Am I Safe On My Patio

Discussion in 'Bare It! Nudism and Naturism' started by justanakedguy, Jul 21, 2016.

  1. justanakedguy

    justanakedguy Members

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    Hi all and happy day to you. I have recently installed a privacy fence around my patio, 6+ feet high. I like to sit naked in the sun. I am completely out of sight of my neighbor next door, unless she is in her upstairs bedroom. If she looks out that widow, she can see me... except for about an area equal to 1/3 of the entire patio. I am certain I can't be seen from there. But I'm concerned as to whether I run afoul of the law if I don't realize she has come home, or if she were to peer over the fence (which wouldn't be easy for her to do). I live in Pennsylvania, USA.
    Does anyone have any expertise in being naked on their own patio or yard? I have taken all the precautions I can. But I can't afford to be arrested and everything I've read has said that accidental exposure is not a defense and I could be guilty. I have read many sites and local laws. Any help is appreciated.
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  2. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    yes, I've been naked on your patio many times
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  3. justanakedguy

    justanakedguy Members

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    Very funny. I'll have to change a word in the question.
  4. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    seriously, if you are very concerned about this, the easiest thing to do is to just extend your privacy fence so your neighbor can't see you.

    you could also talk to her about this directly
  5. Rapidi

    Rapidi Members

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    I have nearly the same situation. At many places I can be naked on my deck and in my yard because of a privacy fence and trees and bushes. But there are some places I just can't go or I'll likely be seen from upstairs windows. Where I live there is no law against being naked, but there is an indecent exposure law. It says that if I expose my genitals in a situation in which I know or should know that someone can take affront I can be guilty of a crime, to a worse degree if I'm seen by a child. I think if you're standing in your yard where you know someone can see you it may be considered indecent exposure. If you are in a part of your yard where you can't be seen and know you can't, but the neighbor takes some action to see you (like getting up on a stool to look over), I doubt you would be exposing yourself indecently; it certainly isn't intentional. I like being naked outside so much that I don't worry about someone making an effort to see me, but I do stay - very carefully - in places that I know I can't be seen. When I do go into places where I think I can be seen I wear a very light weight and short wrap. As long as my genitals are covered I'm okay.
  6. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Add some fence boards high enough to block your neighbors view by nailing them on to the original boards just where they are needed. That ought to do er'.
  7. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    stand outside her window and get some pictures of her changing in her bedroom. then you'll be totally even.
  8. justanakedguy

    justanakedguy Members

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    Thank you for the response. The laws are similar here.
  9. justanakedguy

    justanakedguy Members

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    She hasn't been reasonable with me on other things in the past. I wouldn't broach this with her as I fear it would alert her and she would fuck me over.
  10. meeses

    meeses Member

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    She could if she held a grudge and had the chance... keep that in mind
  11. VerySexual

    VerySexual Members

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    Not to be a wet blanket, but there are some building codes that limit the height of the fence in some cities, especially if there is a home owners association involved. Perhaps you need a potted tree or other tall plant to obscure her view. Maybe build a gazebo like structure, maybe some solar panels? Just brain storming. Good Luck!
  12. Mike Williams

    Mike Williams Members

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    What I've read of the laws indicates that, if you can be seen by the public, you could have a problem. When they talk about accidental nudity, they usually are talking about a bathing suit coming off in the pool or something like that.

    Until you said your neighbor hasn't been reasonable in the past, I would have said to just do it and plead ignorance of that particular point of exposure because you have done due diligence putting up the fence in the first place. So long as you corrected the situation as soon as it's brought to your attention, I don't think you could get arrested. Especially, if you were to say you didn't realize you could be seen. But, if she's unreasonable, you're left with estimating the likelihood that she'll look out the window in your particular direction.

    Sounds to me like, legal or not, you should protect yourself from abuse from an unreasonable neighbor.
  13. nudetwo

    nudetwo Members

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    I would put a shelf on the fence about 3/4 the way up and strategically place some nice tall potted plants. We did something similar in our back yard.
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  14. andypanty

    andypanty Members

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    That is a great idea nudetwo!

    We are lucky enough that although we live in a relatively populated area and have one neighbour behind our house and another to one side, we are not overlooked and our garden is thankfully very private.

    Or so I thought, until one day I was outside sort of naked (and with nothing to cover up, although naked would have been less embarrassing) when the home help for our elderly neighbour came rushing into the garden via the gate (which now has a lock, but didn't then, nor the second time when she did it just days later!), she was in a bit of a panic as she couldn't get an answer from next door and couldn't get the outside key box open to get the spare and knew we are also key holders.

    We both looked a bit shocked to say the least and she stumbled over what she was trying to tell me, so I took her in and got our key whilst she kept apologising (as did I) and telling me not to worry or be embarrassed and it didn't bother her.

    After giving her the key, I changed and then went over to fix the key box for her and we again had another mutual apologising session. I told her just to drop the key back in our letter box when she was done, as I was going back into the garden again!

    The neighbour was fine by the way if anyone was worrying!
  15. rockwood

    rockwood Members

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    I've found it varies in different jurisdictions how the situation is reacted to by law enforcement. I know folks that live in areas it wouldn't be that big of a deal should an officer show up. We live in a very conservative county and you would be making the newspaper the next day. If you have kids and there is a complaint of open nudity in the home you will get a visit from CPS. Drive across the county line and it's no big deal. USA is kinda fricked up when it comes to nudity.

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