Nbome Made My Boyfriend's Heart Stop And Gave Me Possibly Permanent Brain Damage

Discussion in 'Synthetic Drugs' started by peaceloveandmoonlight, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. peaceloveandmoonlight

    peaceloveandmoonlight Members

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    This happened a couple days ago, and I figured maybe if I tell the story it can save someone's life or something... My boyfriend took two and I took one, we were told it was lsd but it tasted like RC. Once it started to really kick in, we were walking around the neighborhood and I passed out a couple times. My boyfriend noticed the same sensation I was getting, it felt like we were constantly on the verge of blacking out and he puked. Something was wrong, so we called the dealer and the dealer said he mixed shit up and gave us N bomb by accident. My boyfriend and I went to our friends house and debated whether or not to call a hospital, cause we both felt sick as hell and I was passing out occasionally but was too nauseous to keep down water. We called another friend over to help us, and then I meditated with the second friend and it mademe sstop passing out and I didn't feel sick anymore. My boyfriend was too panicked to Meditate though, he was sweating like crazy saying he was gonna die and starting to cry, so my second friend took us to his place to do some dabs and calm him down. We figured he was just having a panic attack. I kept Comforting him on the way there, but he started crying more and more and got inconsolable. We did some dabs, and he stopped being sad. He was INSANELY emotional still though, like I'd never seen anyone cry so much. He was constantly cycling between extreme euphoria and depressed panic, crying his eyes out the whole time. After a while, he randomly jizzed at the high point. On at least two occasions. Then he pissed himself, and was making a whole bunch of wierd noises. Soon, his words got more and more hard to understand until only I could tell what he was saying. At one point, he asked for food. Well, really just kept telling, "I hungy!!!!!" cause he was seriously fucking out of it. He was still pissing himself, sobbing, and jizzing and couldn't move. My friend came back with a sandwich and had to feed it to him becayse it was starting to seem like he couldn't move. I noticed that he had been sitting in the same awkward position for ten minutes, with his arm extended straight up into the air half on his side. His words became screams after a while, and he stopped answering when we talked to him. After like ten minutes, he opened his mouth and started rolling around screaming. I noticed the sandwich was still in his mouth and I told him to swallow it or spit it out so he wouldn't choke. He didn't answer though, I screamed it but still nothing. I was seriously concerned, so I smacked him across the face to get it out if his mouth so he didn't choke and die, and he spit it out all over himself. At this point, I was starting to get seriously worried and I got up from next to him and walked into the corner trying to figure out what to do. I heard one of my friends say he ate the spit up. Then my friend who's house we were at had to get to work, so we kept trying to tell him to get up and come to the car. We were yelling to snap out of it and stuff, but he was completely unresponsive just stuck in his own head covered in piss sweat jizz and tears. I was starting to worry he may have overdosed and really freak out . Then, he started gagging like crazy and I screamed and ran into the corner and covered my ears. I heard him throw up all over the place. Unable to believe what was going on, I cried, "what's going on??? Did he throw up??? Is he okay???" my friend took me by the shoulders, faced me away from him, and led me out of the room telling me everything was gonna be okay abd that he'd take care of him. I stood there in the hall in total shock listening to him scream and vomit. My other friend came out and said something to me but I was so dazed I couldn't even hear him. Then he took my arm and led me outside. At one point, I realized what he was doingand said i can't just leave him here but my friend said I'd pass out again if I just stood there listening to it all. He led me into the car and we sat there and waited. Soon, my other friend was dragging my boyfriend out of the house with a hand over his mouth, my friend had Bruises on hisface and nmy boyfriend was still screaming fighting and crying and was covered in vomit and everything else. My friend threw him into the back seat next to me, and drove to a more accessible place while my other friend called 911. The whole ride, he was screaming, moaning, rolling around, throwing up, peeing, sweating, crying, and hitting and grabbing at everything on sight. I cowered in the corner, I had no fucking clue what to do. It was like my boyfriend was gone. He even punched the driver in the head a few times while driving. Once we got there, I had to get out of the car because it was too disturbing and dangerous. My other friends followed, and none of us could believe what was going on. I was sobbing my eyes out at this point, one of my friends was telling me it'd be okay, and the other was on the phone with 911 and keeping an eye on my boyfriend. About 18 cops showed up, along with an ambulance and a firetruck. They opened up the car and put gloves on to take him out becayse he was so covered in himself. He was still doing all the crazy shit, but now even worse. They tried to drag him out and he was fighting them, so they tased him. Once he was on the ground, a cop stabbed him in the arm cause he was still fighting. They were trying to get him up, but in a couple minutes he suddenly stopped screaming and went completely limp. His eyes were open, but completely blank and there was no part of him that was moving. A police officer felt his pulse then shouted, "He's gone. Scrub him." a paramedic came over with those electric things and rubbed them together then someone said clear and he put them on his chest and shocked him. My boyfriend started moving and breathing again, but also started fighting again. He punched a police officer in the head,and the police officer took out his gun. I screamed, hysterical at this point, and the officer looked up at me pitifully and put his gun away. They finally managed to restrain his whole fucking body, and then they loaded him in the ambulance and took him away. Once we were free to go, my friend with the car asked me if I wanted a ride home and I said yeah but I was too dazed to move. He took my arm and put me in the passenger seat. His whole entire car was covered in pee and vomit. Things were smashed and one of the seats was broken. He offered to smoke me up and help me calm down, but I was too dazed and just went home and sat there for hours cause I could hardly ever talk. A few hours later, my boyfriend called me from his moms phone seriously confused. He had no recollection of that, all he knew was that we were at my friends house, past his panic attack and his emotions were cycling like crazy, then he was shot through a tunnel and got reborn. Then he was in the hospital. It's been three days now, and he's completely back mentally but has permanent kidney damage. I used to be an extremely happy person, but since then I haven't really been sleeping. Every time I close my eyes to doze off, I see his dead body and forget he's still alive. My dad wanted to teach me a lesson or whatever too, so he told me it was my fault my boyfriend was dead and that my stupidity finally killed the one I love the most. Keep forgetting I didn't kill him. been having trouble thinking quickly, all the lights and sounds have been hurting my eyes, and I'm having on and off difficulty talking. I'm starting to be able to eat again now,but my family has been extremely unsupportive and all say it'smy fault. II'm not even sure why they think that, but somehow I'm not sure why I think it's not my fault. Idk, I've just been really confused since it all and I keep forgetting what is and isn't real. Oh and I have a concussion that got lot worse after that shit and may have permanent brain damage now but that's yet to be determined. My boyfriend's been helping me through it though, I'm so glad he's okay. DO NOT FUCKING DO THIS SHIT IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE FUCKING AT ALL. Even if you live, you could easily get fucked for life. Happened to 2/2 of us.
  2. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    paragraphs my friend ..

    I also call some bullshit because we downed near over 500mgs of nbome in the period of a year or so .. and I am just as crazy as I started.
    only one time was a trip uncomfortable ..' when outside the temps dropped super fast from the 70s to the 40s in less than an hour. had to abort with some kpins..

    had some fantastic trips and good times otherwise.

    trusted vendors, legit scale ..
  3. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    it sounds like ego death handled very badly. psychedelics are not toys. i'm glad things didn't end worse
  4. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    I didn't read the whole thing because of the block of text, but I read to the point where you were "Dabbing" to attempt to alleviate some of the negative symptoms of the Nbome. I'd say that definitely is a wrong move, drugs can often "synergize" with each other, meaning both the Dab and the Nbome can become more potent used together then either would be on their own. My only Dab experience was incredibly potent off one hit, I'm sure if you do it for awhile you can get a bit of a tolerance but that style of concentrated thc is fairly new as well, so I think it's obvious to watch out for the nbome but I'd also recommend to not usie dabs as a "safety net" like that as well.
    2 people like this.
  5. magickman

    magickman Supporters HipForums Supporter

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    Glad you both came out of this, still alive.
  6. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Didn't read anything but have had heart problems on synthetic drugs before. Not stop but Racing heart. Which just induced more heart racing and paranoia.

    Don't do synthetic drugs. :)
  7. Colimon

    Colimon Cheesus Christo

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    Please! I want to read, but I couldn't find my place without paragraphs! I'm sorry you experienced this! Assholes being misleading or not knowing shit about the drugs they're selling. I've honestly never had an overdose or bad experience with it (but I haven't bought the drug off a dealer either, just vendors and labs). That isn't to say I think it's completely safe and non-toxic, you just need to be absolutely sure how much you're taking. A friend of mine did experience a seizure from an unknown amount, but that was kind of a stupid idea. That being said, I very much enjoy the NBOMe and NBOH series (properly weighed and in moderation). Lots more people kept their cool on it than LSD. Acid seems a lot less mentally forgiving IMO from what I've seen (for the inexperienced at least). Take care, happy holidays, hope you don't have any plans to take any sketchy acid tabs in the future.

    Also, not trying to be a dingus or offend after a traumatic experience, but I'm a little suspicious of your description of them using the defib.

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