Somatic Sex Therapy

Discussion in 'Sexual Health' started by Captain Allan, Jan 5, 2017.

  1. Captain Allan

    Captain Allan Members

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    For a start I would like to apologise if the title is misspelled

    I was wondering what somatic sexual therapy is like? Is it an actual beneficial form of therapy?
    What exactly does it include?
    I watched one online video and it just seemed identical to a vaginal massage video
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  2. MasseurNaturel

    MasseurNaturel Members

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    You've spelled the title correctly...

    Somatics is the study of the Soma.

    The Soma is how a person perceives themselves, in an internal sensual manner as opposed to physically.

    So, Somatic Sex Therapy relates to the internal sexual organs, hence you found a video of a vaginal massage.

    However, a vaginal massage is (usually) just for pleasure, with sexual excitement leading to one or more orgasms. But a Therapist is a person who treats a condition and aims to cure it. In terms of Somatic Sex Therapy this is usually in the form of sex education, helping the recipient learn about their body from both a sexual and an erotic viewpoint. It is similar(ish) to Tantra, using techniques such as controlled breathing and relaxing the mind as well as the physical massage that explores the pleasure of touching and being touched that often leads to orgasm.

    Hope that helps...
  3. Captain Allan

    Captain Allan Members

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    Thank you. I was having some concerns and was worried I might have to see a somatic sex therapist who's 'cure' might be manual stimulation [something I can do myself]
  4. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Look at Reichan psychology.
  5. MasseurNaturel

    MasseurNaturel Members

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    The point of a Somatic Sex Therapist is not just for you to experience sexual pleasure (that is just a sexual massage) but for you to understand and learn what it is that pleasures you, especially where you like being touched.

    Your therapist can find those places, and find how you like to be stimulated in those places. If your partner is present then your partner can watch, practice, and learn to give you greater sexual pleasure. If your partner is not present, or you don't have a partner at the moment, then any good sex therapist will give you 'homework', guiding you as to where and how you like to be pleasured so you can practice privately at home, with the goal of either being able to satisfy yourself (masturbate) to greater satisfaction, or to be able to tell/show a partner in the future. Only by touching yourself (manual stimulation) and practising will you be able to learn and pass on to someone else. At the following session your therapist may even ask you to show him/her you pleasuring yourself to make sure you have understood and learned what they are teaching. All this is perfectly normal and not be something to be embarrassed about.

    Obviously I've no idea why you are considering Somatic Sex Therapy, but Reichian Therapy is very simliar. William Reich was a sex therapist and psycoanalyst who created many techniques (mostly psycological) used by many Somatic Therapists today.
  6. Captain Allan

    Captain Allan Members

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    Sorry about the delayed response
    The reason I posted this is [its a bit embarrassing] is because I cant climax. No matter what I try or with who [girls, I like girls] I just cant climax. I was thinking about seeing a specialist about it
  7. MasseurNaturel

    MasseurNaturel Members

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    Hope you can find the help you are looking for.
    Your issue could be down to any one of a number of things.
    Certainly a sex therapist may be able to help especially if it's a psychological issue.
    Might also be worth seeing your doctor in case it's a medical issue.
    All the best...

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