
Discussion in 'Writers Forum' started by albatross_and_phoenix, Jan 24, 2017.

  1. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Hiding in the shadows of Jack's disgrace and shame, he was startled by the screams of the brown bear who was flailing is leg in the air in agony. It appeared the bear had bitten his own paw off to escape from the big trap, and Jack, who was always a sympathetic soul, wondered what he could do to help the big creature, as tears rolled down his face, as agonizing screams echoed through the forest and stirring Jack into his own agony,...

    (Hey, I thought one sentence each,,,lol...ok, so i just got carried away, too...had to get the part about chewing a piece off of oneself to escape, though)
  2. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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    The bear was dying.Blood was now gushing from the severed paw.Jack moved closer,not wanting to really,but compelled by a morbid fascination.The bear gave forth an ungodly primal growl that echoed through the forest.Jack felt very sorry for the poor creature.He only had four cartridges left for his shotgun,but he quickly decided to put the bear out of its misery.He ran into the shack,grabbed a cartridge from the table and loaded the gun.He took another cartridge.It might take two to kill this bear,he thought.Outside,it started to rain.Jack approached within four metres of the bear,took aim at the bear's head,and pulled the trigger.He reloaded,and shot the bear again.It convulsed and writhed in a heap,and died.Jack felt sick.
  3. albatross_and_phoenix

    albatross_and_phoenix Members

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    he sat on the ground and lighted a cigarette. he was very tired. he thought that he could sell the bearskin, it could worth 100 to 300 dollars. he really needed that money...
  4. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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    How the fuck am I gonna skin this bear,Jack thought.He walked over to it."I shall work slowly and methodically for a week",he said aloud,as if speaking to the bear itself..." And then I shall have you." Elsa came over to him.He held open his arms and the brown and white whippet leapt up into his embrace.He whirled around on his feet."TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS",He shouted into the night time air..."That'll get me to Marie's place in Colorado!" He went back into the shack and lay down on his pallet.He fell to sleep quickly with a smile on his face.
  5. albatross_and_phoenix

    albatross_and_phoenix Members

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    he woke up when his dog started to bark. it was early in the morning. birds were celebrating the rise of the sun. he was very hungry and started to think what could he eat...
  6. fundoo

    fundoo Members

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    even the fallen bark looked tasty at this point, but surly he could scrounge up some berries or maybe find a bird's nest with some eggs. "Ahh, yes! Eggs would be nice!"...

    (folks, i really need help with my writing! inspire me! teehee)
  7. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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    Right then he heard a yell. It was a girl's voice."Hey...Is there anybody here." Jack hadn't seen another human being for near on three weeks. He saw a tall thin figure stumble through the trees towards him. She had on a colourful long dress and cardigan,and was barefoot. She was pale,and her face was framed by a mass of scraggly black hair."Hey...",Jack hollered."What brings you here?"

    (Don't worry about the style,just tell the story.)
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  8. fundoo

    fundoo Members

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    "I lost gloves and I have OCD and so I have been out here for three weeks, because I can't let it go that they are really goooone!"

    (Ahhh, I hope nobody takes this too seriously. I'm a shy public writer, but still want to keep in the rhythm of writing and see how others do it too. Peace!:) )
  9. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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    "Also," said the girl, "I have come from Hip Forums to save you." She walked up to Jack and put her hand on his shoulder. "You are a character in a story being written by some very wicked people..."We have to find a way out." Jack looked deep into her eyes. She had grey eyes, that seemed bottomless and strangely empty to Jack. "Here," said the girl, "Have a cigarette".
  10. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    Jack said " get that away from me, I don't want to get know that always happens to characters that smoke who are written by wicked people."
  11. fundoo

    fundoo Members

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    (oops! i was quoting Jack, not the girl. teehee :p hahahaaa you folks are fantastic!)

    But he continued "hmm but it does sound rather nice right now after all this time out here [​IMG]" (narrator laughs)
    but!!! nah! get away woman!" Jack went back to dig the firepit for the food he still hadn't found. The girl laughed and said "ah i just wanted to watch you react. I don't even smoke!" She laughs then continues, "So, hungry are ya? You know there's a [insert mega mouthwatering restaurant name here] just past that tree over there."

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  12. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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    This is Jack Brody:[media][/media]
  13. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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    This is the girl. Everyone calls her Froggie:[media][/media]
  14. fundoo

    fundoo Members

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    haha! I never had a chance to listen to these before (believe it or not, I haven't heard much Blur and have never heard of this other group)

    I have no clue what the Stove is supposed to be about. lol Doesn't seem like anybody else does either! idk :p

    haha! ok, continuing the story,

    So Jack Brody would rather hunt his meal, but then Froggie convinces him to stop by the stove or "The Stove" restaurant anyway. ha! And they toast up by the actual stove and fry up the squirrels he just caught (ahh, sorry Mr. Squirrel. btw, this "author" would likely never eat squirrel)...

  15. Banned Drama Queen

    Banned Drama Queen Idiot

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    Damn I was reading the story for several pages and was going to contribute and then it just ended
  16. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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    I didn't end it I just opened it up to multimedia. You can continue if you like. I got stuck.
  17. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    After a fine meal of toasted squirrel ala Cristpatito, Froggie reached into the pocket of her granny dress and brought out a small square of tin foil. She carefully unfolded it and brought forth a wee little, itty-bitty, teenys-weensy piece of gelatin.
    'What's that?", asked Jack.
    " dessert, we're going to eat it and get f-cked up"
    "That little thing is going to f-ck you up?"
    "No, that little thing is going to f-uck us both up!", she said as she pulled a razor blade out of thin air.
  18. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Twenty three hours later they were still tripping away.
    Reality had taken a break and it seemed that Hip Forums had faded away.

    No one responded to the questions that kept rolling through their minds like a bad thread in the politics section, or maybe a good one over in Philo.

    "What is reality?"........

    "And, where did everyone go?"
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  19. fundoo

    fundoo Members

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    Eh hem. I posted right before you! ;)
  20. fundoo

    fundoo Members

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    A couple months later...

    Where DID everyone go?! It turns out they sort of evolved into some cross between a sort of dough like form with the essence of a thinking being, only their only thoughts were that of dough and what they could do with dough. Soon all of the thoughts of dough had intrigued the squirrels who somehow had developed a taste for dough and who were once the meal of these "humans" had now become the top of the food chain. What was to happen to mankind, Er, "mankind"?!

    (Ummm... huh? Yeah I'm getting lazy here, but thought I'd give this a boost as the writing season is about to begin again)

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