Why Are You A Hedonist?

Discussion in 'Hedonism' started by TheSamantha, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. TheSamantha

    TheSamantha Member

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    What made you decide to become a hedonist?
  2. TheSamantha

    TheSamantha Member

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    I'm an Epicurean Hedonist. I try to enjoy life and incorporate this enjoyment into most of my daily activities. To me, it's a lifestyle. It keeps my mind occupied so it doesn't wander into negative territory, like negative fantasies about the past or the future. It keeps me busy and productive. It helps me hone in on a career path (non-profit work helping women or immigrants, or just a shitty part-time job as a server so I can have more time to volunteer and enjoy my leisure time). It gives me a sense of priorities, like with not caring so much about money or status, not getting married or having children but instead having good friendships, not worrying about organized religion, not caring about material things like houses or expensive clothes, and traveling to certain countries and cities, knowing what I want to do when I get there.
  3. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Because I had no reason to be anything else. Hedonism seems like the default choice. Other options seem to be based on beliefs in things that I judged to be most likely made up.
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