Pin Drop Sensation Where My Pineal And Pituitary Glands Are While On Lsd

Discussion in 'Psychedelics' started by phhloral, Jul 11, 2016.

  1. phhloral

    phhloral Members

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    First post here, I wanted to discuss a LSD trip I had maybe 8 months ago, maybe get some feedback from "spiritual" individuals who might have knowledge on chakras and the energy they consist of. It was my second time using LSD not sure of the exact dose, but it was one tab. 3 of my buddies also dosed with me. I discovered Buhhdism in highschool, and while I don't practice it anymore I still align myself with most of the philosophy, and consider myself to be slightly more intune with existence than your average joe blow. I had absolutely no problem controlling my trip, and used it for some deep thinking ,which has practically become my daily thought processes. One of my friends was nervous and started freaking out, and getting out of his ego, so I thought I would try to calm him. I went on about singularity and connectivity between beings, telling em how we all share a higher concious. He didnt understand what I was getting at, but really wanted to know. I looked deeply into his eyes and concentrated, almost like channeling my energy into him. At this point, in my head, I heard/felt a pin drop, and was comepletely understanding of what I was saying. My friend however, totally lost his shit and accused me of getting in his head and mind control. The dood literally thought I was manipulating his thoughts, and proceeded to take off down the street. Some crazy shit happened that night, but what I'm still curious to this day about is the pin drop. I believe it had something to do with my sixth and seventh chakras, or my petuitary and penial glands. Ever since that night I have felt even more connected than I had before, unfortunately this has mostly manifested itself as severe depression, which is something I have honestly struggled with for most of my life. Does anyone else have knowledge on this kind of thing? Anyone tripping ever had a pin drop sensation towards the center of your head? What it do? Did I poke my third eye? And how could I help balance my chakras? They certaintly aren't now.
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  2. P_Bateman

    P_Bateman Members

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    The pituitary gland releases DNT wh oh ch are your dream molecules. I've never done LAD but have done shroom and DMT. Can't say I've experienced this but they can be very moving experiences. It made me believ in energy from words, and rooms. I believe your friend couldn't handle being vunerable and refused to submit to the hallucinogen and there does load his shit.
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  3. phhloral

    phhloral Members

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    That's what I believe happened as well, he has a very large self centered ego, where as I almost have an anti ego. I was reading the LSD allows your energy to flow more evenly between your chakras, and that resisting this will disrupt the process and the trip. I've never seen someone so out of there body and crazy before. Trips always seem to be a amplification of your inner workings, atleast for me. Sad because most people I know could fit the description of his personality.
  4. P_Bateman

    P_Bateman Members

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    I find alot of people dislike edibles and hallucinogens and I believ it's because you must face your demons and your incapable of lying to yourself on a trip. My girl wants to do shrooms but I believe she will suffer because was strong egoed and a control freak. One must let go and enjoy the journey otherwise it'll be a miserable experence. I have one friend that has the same ego problems and when we do shrooms he has a hard time. When people say "I don't like..." I read it as "I don't like to not be in the drivers seat ". I never suggest consumption when dealing with heavy things, I have stoped offering hallucinogens because people are to unpredictable.
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  5. Bud D

    Bud D Member

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    Lol penial gland.

    Going beyond ego for me is well beyond being all that aware of the room. A trance just doesn't bring the room into focus, it is a bit like being transported into 100% fantasy.
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  6. P_Bateman

    P_Bateman Members

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    Took a trip up the Pacific northwest with shrooms. Amazing visuals worth looking yourself in .
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