Will Trump Supporters Listen To The Warnings?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Balbus, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    Except it's the greater evil --by far--and even his base may see this when it becomes clear that their lives are getting worse instead of better. Recall that Trump did not win the popular vote--not by a long shot--and that polls immediately before and after he took office show his popularity at a record low in comparison to other Presidents at the beginning of their first term--less than half! Of course, if the Democrats continue to be stupid, they may lose again. I wouldn't put it past them. I was watching a program on MSNBC where a panel of two African-Americans and a Muslim decided that what the Democrats need to do is elect a Black Muslim as party chair! NO! I don't think that would go over!
  2. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    Trump has the easiest job in the world because the truth is America has plenty of jobs, its just that the trickle-down economy has merely produced a pissed-on one and the republican party has now become a victim of decades of their own propaganda. The sad truth is most of the idiots watching Fox News and listening to talk radio are senior citizens who have made fortunes investing in the stock market and have now shot themselves in the foot by helping to elect Trump. They are among the few in the country to benefit from the pissed-on economy and if Trump can provide higher wages for the middle class, working class, and poor he will no longer need them.

    That's why the leaders of the republican party are fighting their own president. Most people buy all the crap about manufacturing or technology or hard work or whatever driving the economy, but the truth is 90% of the entire world economy is driven by pure speculation. Its a giant house of cards backed by the US having a military equal to the next six largest combined, which is why when the world economy collapsed the US, which instigated it, came out smelling like rose. All Trump has to do is make the republican party eat their own words and drive up wages for everyone else. If he succeeds in that, he can get away with whatever he wants including dumping on minorities and women. The lesser of many evils is always a self-defeating philosophy and Trump has just ensured that both the republican party and the democrats now have no choice but to change their agenda if he merely pushes his.

    Of course, he's an idiot who has no clue what he is doing, but that's why the lesser of many evils is a self-defeating philosophy.
  3. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    and most....oh wait never mind.

    and none have killed 6 million people. so tell me how someone is like hitler when that happens
  4. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    Mao Tse Dung and Stalin killed more, but Hitler transformed the most integrated and advanced country in the world into a genocidal nightmare and dragged the entire developed world and all the superpowers into a world war. The US is famous as a melting pot for people of all religious and ethnic backgrounds and is the most advanced country in the world but, sadly, it was the US that gave the Nazis many of their ideas about eugenics and Germans are the single largest ethnic group in the US. The KKK and others are pissed off because all the demographics are against them and, soon enough, hispanics will become the largest ethnic group and the republican party is rapidly aging. They are proposing exactly the same kind of extreme measures that Trump is using in order to "stem the tide".
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  5. Beutsecks

    Beutsecks Large Rooster

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    Oh yea? So where are they? Where are the KKK?

    They were defeated long ago, they're no plausible threat except in the minds of the press and then only for click bait. As for the US teaching the Nazis, oh do tell.
  6. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    Thanks to the success of the Tea Party, the number of hate groups is on the rise again. Most of them are taking a less radical stance these days in order to recruit more members, but with the success of Trump you can be sure they will become bolder again. You might want to read, "The Legacy of Malthus" if you wish to know the origins of so-called "scientific racism". The state of Virginia sterilized some 20,000 people for basically being poor, and the US most certainly did create much of the propaganda of eugenics that the Nazis adopted.

    Personally, I prefer to not read such accounts myself. Some things cannot be unseen like how hot dogs are made.
  7. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    The "final solution" came late in the game. Initially, there were gradually increasing legal requirements like wearing a Star of David, banning kosher butchering, exclusion from medical and law schools, etc., in the early thirties. The final solution didn't come until 1943. In November, 2015, Trump called for registration of Muslims. Over a year later, Trump's chief of staff Reince Priebus said he wouldn't rule it out.
    https://thinkprogress.org/priebus-muslim-registry-8d34f87cdff6#.9w107h1bi It's like the proverbial frog in the pan of water. If the heat is turned up gradually, the poor frog adjusts and doesn't notice the full horror until the water reaches the boiling point. If we wait until things reach the boiling point, we're cooked.

    BTW, in a previous post I noted similarities between Steve Bannon and Joseph Goebbels. Similarities between Trumps' political handler Kellyanne Conway and another figure in the Hitler retinue, Lenie Riefenstahl, have been noted by more than one observer.
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  8. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    you can find similarities between me and Gandhi
    and you can find similarities between me and Jeffery Dahmer.
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  9. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I think you mean America COULD have plenty of jobs? It doesn't have them right now obviously. And its not that easy for the president to change that otherwise it would be done already.
  10. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    [SIZE=11pt]OK on the 30th January 1933, a populist leader took over power after winning a democratic election (but without a majority of the vote) he was adored by his supporters and disliked and even feared by many others in his country and around the world. [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]He was Time’s Person of the Year in 1938.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]He had a radical programme to change his country and make it great again by putting his countries national interests at the forefront his policies. He spent a lot of money subsidizing industries and building infrastructure projects like a huge motorway network for example it created jobs and prosperity to many and he was even more adored by his followers [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]It worked for the short term after that not so good....[/SIZE]
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  11. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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  12. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    is this thread asking about in another 4 years? because it really dosnt matter if they see any warnings otherwise. what is done is done in the candidate supporting segment of this election year.
  13. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    In the UK many schools teach Germany and the rise of Hitler as part of their history courses.

    It is about showing how what was thought of as a modern and civilised state could be changed into a barbaric one

    Once in power Hitler moved quickly to give his supporters what they wanted.

    Germany was still suffering from the Great Depression and unemployment was high especially among many of his supporters.

    The Unemployment relief act was brought in June 1933 this involved the building of freeways and other public works (eg hospitals)

    Hitler “wanted to show that his government could get things done in a way the Weimar government had not. Building the Autobahn was the perfect demonstration. Hitler himself broke ground on the highway system in September 1933 — telling the crowd to "get to work" — and within a year construction was underway in 11 major corridors. The propaganda that followed referred to "roads of the Führer" as a way of connecting highway completion with an effective Nazi regime.”

    Factories were built often involving public money and for military contracts (making the owners very rich)

    Unions were persecuted then banned.

    The military forces were vastly expanded.

    The majority of Germans were glad to get secure and fairly safe jobs. Industrial workers had regular work, although they had lost their rights.

    Whilst large businesses were prospering, small businesses and the middle classes were squeezed out of the market.


    The thing is that of course history never actually repeats itself exactly but it can give you lessens, hints, and food for thought.

    I’m not saying Trump is Hitler or will become Hitler but that it is a good ideas to keep an eye on populist leaders that might want to take a like more power, while in control.
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  14. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    In the Poli Sci course I'm taking at a local community college, part of the curriculum is online. We watched a youtube video from 1981 called "The Wave". I would post the video but really it's too long (like, 45 minutes or something) and no one would like to watch it, IMO. But anyway the point of the video was to show that had you lived in Nazi Germany, you'd have fallen for it too. The video is difficult to describe, but the gist of it is that there's this teacher who is teaching history to a group of high school or college kids. One of his students asks "how could the germans stand for hitler" or something like that. He didn't know how to answer the question. So, the next time they met for class he tricked them. His whole lesson plan changed. He began instructing them in how to sit, stand, and how to address the teacher. Over time the students began to take pride in the new way they had been taught to interact. It gets to the point where the students are taking the "new way" very seriously. At the end of the video the teacher reveals that this was all just a practical lesson to show that they had blindly followed instructions and been led into something fictitious.

    Maybe this description doesn't provide any insight whatsoever, but I thought it related to the discussion. The video in the context of my course is supposed to show how Charismatic Authority is used to mislead, or something like that. Anyway... tangent. I don't know that there is any merit to what Hitler did. He murdered millions. That treachery can never be forgiven. It's important to realize, however that the German people were not at fault for Hitler's Germany.
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  15. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    Yes – and no

    A lot of other in many countries fell for Hilter either through admiration or appeasement.

    But I’d put in a couple of things the firdst I think has already been mentioned

    [SIZE=11pt]First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Because I was not a Socialist.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Because I was not a Trade Unionist. [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Because I was not a Jew. [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.[/SIZE]

    Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) was a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps.


    The next something attributed to Thomas Jefferson

    “The price of liberty is eternal vigilance."


    As I said it is always a good ideas to keep an eye on populist leaders
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  16. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    America has among the lowest unemployment in the developed world. The problem is not the number of jobs or even the quality of the jobs available which is what Trump keeps arguing, but the fact wages have declined for the last 40 years as wealth has accumulated at the top. By manipulating the banks, stock market, and international trade the international conglomerates and US government have artificially kept wages low in the US and even transformed what was a balanced budget into a twenty trillion dollar debt using nothing more than blue smoke and mirrors without a single banker going to jail for committing widespread fraud and collapsing the entire world economy. Its empire baby, and this train ain't stopping until she derails.

    The banks and US government had little choice but to manipulate the system because free trade would actually destroy the world economy. The US is simply too powerful an economy for anyone to compete against which is also one reason we have been investing in building up China. We faced the same problem after WWII with the infrastructure of both Japan and all of Europe devastated by the war we had no one to trade with who had anything more than beads and blankets. By rebuilding their infrastructure we created the markets we needed to continue to grow our own economy.

    Trump is a complete idiot who has no clue what is going on or what he is doing, but he is using the republican party's own endless lies and bullshit rhetoric against them in order to steal from the rich and give to the poor. By starting trade wars and kicking all of the illegals out of the country he can easily defeat the banks and congress and redistribute the wealth among everyone else. The rest of the world economy may suffer, but he can easily raise the average wages of Americans and steal the support of countless republicans away from their own party leaders in the process.
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  17. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    So was this post about why the second ammendment is so important?
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  18. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    Kind of....its the number of quality jobs.
  19. Beutsecks

    Beutsecks Large Rooster

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    I remember The Wave very well. It was impressively conceived, much like The Eye of the Storm. The paradigm shift when the leader was revealed was stunning.
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  20. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    Roughly 25% of Americans have Phds, 33% have college degrees, and well over half have some sort of higher education with people today frequently having five different careers over their lifetime of employment. Again, it isn't that Americans are lazy, stupid, or that there aren't any quality jobs to go around. The problem is the bankers and stock market have dominated the economy and its now much easier to make money merely by investing in the stock market than through hard work and education. Seriously, take a look at the numbers for the average Fox News viewer and you will start to understand the scope of the problem. These are people who often insist the sun revolves around the earth and they are making a killing on the stock market, while blaming the average American for being stupid and lazy.

    This is the same thing that happened in the Roman empire, where the international conglomerates and entrenched wealth took over the country, disenfranchised most of the people, created the modern welfare state, and squeezed the middle class mercilessly. Ancient Rome would import slaves with higher education, such as Plato, to help the wealthy make even more money. If there are not enough good jobs to go around in the US, ask yourself why we keep importing all the talent we want.

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