Then he tripped over Bart's chair, and spilled it on him and Giovanni. Then he asked the nurse to pull the sheets back a bit, just enough so he could sit me up. She pulled the sheets back, down to my waist, the doctor bumped into the bed, and spilled it on me, and that's when he finally got his wake up call.

    So day five came along. I was dying. The doctor estimated I only had till the next morning. Bart and Giovanni, who are like brothers to me, and me to them, were so upset when they heard that I didn't have long. They started crying. Then the others paid a visit, only to get the same news. My mom just broke down. She asked to speak with me alone. She said, "Just know that no matter what happens, I'll always love you. I'll never forget you." Anyway, that night, they all came again, and I had gotten significantly weaker, and was holding on by a thread. Even the puppy was sad. I remember him laying across my chest, and putting his paw right over my heart. Don't know if that was intentional, but I like to think it was. Then he just laid there very sad. Bart was worried the puppy would make it even harder for me to breathe, so he took him off my chest.

    The next morning, I will tell you about it as Bart told it to me. He and Giovanni woke up. Giovanni asked, "Is he...............gone?" Bart checked for a heartbeat, a pulse, movement in the diaphragm, not much action in any of them. He answered, "I, I think so buddy. We've lost our brother." Apparently, the puppy didn't think so. He hopped up on the bed, put his cold paws on my chest, and I immediately woke up with a chill running through me. Bart and Giovanni could hardly believe their eyes. They were so happy. Then the doctor came in, and couldn't believe it either. Neither could my family. My mom was so happy she ran up and hugged me. Which really hurt due to the spinal injury. And also that she held me at an angle at which the sheets fell right off me, exposing me. Bart was quick to hold them back up, though, and to tell my mom to put me down. From there on, I started to get better.

    So a few more days with mortifying moments passed, and I noticed the puppy looking sad. I figured he must miss his family. So Bart, Giovanni, and I talked the doctor into accompanying us on a mission to reunite the puppy with his pack. That night, they got me some warm clothes, because I sure as hell wasn't going on this mission naked. We all ventured out to the forest that was near the ski lodge. The hospital was also close to the ski lodge. So the doctor brought a light, I had the puppy, Bart was helping keep me steady, as I was still a little clumsy walking. Giovanni had the peace offering, in case things went south. So we went into the forest until I saw signs that the puppy sensed his pack was nearby, and then we heard howling. So we waited. We waited. Waited, until we saw a pair of glowing yellow eyes in the distant darkness. And we heard snarling. It was the puppy's mother. Or so we all think. She came closer, and was not happy. The doctor was scared, but we knew what had her in a state. She wanted her baby back. So she stopped a good distance away, but still in attack position in case we tried anything stupid. But we didn't. Bart helped me slowly lower to the ground, where I released the puppy. He said his goodbyes to us, and ran to his mother. It was a beautiful thing to behold. See, wolves are smart, they know attacking is a dumb way to get a puppy back, unless there's good reason to believe a fight would be involved. After that, we returned to the hospital, where I was released the next morning.

    All this happened in ten days.

    Anyone who tries to tell me I'm a liar can go to hell, because this really did happen.

    GLENGLEN Banned

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    I Only Have One Thing To Say...........You Have A Very Vivid Imagination....... ;)

    Cheers Glen.
    1 person likes this.
  3. barefootconservative

    barefootconservative Barefoot for God

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    imagination? No, this happened.
  4. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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    Didn't you hear him? He said if you call him a liar you're going to hell! :yikes:
  5. barefootconservative

    barefootconservative Barefoot for God

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    I never said that. I merely recommended you go to hell if you blatantly call me a liar. Because this really happened.
  6. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    So what happened again? Make it one sentence. :)
    1 person likes this.
  7. barefootconservative

    barefootconservative Barefoot for God

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    It's in the title. I nearly died saving a wolf puppy from being squished by a falling boulder.
  8. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Just set that in Canyonlands...

    Don't mess with wild animals without experience.
  9. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Ohhhh a falling boulder now see that's absent from your thread title. :) well I hope you save it anyway. I also hope you connected with it. :)
  10. barefootconservative

    barefootconservative Barefoot for God

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    You bet your ass I did. Wolves are my favorite animals.And I really love puppies. I have always connected well with animals. I saved the poor thing, but got badly injured, but hey, at least he got out unharmed. Not a scratch.
  11. barefoot101corrin

    barefoot101corrin Member

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    holy shit. this completes my list of "things i wouildnt expect to happen to me when i woke up this morning"

    i would have kept the puppy

    even if it one day would kill me as a wolf i know it woudl do it out of love [​IMG]
  12. barefootconservative

    barefootconservative Barefoot for God

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    I wanted to keep him, but it wasn't what was best for him.
  13. barefoot101corrin

    barefoot101corrin Member

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  14. Golden_Wheel

    Golden_Wheel Members

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    Did you get any pictures?
    I can not imagine that no one
    Took photos of you and the pup.
  15. barefootconservative

    barefootconservative Barefoot for God

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    I didn't allow photos, because I was naked.
  16. Golden_Wheel

    Golden_Wheel Members

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    Quite shocking. Surprised the doctors and nurses did not take
    photos of the pup. That sort of thing normally makes the news.

    You are a very nice person. All animal lovers are.
    Sweet story, thanks for sharing.
  17. barefootconservative

    barefootconservative Barefoot for God

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    No problem. But again, I was not about to be photographed, especially for the news.

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