Being Ugly Blows.

Discussion in 'The Whiners' started by Cerode, Oct 10, 2016.

  1. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I'm not sure he's talking about prostitutes uglydude.
  2. OldDude2

    OldDude2 Newbie

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    I'm not sure I am either, ASBO!
  3. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Lol well if you are not sure about your own sexcapades... Anyway you were pretty clear yourself: A good looking 20 year old woman doesn't resort to sex with a 60 year old dude like you just because you're so lovable or for the good sex. So... not sure what you are trying to tell us exactly but I don't think anyone should care a lot about it.
  4. OldDude2

    OldDude2 Newbie

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    What I was trying to tell Cerode, was that there were still plenty of 'Awesome' around to be had.
    Although, to be totally fair to him, I'm not quite sure of his criteria for 'Awesome girls'?
    Pretty? Nice personality? Good in bed? Virgins? Under 30 years old? under 60Kg? Faithful? Loyal? Trustworthy?

    He might be better off with a Labrador.
  5. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I don't think it is about such a particular trait with him. But yeah, only he can clarify that with certainty. If it is about mutual love: that is also still in the picture for many 'ugly' guys. I can see it on a daily basis here. If it is about having sex with 'a 10' while he himself might be a 3 or something (by his own or his surroundings definition, not mine) in the looks department then yes he should resort to an escort service or prostitute, or go (get to a place where he can) live with a woman who just wants to be taken care for financially in change for cooking, cleaning and the occasional trip to funky town. But that doesn't make everybody as happy as you seem to think. Besides, he's still young.
  6. Cerode

    Cerode Guest

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    I would like a girl that doesn't involve me calling 1-900-Hav-Sexx.
    My criteria is a girl with a good and interesting personality, she doesn't need to be the best looking girl in the world but it's a bonus. And one that doesn't have a Miss Popular attitude all the damn time. In other words, a girl that doesn't have the thought process of "everything I interact with and want better be to my liking because my bitchiness demands it! Auuugh!"
    As for "Faithful? Loyal? Trustworthy?" Yes/10

    You would make one interesting psychiatrist.
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  7. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    Wait, VG is a homosexual?

    Who know? I didn't. I need to come here more.
  8. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    I still believe in all that kind of stuff. Of course, not dramatized in such a way movies and shows portray is as, but I do believe many elements exist in many relationships. So, just because it hasn't occurred in your life doesn't make it untrue. It hasn't occurred in mine. It never will, actually. But, I know it's true. Those movies and shows that portray love came out of somewhere real, somewhere that exist. It didn't just come out of their asses as an imaginary tale.

    All in all, stop being an asshat. And be normal for Hip standards. You're making everyone unsettled.
  9. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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  10. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    To answer your question...

    ... that never bothers me.
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  11. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    I read all those books. I also follow people who are deformed and famous. Doesn't make me feel any better. Just makes me want to die more. Well, I take that back... if i was famous for being fucking ugly to no end... maybe... I won't off myself. I mean, it's money. Money is good. I like money. I love money. Money makes me giggle... and happy. I'm giggling right now just thinking about being rich.
  12. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    Don't worry, you and I get on quite well. VG knows nothing. He fails at life. We win!

    Nah, I'm just kidding. I don't give a fuck about what you guys are talking about. In other words, I've never seen Piaf as one of those petty women that is against other women, nor have I ever seen VG being a woman hater. Granted I don't come on here a lot, and even if I did... I am so blind to these kind of things that I wouldn't have noticed, anyways. Don't get me wrong, I am not stupid, kind of, not entirely... I have met both types, but for the most people I don't see them. You know me, I just talk about skincare, beauty, being ugly as fuck, wanting to die and mindless stuff like that.
  13. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    It's okay.
    We made up already.
    We could have also made out, but he's gay.
  14. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    Sorry, I call BS on that.

    How do you think someone comes to love themselves? It's because someone else loves them. How do you think someone comes to know what traits in them, both physical and psychosocial that are positive, negative, and just neutral? It's because of other people.

    It's hard to see how all this that I'm talking about works in adults, because adults like to think they have done everything for themselves. No one nor anything else has helped them, but you can really see what I'm talking about in children. The ones that have had little to no love given to them vs. the ones that have.

    Having someone love you and tell you why you're great is how you learn to love yourself.
  15. OldDude2

    OldDude2 Newbie

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    Oh, it's happened to me several times, but it didn't last long enough, and I resented losing my home, car, money and a load of other stuff when it ended.
    Now I'm a believer in the 3Fs ....... if it Floats, Flies or Fucks .... cheaper to rent.
  16. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    There is a lot more to life, you're right. But, this isn't about life. This is about your life. Some people have the desire to find a mate and settle down, while others have opposite desires. It's not about completing a life. It's about completing your life, obtaining your wants and needs. If you're a person that wants to find a mate and settle down, that's fine. If you're a person that wants to be single, that's fine too. It's your completion of your life. Not completion of life.

    Not sure if that makes any sense, but whatever.
  17. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    What is that? Is that an app, website, what?
  18. OldDude2

    OldDude2 Newbie

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    It's a movement for sad lonely losers who live in their parents basement but believe they are entitled to a woman while making no personal efforts in the process.
    They do lots of YouTube videos ...... Similar to MGToW but more extreme.
  19. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    Personally, I don't think it happened to you because it ended.
    I'm a wholehearted believer that things like that don't end.

    Like I said, I'm like the OP... I'm ugly as sin because of deformities, not becuase I'm just ugly, for lack of better wording. Therefore I have a trainwrack of experiences in which I failed at relationships. And because of that, I feel and know that I'm worthless. It's a heavy burden to carry, that can't be easily solved. That in my case, not sure about the OP, can't ever be solved. So, most likely the OP and I are right not just going through the motions, until we have the ability and resource to successfully kill ourselves. At this point, it's not a sad story. It's not a cry for help. At this point it is what it is. I bet the OP can say with a straight face that they want to die, that they're worthless, etc... because I can. Like I said it is what it is. And one of us, if not both will end up killing ourselves. It is what it is.

    So, stop telling the poor lad that he should just pay for sex, lol. Dude, guys are more sentimental than that. They want to cuddle as much as girls do, lol. Offering that advice is worse than someone going on about how the OP should love himself before loving anyone else, going on dating apps or websites, and calling it a day because everyone finds someone there, finding people "like him" (Really? Shame on anyone that gave that advice), and just the trainwrack of comments that people actually think is useful advice. It's worse than that, and I've heard a lot. Actually, I've heard your type of "advice" before. But, it has never been given to me. Because apparently there is no such thing as women that just want sex, only guys are like that. But, whatever.
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  20. OldDude2

    OldDude2 Newbie

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    First, it lasted 30 years, which is longer than many relationships.
    Second, nobody is worthless ... certainly not you.

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