Anxiety And Depression

Discussion in 'Mental Health' started by Metalgearhead88, Dec 2, 2015.

  1. Metalgearhead88

    Metalgearhead88 Members

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    I seriously just spent 40 minutes writing how my disability really kicks my ass... and then my google browser shut down for no reason...

    Im stoned as hell
    one track minded and it feels great because it is a break for my brain.
    "sober" i think of a million things all at once
    stoned i think of 2
    its a nice break

    Im on Paxil and my dr just started me on Welbutrin
    I hate taking meds but when they work they work

    every 3 months i have a crash that seems like the end of the world and i suffer that way for about 2-4 weeks before i can get in to see the dr. and all they do is up my MG.

    this is not the life i want to live...

    All i know is my dog is amazing at keeping me off the anxiety train and they wont give me an Rx for her
    Pot i only use once or twice a week because i have learned that it makes me not think and its a good break for my mind. I feel bad for my boyfriend because he is amazing and outgoing and wants to be on the go all the time and he doesnt smoke and he loves me anyway. he allows me to be me all the time 100%. He understands im normally in physical pain because of a bad shoulder and back from a car accident.

    i make sure to do it when i shower or when he isnt home. I hate subjecting him to it because he isnt into it. I guess really its not subjecting him to it and i dont hate it. I just try to be respectful of him as a person. I know i hate cigarette smoke. It makes me gag and smells bad.

    Ok im saving now so i dont lose this one lol...
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  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    :) I feel your pain and my dog also helps a lot hehe. What kind of dog do you have?
  3. Terrapin2190

    Terrapin2190 I am nature.

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    I'm no doctor, but it sounds like you're on a good path so far. Writing about your problems, things that deal with 'you,' can be a nice sort of relief and also help you come to grips with who you are and/or help you figure out how to deal with certain situations. I know I've done a lot of that in my past and looking back on it, that's what I see. A lot of times with me it was a negative action that turned into a positive outcome. I would write down and draw all these one word feelings, describing myself in one way or another that I had stuck inside and it sounds crazy, but it really helped me to get them onto paper. Into a physical form and I ended up leaving them here and there, forgotten over time. In the same way, I have forgotten them too. Those feelings are still out there, but they're not so big of a deal anymore.

    I'm kind of a skeptic when it comes to prescription medication. Probably because I've had a few bad experiences with mood stabilizers (Paxil in particular actually) antibiotics and a few other various drugs. Just listen to yourself and make sure you feel right. Make it a point to be heard at the doctor's office.

    Having a pet is a good fit too. I love my dog :) We're best of pals. I don't necessarily see her as an aide or a part of any sort of treatment exactly, but she's definitely nice to have around. And the being respectful thing you mentioned... I respect that. I'm a very observant person when it comes to noticing if I'm doing something that would make someone else uncomfortable. I haven't met a whole lot of other people that have that trait. Or not that feel as strongly about it as I do at least.

    But yeah, I think you're on the right track. (and switch to Cyberfox) :D
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  4. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    This is the problem with psychiatric drugs. They treat the symptoms but don't cure the disease, and often create side effects and addiction in the process. Sometimes psychiatric drugs may be the best option, but often there are better alternatives.

    This thread may have some helpful information

    I'm not sure where in cali you are, but I think there may be a few acupuncture schools with teaching clinics out there. Teaching clinics are a great low cost option for those pursuing the TCM route.
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  5. Barefoot_Mia

    Barefoot_Mia Members

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    Darling, the only thing that will cute your depression is YOU. I say this from experience. I suffered with postpartum depression. I attempted to kill myself. I was stuck in a black pit, falling deeper and deeper into the darkness. But one day I chose to be happy. I fought a battle. I forced myself out of bed. I forced myself to do things and go places. I found that being outside brought the most freedom. I felt the sunshine on my skin. I felt the wind on my face. I allowed myself to feel free. I chose to be happy and I wake up each morning choosing happiness. I don't let depression control me. I am stronger than it. I am smarter than it. I don't believe it's lies. I battle it each and everyday. It is not easy. It is hard. But it is worth it.
    And you can fight it too. You can CHOOSE to be happy. Your mind is YOURS. It does not belong to depression. When it begins to fill your mind with negativity, remind yourself that it is the depression speaking, not you. Ignore those thoughts and choose happiness instead. You can be happy without a reason to be happy :)
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  6. junglejack

    junglejack aiko aiko

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    Changed phyciatrists yesterday and he took be off the lexipro and put me on Cymbalta and Adderall- - 1-60mg Cymbalta in the AM with 1 -36 mg Concerta (same as Adderall he tells me **)
    Tells me that the PSTD that Ive probably been dealing with since 1971- -needs to be treated differently - -really??- - Now at 65 meds get changed? Oh well,, I don't feel bad, and he tells me the Adderall will help me focus ...and I still have the Xanax to keep the panic attacks at bay and help me sleep - -
    Seems like a lot of drugs ,,but what the hell ..the guy has a degree from Columbia University (NY)- - my degree came from 125th st and park ave in Spanish Harlem- - we,ll see-
  7. suzzyq

    suzzyq Members

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    I am a licensed pharmacy technician and medically taking xanax .05.
    My Dr. told me that if I was having a serious anxiety attack,to dissolve
    one tablet under my tongue because that is the fastest way to get it
    into the system. Crushing and snorting is NOT a good or safe way to ingest.
  8. old tiger

    old tiger Senior Member

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    that's what i call...a positive attitude in life,..Barefoot Mia..i've never been depressive in my life...accept for 2 occasions=when my Dad died in clinic in 1986 and I couldn't see him because the hospital said..please come over==your father is his last hours===me and my wife..came 30 minutes late...can you all imagine that feeling?.second time was in 2008===on August wife came home from shopping...she said..I feel tired....she lay dow...i thought she fell 9 p/m...I found her dead in my settee..heart failure..and i did not hear 1 thing...biggest shock in my life..I NEVER believed in prescription drugs to treat this or that...I believe..most of the things which trouble us?we have to find out and solve between our own 2 ears?i wil post more..later on...I'm a positive thinker in life..and i wanna share that with ALL of you...
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  9. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    Old Tiger, I'm certain your Dad knew that you loved him, and also that you wife knew that you loved her too. I don't think that you could have loved them that deeply without them knowing.

    Sorry that these hardships have happened in your life. Your HF family is with you.

    Sorry that you have had these heartaches
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