Techniques For Clearing Negative Energy?

Discussion in 'Philosophy and Religion' started by Cannabliss88, Jan 16, 2016.

  1. Cannabliss88

    Cannabliss88 Members

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    Since its a new year and all I want to discuss people's techniques for getting rid of the old/negative to make room for the new.

    They say you can't fill a cup with anything until it is first empty and such is the case for our souls/psyche.

    Today I want to start a thread about spiritual (or even religious) techniques for clearing negative energy.

    Please post any experience you have with such things, anything from new age to Christianity whether you've done it or just heard about or experienced it.

    I'll start with burning sage. It could be the intention we put out to the Universe but whatever it is burning sage seems to be a popular way to clear a space of negative energy for a fresh start.

    What say you?
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  2. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    kick fuck out of the refuge bin! i always feel better after this
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  3. Cannabliss88

    Cannabliss88 Members

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    Haha, not a bad one. I tend to use pillows for that purpose.

    Here's another I've used. On the solstice (but can be done any time really) write down what old habits etc you would like to get rid of in the upcoming season/year then toss it in the fire.

    You still have to put in the work each day to change your life but it is a good symbolic kickstart.
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  4. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Smudging with sage... There's a little more to it than just starting a fire.
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  5. Cannabliss88

    Cannabliss88 Members

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    The smoke is supposed to clear away negative energy (I'm no expert on this) but I think its more about the intention you set.

    I lead a moral life but being a Human (or human-alien hybrid) I have things I'd like to change like taking as break from all reacreational psychoactives and all thoughts that do not correspond to what I know is right and ok in real life.

    Don't get me wrong I don't do anything bad/illegal besides smoke weed and look at dirty but innocent and legal pictures (I am not one of those dark net creeps who do go to places where harm is done and laws are broken) but I feel we all reach a certain point in our lives where we are ready to let go of that things so that "our inner reality better matches our outer reality" and I think for anyone interested in being the best person they can be and transcending the darkside we each have it all boils down to that:

    "to better match my inner world with my outer reality"

    Thats why I bring this topic up. Its a new year and lots of us, even if were not hurting anyone else, desire to clear old patterns or stagnant energy so there is room for the new rising energy of the post solstice sun to enter our lives.

    As far as I know all you have to do is burn the sage stck with a specific intention of what you are trying to clear but I'm all for learning more about it.

    Of course there are many kinds of sage but the kind for this ritual is non-psychoactive as far as I know haha.
  6. Cannabliss88

    Cannabliss88 Members

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    My favorite one from my Jewish heritage is writing your "sins" on peices of paper than feeding it to a goat. In the old days they would send the goat off somewhere to die :( .....the origin of the word scapegoat I believe

    But I'm not too religious these days and now I even feel a little bad for the poor goat who has to eat all that paper and ink but thats the kind of thing I'm talking;igious or new age traditions for getting rid of the old/negative to make room for the new/positive
  7. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    The smudging with sage is a ritual loosely based on a Native American smudging ceremony.... Not being Native American myself I don't or can't claim to be doing anything accurately, but as you say it comes down to the "intent". This "intent" can be a tricky thing to get it to actually do good.

    Just lighting a sage wand and letting it burn while you go watch TV is not going to work. Even if you "intend" it to work. There needs to be more mental and physical involvement. In fact a "ritual" needs to be done. This solidify's the intent and sets it in your mind... The mind is actually what's doing the work, the sage is secondary. You could also use Sweet Grass, Pine Needles, Cedar, etc. with the same effect. Sage is traditional though for the Native Americans that lived where it grows. We are usually talking about a western wildflower.... Not cooking sage.

    What I do...

    Gather your stuff, Sage wand, a bowl or shell to set it in and catch the ashes, possibly a fan made of feathers/a single feather/or you can use your hand, and a form of fire (lighter works, a burning stick is better, or a candle, no sulfur based matches though.) You want to start in the center of your home/space and work clockwise around your house going from room to room and then end up back at the center again. If you're lucky enough to have it and the hearth is the center of your space that's great... If you just have a one room flat, that's okay too... Just locate it's "center".

    Turn off your phone... No distractions. Some light "meditation" music is okay if it helps you. NO TV!

    Light the sage/smudge stick and get it burning by fanning it, not blowing on it. Once it is burning well set it in the shell/bowl, face north while holding it in both hands and quiet your mind for a few seconds. Then think about the cleansing power of the smoke and while holding the shell in one hand use the other hand to waft the smoke over your head and down around your body. You are at this point cleansing yourself of negativity so you can do the ritual with true intent. What you are really doing is tricking your mind and clearing it.

    You are still facing north, to start the movement you want to just rotate clockwise to the east, then south, west, and back to the north... each direction stop and waft some of the smoke in that direction. If you are into the whole correspondence for the directions you can think about that, if not just quiet the mind. After you have done this go around your space, room to room starting in the north and moving clockwise. Each room you want to circle the perimeter, again clockwise, while wafting the smoke with the fan/hand and pay attention to corners, closets, etc. If there is a space where you feel you get more negative energy from pay more attention to that space with your thoughts of cleansing (say it's "computer pron" clean that area more. If it's trouble sleeping or bad dreams pay more attention to the bedroom and the bed, creepy neighbors, smoke'm out) Whatever.

    After working around your whole space this way return to the center. Set the shell/bowl down on a place that can handle a little bit of heat... you don't want to burn your favorite coffee table, and let the sage/smudge stick burn out. Thank spirit for clearing out the negativity and cleansing your space.

    This is what I do, you can make up your own ritual of course but what I have detailed takes into account some universal correspondences such as moving always clockwise, not using your breath to light incense, not using sulfur, etc. I would stick with those things, but what you think, how you hold things, music/no music, make those things your own. It's YOUR ritual.

    Hope this helps.

    Anecdote: I once knew this particularly negative older woman that used to work the Pow Wow's with me from time to time. She would constantly complain about hating the smell of sage burning... I hated to tell her that was because it dispels negativity... Okay, I lied. I didn't hate telling her that. But it did piss her off more. ;)
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  8. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I don't know about religious or spiritual methods for cleansing, but what I do know is:

    Take a quick shower or splash some water on your face

    Have something warm to drink or have some soup

    Go for a brief exercise jaunt

    That's it. Those are the tools I know how to use. Of course like anything they can get repetitive so it's good to mix and match different days with different practices. Maybe do something in the morning once, then in the evening. Or do these things depending on when you feel the most negative energy.
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  9. Cannabliss88

    Cannabliss88 Members

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    Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to describe how to do this! It definitely resonates with me and I'm now determined to do this soon and its great to have a ritual to follow. I'm going to be away from my place for a while so I'll probably do this once before I leave then again as soon as I get back. Damn, in the summer I thought dropping acid had cured me of all negativity but as they say, what goes up must come down haha. Thanks again man, much appreciated :)
    All good ideas. Thanks for reminding me of the simple everyday things I can do to clear the energy. Sometimes there's nothing like a shower, cup of tea or splash of water to clear the mind. Its funny how over the summer I thought I was essentially born again after dropping acid a few times but I forgot to remember that it takes continual daily work to keep oneself in a better energetic state. Thanks again :)
  10. Pieceofmyheart

    Pieceofmyheart Grumpy old bitch HipForums Supporter

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    I sage the exact same way Tyrsonswoods does it but I make a Decree to claim this space.

    The rooms of our home collect an enormous amount of energy, from electronic appliances and gadgets. Fear, nervousness, fascination and excitement carry the strongest vibrations and leaves a film of energy. clutter...all ways to clear energies.(sorry slobs :) )

    If you feel you get visitations at times....sprinkle corn meal along the entrances to your home.
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  11. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    My favorites are music, meditation, taking long walks, weed, and travel. A long, hot bath with half a glass of vodka isn't bad either.
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  12. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    could you please elaborate on this......
  13. Cannabliss88

    Cannabliss88 Members

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    Ahh, de-cluttering. Been de-cluttering my mess of a room big time this month and last so a lot of weird energy is indeed being stirred up as I de-clutter all the layers of junk which built up over the years. I do believe it will diminish once I am done with the clutter but maybe even doing the sage ritual as I declutter might help things

    Nice insights, thank you :)

    Well its really just a theory. I believe it is quite possible that this is my first life being incarnated on Earth and perhaps my previous lives were lived on other planets which would explain the alienation I have felt since my very first memories from the age of 2.

    That being said, I have found that Earth can be a very nice home if I work on adapting to it (mostly to people in general)
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  14. Blu3sLady

    Blu3sLady Members

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    I do Ty's ritual, pretty closely.

    I also do a positive energy promoting ritual that utilizes the elements and the corners... that I probably won't describe. :)

    Back in my New Agey days, I cleaned all the crystals under running water and charged them up with white light.

    Rituals are just an exercise in focusing our intent. Make up your own. As long as it's a positive statement and positive intent... you're good to go. :)
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  15. badphotoguy

    badphotoguy Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    20 minutes of transcendental meditation, 3 times a day (morning, noon, and evening). It's good for you.
  16. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I have sticks of sage to burn here for a long time now....and I have not burned one yet....not a one.....they say you can take a broom and just sweep all of the negative energy out the door, too....I have not tried that yet, either....Somehow, I always clear negative energy out , though I am...not sure how I do it.

    Did someone say pow wow? :D
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  17. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    I used to be a Pow Wow vendor... Or better said, worked for a vendor. It wasn't my own business, although it was me that was called upon to do most of the custom leather work.
  18. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Then there is FENG SHUI...I have several books about this....and at first, i tried a few of the tips....too many this NW...or that SE....etc........etc......I could not keep up with it all or even understand some of it....but it is a very interesting study, anyway.
  19. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    I just started looking into Feng Shui... My house has some kind of Zen feel to it so placement of items has profound effect on energy flow...
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  20. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Yes, they do....and I have found that it works with what i did is all about that..... :)
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