Solo First Time Trip

Discussion in 'LSD - Acid Trips' started by Fmn, Jan 14, 2017.

  1. Fmn

    Fmn Members

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    Hello, a bit about me before I get to asking questions and such. Firstly, I am wanting to take LSD for the first time, and without a tripsitter too. I am an 18 year old male student and have only smoked weed before (for about two years now but I have recently stopped smoking, only smoking when I go back to my hometown).

    I've been very interested in drugs since I was 16 and smoked a joint for the first time. About 10-12 months ago I became wonderfully fascinated by the experience LSD can bring. I think about it often and have thoroughly researched it in the past few months. I am massively shy and none of my friends knew anyone who could supply LSD and they themselves didn't want to do it. I looked at 1P-LSD as a potential replacement for LSD-25 but I was inconclusive as to whether I wanted to purchase it, then it became illegal here in the UK so that option was gone - but now I am in a position where I can obtain the real deal. Especially in the last 6 months I've felt like I need to experience LSD, in awe about the prospects of taking this beautiful thing. I feel like it can hugely inspire me to refresh my perspective on what life means and so on.

    I've taken many precautions in the last week such as intensely researching LSD in all its aspects: positive effects; negative effects; trip reports; what I can expect to feel, learn and think; and so on and on.

    My plan thus far is to wake up at my natural time (approx. 2pm), shower, brush my teeth, stock up on food and drink then I aim to drop the LSD at around 3pm in my room so I can trip in the daytime as well as the night. I'm probably going to set up a music playlist, write down some questions to think about, have a pen and notepad nearby and have a bit of paper that says something along the lines of "you're going to be okay, you're tripping on LSD" in case of a bad trip (is this really necessary to have? I don't want to keep seeing it and for it to constantly remind me that I'm tripping and all that I'm seeing, thinking and feeling is somewhat false).

    I'm very interested in looking at a mirror too.

    However, below I am going to list a few of my concerns I have for when I am on acid...
    - I have an extremely bad diet (basically a takeaway every day or so) although I'm thinking I'll probably buy some apples and flavoured water to compliment the trip. If I have bad food leading up to the trip is that going to affect me? Should I at least try to eat more healthy foods in particular leading up to the day of taking it?
    - Dosage. I'm pretty sure it'll be a 100mg tab as I fear increasing on that amount may induce a bad trip of such. Is this such an issue or would 150mg (for example) be fine as well? I'm basically an average 18 year old in terms of weight and height.
    - One thing I am kind of worrying about is if I have a desire to leave my flat. I'm already planning on wearing something suitable to go out in public with and putting my key in my pocket so if I should spontaneously decide to go outside I will hopefully remember I got my key on me to get back in. Am I genuinely going to be so high that I won't be able to 'control' myself from going outside and wandering somewhere random. I say this because I live in a city and also I am a super lightweight when it comes to drugs (I've had some crazy experiences just on weed, for example one time I fully hallucinated).
    - Will I be able to communicate with my flatmates? I plan on spending the whole trip in my room, on my laptop or PS4. I saw someone post on a forum I looked at that if you take 100mg you basically won't be able to maintain a conversation with a sober person. I just don't want them to think I am in need of help and to freak out or in any way ruin the trip for me by asking any questions or making a big deal out of it. Also, would this infringe the experience as a whole?
    - Should I leave my phone away from me on mute? The last thing I wanna see is my mum calling me or something... that would probably be something that will cause me to panic.
    - The whole mirror thing. If it begins to get bad, I can just simply look away and that's that, right? It's not as big of a deal that some people make it out to be?
    - If I am on my laptop, let's say on Twitter or something, and I see something 'scary' like a scary face or a jumpscare video or just anything negative (news of a celebrity death or something, idk) would that affect how the rest of the trip plays out? You can never trust what will behold on the internet nowadays...

    I am genuinely excited and open for anything to happen, I'm just going to let Lucy take me where ever she wants (unless that place is a bad trip in which case I will really want to get out of it). My main fear is ultimately myself. I know I'm a lightweight. I know that all I've done before is smoke weed and be drunk a couple of times so LSD is going to be something that I've never came close to before. I know my mind races at a million mph with different thoughts every millisecond and I suppose I'm anxious if the acid will make me indulge deeper in my subconscious thoughts which I must admit are 50% bad. I don't want to think a negative thought and for that to define my whole experience. I've got a clear schedule. I'm definitely going to give myself a day after dropping acid to recover.

    Can I get away with tripping solo? I know I am comfortable doing it because for me this is more of a personal experience rather than one to take with friends and not think about the experience as it's happening as much. My mind needs to be calmed and I'm hoping LSD can benefit me for the future. I'm not going into this experience expecting a specific thing to happen but I just really want to limit any possibility of a bad trip that will affect me for days, months or years.

    Thank you very much if you read all of this (you're a hero) and I appreciate anyone with any input on this topic. Tips? Things not to do? Anything that is fun to do whilst tripping? I appreciate it all. If anybody can answer any of my questions or suggest I do something differently (e.g. take acid at a different time, plan to do more, plan to do less) that'd be greatly appreciated too. Finally, is there any good topics I should think about whilst tripping, or good questions to think of?

    A huge thank you again,
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  2. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Overall I would recommend you trip in a place where you feel comfortable and safe. This will allow you to communicate with other people and have the control you are looking for. But still once you take the LSD you might wish to be alone and not really feel like having a conversation or you might want to be friends laughing and bonding. Each trip is different and your own mind affects it a lot. It's when you are unsure that the "bad trips" can happen. Personally I know I would want to leave my room while tripping. Your plan of hiding and playing PS4 would not last with me.

    A good diet can not hurt you and would help the body to produce more feel good chemicals on its own. Leading up to the trip this could put you in a good state of mind. But if you did eat some fast food the day of I think you could still have a good experience. But it might give you prospective on the food you are eating. Once I microwaved some pizza late night after a trip and the food looked very bad to me. Something in my head was just telling me don't eat this has no nutrition.

    A lot of people would recommend you do not trip alone the first time. But I was like you when I discovered psychedelics. My friends has no interest in them and thought they were dangerous so I did it alone. It was a wonderful experience and I never had any fear or doubts. But I researched what to expect first and did it in my house with my favorite music on.

    100 micrograms is a not a huge dose. You can definitely take enough LSD to leave this world for a while but 100 is an average experience maybe even mild for those with experience. So in my opinion you would be fine being in public. The average person would not know you are intoxicated with 100 micrograms. You might say some weird things that make sense to you but you will have more control than a drunk person. You will be aware of what you are saying and probably remember it in the morning. With doses higher than 100 you could easily loose the ability to communicate well. But do not drive or do any other unsafe behavior like that. You will not think you can fly or anything silly people might have told you but do understand you are not sober.

    Talking to people you don't want to on the phone can be rough. So ask yourself how will your mom feel if she can not reach you for 12-16 hours or so. Will this make her panic and you get a knock at the door from the police? If you think it would bother you I would avoid it while tripping.

    I have looked at myself in the mirror tripping and it's not as bad people say. Your face will probably do some interesting things but it never made me go insane or anything.

    Getting bad news while tripping is a downer. So yes if you like that celebrity and you heard they died I think it could really affect your trip. But it could also make you think of the beauty of life and the good things that person experienced. It's hard to say because so much of the LSD experience is your own mind processing it. I don't think you have to fear Twitter while tripping. You will process whatever you see and hear. Many people feel LSD helps them to see new perspective on problems and life and doing that means dealing with unpleasant things when high.

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