Ancient Astronauts And Dinosaurs?

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by Jimbee68, Oct 7, 2016.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    For some time now, I have been interested in the theory of ancient astronauts. In case you don't know, some people think human life has been monitored (and affected) for millennia now by advanced extraterrestrials.

    I have to admit, I have always been of the skeptical mind. And some of it is pure bullshit, I think. But some of it does sound intriguing.

    Like dinosaurs. Did you know the dominant intelligent life on earth, could be dinosaurs? But that comet came millions of years ago, and led to the dominance of primate life forms.

    Dinosaurs would be cruel, and heartless, I think. They probably would have blown themselves up. And you can forget things like democracy and rights, I think, if they dominated.

    As I said, most scientists dismiss ancient astronauts. But hey, even they admit it may be possible, I think. And then there is all this weird stuff in our DNA scientists have found. Stuff they can't explain, that appears just to be around for the ride. How do you explain THAT, you skeptics?

    What do the rest of you think? And why don't they just make direct contact with us (these advanced ET's)--my second question for this thread?

    :alien: [​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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  3. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    Sorry, there's no evidence of ancient astronauts. No exotic materials left behind, no pictures that couldn't be faked or video of their ship landing in a populated area. Their approach to Earth would also be easy to track with radar.
  4. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    didn't know they had camera's, video or radar back when dinosaurs and ancient astronauts roamed the planet.

    and there are shit tons of things that surprise us that "just appear" in space, so don't assume alien ships would be easy to track, even if the dinosaurs had radar.
  5. Perfect Disorder

    Perfect Disorder Paradoxically Spontaneous

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    A Radasaurus Rex? I too have listened to ancient astronaut theories and I am relatively certain most are simply hypothetical bs. Just lump all the mysteries of human existence and pre-human existence together and say..... the aliens did it.
  6. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    Sorry, I was generalizing. There are people who think we are still being visited today. The only possible evidence I could think of for ancient astronauts that would have survived to this day would be some sort of exotic material that couldn't be manufactured here on Earth.
  7. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Speaking of dinoasaurs, i read somewhere that all birds are descendant from them?
  8. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    What about all the ancient structures that modern humans and modern technology cannot achieve? I think it's safe to say that the dinosaurs didn't precision cut these stones and build monuments so complex that we cannot replicate them in 2016. That's your evidence.

    The writing on the walls is your evidence. Scriptures, religion. That's the evidence. It's all there. From day dot, humans only began to write and communicate in writings from religion, because they found it so important what they saw that they had to document it. And they did document it very well. Expressing what they saw in the only way they could conceive it in their minds themselves. Big flying birds. Gods. Fire and brimstone. The earth shook when the gods ascended and descended to earth.

    I highly doubt the first written communication was from some poor Israeli girl who wanted to remind her husband what to pick up from the grocery store by jotting down a list on papyrus or clay or something. But they recorded something extremely significant.
  9. lode

    lode Banned

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    All Aves (birds) and Crocodilia, are the surviving members of the clade Archosaurs. Yes, all birds are descendant from dinosaurs, but most dinosaurs didn't evolve into birds.
    1 person likes this.
  10. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    what if ancient astronauts WERE 'dinosaurs'?

    what if what if what if. all we can ever know is that some things are more likely then others,
    and from the hip, i'd expect life to evolve independently on every world it does.

    nothing rules out ancient or even current 'visitors'.
    nothing requires them either.
  11. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    I'll touch on this aspect because I think it's the only part that has been legitimately discussed by mainstream science. First off it should be noted that your second question presupposes that Intelligent Aliens exist, which doesn't make you sound of the skeptical mind you profess throughout the rest of the op.

    As far as the question goes, it falls in line with the Fermi Paradox. This is summed up Based on equations of the number of Stars, many of which are similar to the size of our Sun, many of which could provide the conditions for planets roughly similar to ours on Earth and thus life, leading to fairly astronomical numbers, so why is the Universe not teeming with Extraterrestrial life?

    There are several responses to this, which have included: ET civilizations may have existed but went extinct, ET's have limited resources or a hostile environment (in the scope of their solar system, neighboring solar systems, galaxy even), like us they send out limited bandwidth of signals that may not be able to be detected, and along those lines possibly they have technology to encrypt their frequencies or presence and for whatever reasons don't want to be discovered.

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    Conquering a Planet
    "To create, one has to destroy"
    (i) Bombard it with an asteroid
    (ii) Make the conditions such that only a selective few survive
    (Maybe Noah's ark has a ring of truth in it after all?:- remove from the dead zone - until ecology is suitable for to return, maybe post=genetically altered)
    (iii) Re-populate as/where/when appropriate
    (iv) Monitor and manage the 'children' they have created
    (v) Return and amend as/where/when appropriate
    = Just a (considered) thought
  13. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    The ET's have contacted the higher levels of goverment. They want to be known but our own leaders will not allow it. It's a major threat to religion and the overall feeling of human safety and superiority in the universe. At this point the lie has gone on so long no one knows how to stop it. There are many races of alien. Some see us like we would see cattle a lower life form that has utility either for food or work. Others see us a species with potential and they wish to show us a better way to live. But these aliens often want us to give up our weapons of war such as nuclear weapons which is something Earth's leaders refuse to do.

    My opinion on the dinosaurs is their were purposefully exterminated to make way for humans. We are a slave race artificiality created for the purpose of hard labor a mix of the ape found on Earth and that race's alien DNA. We were never meant to understand this. The story of Adam and Eve predicates Christianity and that religion has grossly misunderstood it. Their god is the evil one the creator which is why the tree of knowledge is so bad. You can't know that because you are from "god" you too are "god".
  14. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Oh, that is funny....^...and just as believable as anything else to explain anything....and the bad people are programmed by the bad aliens and the good people by the good aliens....only I have not been programmed by any what are we slaving to do for them? Can't they excavate their own gold?...or let themselves be known in spite of what any leaders say?
    We have to figure out the answers here to these very pressing questions, if we are to write a best seller.... :D
  15. There could be a good reason aliens may not want to be perceived by humans, and they might be able to keep humans from knowing they exist. In fact, one alien species may be able to keep us in the dark from any other alien species, even if other alien species are sending signals into space to communicate to us with. All it really takes is one really intelligent alien species, which, I personally feel, it is likely there is one in the galaxy.

    But all in all, we really haven't been aware that there could be an alien species for very long. In the very short amount of time that we've realized what outer space is like, I'm not surprised that we haven't been spontaneously contacted by an alien civilization. We haven't been searching the cosmos for radio signals long at all. And I was reading in a journal recently, though I can't recall the exact link, that actually a signal has been detected in space that may be originating from an alien source.
  16. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    lots of signals from lots of sources in space, just none of them unambiguously INTELLIGENT signals.
    quite likely nothing of ours sounds very intelligent either.
  17. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    I was watching Ancient Aliens earlier today on the History Channel and while of course there isn’t any photographic evidence from the middle-ages,
    there are famous works of art from the time period which depict alien aircraft and flying saucers

  18. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    they might have met each other and still had nothing to do with us.
  19. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I've also seen this episode and found it to be one of the more boring ones but like the paintings, man there's so real weird stuff going on in those painting you have to admit. And no one really has an idea. So it's safe to say in this case that they are, in fact, UFOs because they're clearly unidentifiable flying object. :)
  20. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i mean look at the time scale. if we were visited from other worlds during the mezzozoic, well the odds of anything conclusive being around to indicate this, are really way out there.
    no reason they couldn't have. but i think the point we need to realize is the time scale. that is so long before anything that even might have been destined to become us,
    that it just makes no sense to connect it with anything to do with our world today.

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