The Real Meaning Of Always

Discussion in 'Philosophy and Religion' started by bourne1978, Oct 29, 2016.

  1. bourne1978

    bourne1978 Members

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    What is the real meaning of always to you?

    My take is this:

    Always is 6 letters. And always is also these 6 of what I list below...

    1. absolute times (also: non-contradictive times and 100% complete times)

    2. infinite times (also: not exactly measureable times and exactly measureable times)

    3. eternal times (also: present times and at present times)

    4. mystical times (also: other occult times and outlaw times)

    5. immortal times (also: undying times and rejuvination times)

    6. infinity times (also: rider times and boss player times)

    In my religion (mysticism), it is this truth here: Always lived naked, two horny-hungry burning in desire dragging onward.
  2. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    Murphy was an optimist when he declared, "Whatever can go wrong will go wrong! Great behinds all stink alike without ever having to utter even a single word, because mother nature has a wicked sense of humor!"

    Ignoble, right up to the end!
  3. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    Being I can only ascertain temporal existence, I'd define "always" as a perpetually occuring state of an event between two parameters in time.
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  4. Joshua Tree

    Joshua Tree Remain In Light

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    For me always comes down to the nature of the Universe. The Earth and Sun will not persist indefinitely, but perhaps the Universe will, and always has in some form? I know physicists debate this all the time. Was the Big Bang the beginning of the Universe, or was it born out of an existing one?

    For always to exist indefinitely, there must be some form of perpetual Universe.
  5. Perfect Disorder

    Perfect Disorder Paradoxically Spontaneous

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    Always is the cusp of paradox and the denial of itself
  6. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    It's for as long as it possibly can "be"

    Everything has an always, for as long as it is there..

    Now forever! That's a different kettle of fish!

    Nothing is for ever!
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  7. Mountain Valley Wolf

    Mountain Valley Wolf Senior Member

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    For me, the physical universe is a hologram, existing only for the fleeting infinitessimal moment of now.

    Always is the fourth Dimension--the realm of the electromagnetic wave, which I define as nonphysical. It is where, what people call, the wave of wave-particle duality exists, but quantum physicists prefer to stay away from such terms as wave, or field----though if pressed, they would concede that a field is a more accurate description from our perspective, than a wave. Science, and Modern Man in general, is dogmatically fixated on the quantum state of the wave as a physical, but I define only the particle state as physical. (Though actually, quantum physics is so weird that quantum physicists prefer to stick to the math, and not venture into any ontological conclusions----which is why philosophers need to step up to the task.)

    The 4th Dimension represents total potentiality. But it does not represent time as it will play out----simply just all potentials of that future. We still have free will, anything can happen, but all future potentialities are already within the 4th Dimension. Therefore it is the point of always. But it is also meaningless. As the field of every single particle that will, and also that potentially will, manifest in some brief moment of now, it is every where in every time.

    Meaning comes from another non-physical dimension---that of mind. At one level it represents the quantum information that determines where in physicality particles will manifest. At this level, reality is nothing more than the transmission and receipt of phenomena. (And even the phenomena itself is really just quantum information----mind.)

    But then there is also mind as we understand it. At this level there is not only perception, but also conception. Meaning is more complex as we are able to perceive, remember, and conceive---therefore we not only remember meaning, or make sense of a past, but we also percieve meaning in the present, and create meaning through conception.

    Mind transcends the present of physical reality, and the always of the nonphysical quantum state----and in that way, we understand and perceive time. But time is an existential creation or perception and does not actually exist in an absolute sense.
  8. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    What's real?
  9. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    always is always something no one can ever be certain if its valid or not.

    i don't believe we live in a universe where anything is unchanging, but of course, there in lies the paradox, because even that could change and if it did, well, there you go.
  10. OldDude2

    OldDude2 Newbie

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    I always drink coffee when I get up in the morning, but sometimes I drink tea.
    Everything is subject to random changes, there can be no order in chaos.
  11. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    From a secular point of view, it means “continual and never ending.”

    From a spiritual view, it means “eternal,” or “everlasting.”

    Those are my opinions, anyways.

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