Can Thoughts Travel Faster Than Speed Of Light?

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by Gangster Guru, Jan 25, 2017.

  1. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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    Physics tell us nothing can move faster than light speed.But consciousness may be another category all together.Could it be that thoughts and brain activity move faster than the speed of light.Consciousness is not fully explained by science,and there is no direct correlation between the hard matter of the brain and resultant thoughts.Thoughts are a holistic function of brain activity we don't fully understand.Would the laws of physics necessarily contradict the supposition that thoughts could travel faster than light speed?
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  2. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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    Of course I mean thoughts contained in the brain.I am not talking about ESP here.And perhaps "Emerge" would be a better word than "Move."

    However for me consciousness is produced by an intimate relationship with God.God is responsible for consciousness.So for me,and I know many will laugh and disagree,there is direct movement of thoughts between God and minds.Consciousness is just too amazing to be reducible to physics,biology and chemistry alone.This is one of the final conclusions that has led me to God.
  3. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Errr, none of that is true

    No correlation between the "hard" matter of the brain and thought? They are called neurons

    We dont fully understand brain activity, yeah we do, just most of it is bullshit. Humans dont have any higher order cognitive functions that are unique. Chimpanzees have art, religion even science too, just a lot more basic
    Dogs howling at the moon, people believing in IS the same thing, the same logical constructs in the brain, the same kind of chemical rewards get released, just that the dogs version is simpler

    Dogs have the same hormone that gets released into the brain with social contact that humans do, and more so than all the other mammals, which is why we have evolved side by side for so long, why dogs are mans best friend

    And as for faster than light, Physics only tells us that energy cant travel faster than light in our universe. No one has ever said "nothing" can travel faster than light anywhere
  4. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    Consciousness is not fully explained but there is a correlation between matter and thoughts.

    I don't think thoughts travel faster than the speed of light, however I think this storage medium of the internet and technology allows for us to kind of traverse or access thoughts more rapidly in some ways.
  5. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    in short, no. you are still constricted by the laws of physics and nothing in our systems is moving faster than light.

    you can save yourself a lot of typing if you look into this stuff before posting;

    this article says around 150 milliseconds is about the fastest info is processed.

    3560 meters/second;

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  6. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I experience this daily...I see a thought of mine somewhere exactly....or someone says something I knew they would 2 seconds later....always had mental telepathy with my mom and others. She was good at it...could read my mind every second some times....
    Anyway.....this may be the only way to communicate i see open communication closing down at record speeds now.

    We will only be allowed to say what some people want us to....I fear.
  7. Mountain Valley Wolf

    Mountain Valley Wolf Senior Member

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    If you read my post in 'Hi' in the existentialism section, you would see how I treat information, and relate it to mind. Quantum Information can move faster than the speed of light and science does recognize this possibility. For example, you can generate a pair of particles, moving in opposite directions, and when you change an aspect of one particle, it will change the other particle simultaneously (but in the opposite direction). We understand that this is true even if the two particles have moved light minutes or light years away from each other. If you change the spin, for example, the linked particle will simultaneously change spin in the opposite direction.

    I resolved this from a philosophical aspect by defining the wave side of the wave/particle duality as nonphysical. The wave is more of a field than a wave, in fact, quantum mechanics has trouble with labeling it as a field or a wave. It is both, one or the other, and neither...

    But it is also a super-positioned reality---a simple electron for example, exists all over the universe and all through time, simultaneously as a quantum wave, it is only when it collapses to a particle that it exists at a single position in space-time. This concept is met with a lot of resistance---and people will argue 'but we can experience the wave in physical terms-----but in order to experience that wave, it has to collapse to a particle---it has to have a physical presence with a specific position in space-time.

    Time is our experience of the 4th Dimension---time happens, according to Einstein's Theory of Relativity, at the speed of light. At the speed of light space and time drop to zero. Therefore I see the 4th Dimension as this nonphysical superpositioned dimension. The 4th Dimension itself is timeless, and quantum information is carried by the wave, and therefore, as it passes through a timeless dimension can be shared at two different places in the universe, for example, faster than the speed of light.

    But this information, which represents meaning, value, intention, must represent something from a still higher dimension, because if the wave is superpositioned---already present everywhere---then it is meaningless. For example, quantum information, determines the probability of a particle appearing in a specific position in space-time. But superpositioned as it is, it already exists there in that position, just as it exists everywhere else. The Quantum Information gives it meaning, in the sense that it will manifest in the position it does within our physical 3-dimensional reality.

    The Philosopher Brentano said that thought always represents an intenional object---in other words it is always thought of some 'thing' (the object). I posit that Quantum Information also represents an intentional object. The mind is, by definition, nonphysical, so they both represent a nonphysical object.

    I have given my philosophy the label of Archephenomenalism---it is a phenomenalist philosophy (if you believe that God is connected to mind---are you familiar at all with the father of phenomenalism--Berkeley?). Arche, is the first cause, which I say is mind----but this is only a vague term for that absolute reality---God, nous, Tao, whatever label you want to apply to it.
  8. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    Quanta display no preference for going forward or backward in time because they represent infinite karmic universes converging. Even whether something is the future influencing the past or a parallel universe influencing us would remain debatable. However, nonlinear temporal dynamics are just easier for the human mind to grasp than infinite universes converging with, for example, every material thing around us reflecting two or three exaggerated dimensions out of an infinite number converging and adding a few nonlinear temporal dynamics isn't beyond the capacity of human imagination. Whether the speed of light is actually a limit or not is what will remain debatable thanks to the law of identity going down the toilet making it impossible to determine whether Murphy's Law rules the universe or a Goldilocks Principle when the two constantly exchange identities. You could say the speed of light reflects the conservation laws where reality without dreams is just a contradiction and everything expresses both limits and no limits.
  9. Mountain Valley Wolf

    Mountain Valley Wolf Senior Member

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    In a general sense I am not saying that mind as we experience in physical reality moves faster than the speed of light. There is no real reason for us to think in terms of physicality faster than the speed of light. The OP ruled out extrasensory phenomena, and that is really where such things come into play, much like the example of linked particles which I wrote about----i.e. non-local phenomena.

    How is it for example, that there are claims of spouses, twins, and the like that knew when something bad happened to their loved ones in a battlefield, or in an automobile accident, or other mishap, on the other side of the globe, at the moment, to their understanding, that it happened.

    But let's ignore such questions of non-locality. What this research is measuring is the physical phenomena of a non-physical thing. An electron travelling across the synapse of the brain is a physical event. But we cannot conclude that the mind is a physical thing. We can draw a connection between the activities of the neurons and synapses and so forth, and suggest that such phenomena are a physical manifestation of the mind, but we cannot conclude that they represent mind itself. Mind by definition is nonphysical.

    For example, there is a rare weather phenomenon known as a sprite. It is a flash of plasma that occurs above clouds simultaneous to a strong lightning strike in the cloud below. It has been documented that sprites have been seen by the naked eye----in fact, that is how we knew that there was such a thing, because the very first actual photograph of a sprite happened last year.

    The problem is that a sprite lasts 7 to 10 milliseconds, which is considerable less than 150 milliseconds. Yet somehow it is seen and the mind perceives it.
  10. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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    I am not ruling out ESP.I am still thinking out responses to my opening posts,as I wrote them out very quickly without really thinking the problems through properly.I am trying to find the right context for everything.I have a lot of real life work to do (money work) but I hope to be back with you on this topic tomorrow.
  11. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    right, the OP ruled out ESP, so why are you going on about it?
    my dog can read my mind, so what, that is not the topic of this thread.

    When asking "how fast do our thoughts travel" we a constrained to consider the actual physical process taking place, not the content.
    The OP is also wrong in the assumption that there is no correlation between thoughts and the physical nervous system, that is just silly and such correlations have been made, again, without interviewing a person it is impossible to know the content of their thoughts, but we are able to map the movement of information through the nervous system, and that is the "speed of thought".

    We can extrapolate about the content, such as asking the test subject to think of something that makes them sad and then seeing what brain structures/pathways are involved, but we have no way of actually measuring content of thought vs the physical phenomena.

    the 150 millisecond time I mentioned is an "average", but there are many factors that impact the speed with which neurons communicate. There are many small feedback loops that move info and elicit a response in the times you mention, and some of those are visual. Some impulses take almost a second to go from point A to point B. Not every sensory input is fully processed, some trigger those quick response loops and never actually are processed by the actual brain, that is why a sprite can be seen.

    To begin to talk of non-locality and all that whenever the question really is physical is going off into the realm of magical thinking and not on topic.

    as I said above, the info is a Google search away, no need for it to be approached as some esoteric mystery...LOL
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